Fivethirtyeight puts Biden average approval rating over 55%

Ol' Mac, struck a nerve again. It happens so often!

While the Fat Man would have given a Million Dollars of his supporters money for a 50% approval rating. This has got to gall the fat man.

While the Fat Man would have given a Million Dollars of his supporters money for a 50% approval rating. This has got to gall the fat man.
A majority of the country knows that we're in better hands now. Biden is certainly flawed, but this has been addition by subtraction at a profound level.

The Trumpsters can mock and deny and whine all they want. It just doesn't matter.

Hahaha...sure, we believe polls.
The problem is; none of you whack-jobs can tell us what exactly it is that you “approve” of.
Is it the 100,000 wetbacks per month being thrown in our laps?
The thousands of union workers being sent to the unemployment line?
Is it the chicks with dicks competing against our daughters in athletics?
Is it the $4 fuel?
The impending tax hike?
How about the fact that he doesn't Lie every other breath? How does that sound? Miserable Much?
haha...more FEELZ over policy shit huh Mac1958 ?
We know you don't mind being lied to by the man you adore.

We know how much that helps your feelz.

Donald wubs you!
The Don fooled so many of his cult into giving him money that was going to help him overturn the election. All it did was pad his back pocket. He will use it to build another golf course or pay attorney fees for his upcoming court cases. Stupid MAGA GOPQ cult.

Is this another thread by a slow learner who STILL, after all this time, believes in polls?
I read that and laughed out loud. It is so typical of the MAGA crowd to shout and whine about their persecution, including accusations that challenge any human logic. And when they are called on them and subsequently find themselves on the cusp of being sued into oblivion, they pivot 180 degrees and say....'I WAS KIDDING! NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT MY WORDS AND ACCUSATIONS."

The Don did it over and over and now, the lunatic Sydney Powell, is trying the tactic. I guess you might call it the opposite of Gaslighting....or something like that. It is a uniquely confusing MAGA GOPQ flipping of facts that must leave the legal world in stitches.

Powell's claim is useless. The damage has been done. Dominion voting machines has lost millions of dollars due to her lies...all precipitated by The Don. He doesn't care. He is still counting the money that he duped our of his gullible cult members. He must be laughing his rotund butt off....
Is this another thread by a slow learner who STILL, after all this time, believes in polls?
We believe even more in elections. And we loved the last presidential election. Didn't you?
I read that and laughed out loud. It is so typical of the MAGA crowd to shout and whine about their persecution, including accusations that challenge any human logic. And when they are called on them and subsequently find themselves on the cusp of being sued into oblivion, they pivot 180 degrees and say....'I WAS KIDDING! NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT MY WORDS AND ACCUSATIONS."

The Don did it over and over and now, the lunatic Sydney Powell, is trying the tactic. I guess you might call it the opposite of Gaslighting....or something like that. It is a uniquely confusing MAGA GOPQ flipping of facts that must leave the legal world in stitches.

Powell's claim is useless. The damage has been done. Dominion voting machines has lost millions of dollars due to her lies...all precipitated by The Don. He doesn't care. He is still counting the money that he duped our of his gullible cult members. He must be laughing his rotund butt off....
I suspect that even if Trump himself fessed up -- maybe in some future legal proceeding, for example -- that this has just been a con, most of the faithful wouldn't believe it. This is deeply psychological and deeply emotional at this point. These people are fully invested, all the way, so they would just explain it away or justify it somehow.
I read that and laughed out loud. It is so typical of the MAGA crowd to shout and whine about their persecution, including accusations that challenge any human logic. And when they are called on them and subsequently find themselves on the cusp of being sued into oblivion, they pivot 180 degrees and say....'I WAS KIDDING! NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT MY WORDS AND ACCUSATIONS."

The Don did it over and over and now, the lunatic Sydney Powell, is trying the tactic. I guess you might call it the opposite of Gaslighting....or something like that. It is a uniquely confusing MAGA GOPQ flipping of facts that must leave the legal world in stitches.

Powell's claim is useless. The damage has been done. Dominion voting machines has lost millions of dollars due to her lies...all precipitated by The Don. He doesn't care. He is still counting the money that he duped our of his gullible cult members. He must be laughing his rotund butt off....
I suspect that even if Trump himself fessed up -- maybe in some future legal proceeding, for example -- that this has just been a con, most of the faithful wouldn't believe it. This is deeply psychological and deeply emotional at this point. These people are fully invested, all the way, so they would just explain it away or justify it somehow.
The only con is a forced con through censorship and outright lies from the media pundits and politicians saying there was no fraud. No one believes that crap. You, of course, hear that they do. Once you start lying it is impossible to stop. The lies will keep on coming but the fact the election was stolen will remain.
I read that and laughed out loud. It is so typical of the MAGA crowd to shout and whine about their persecution, including accusations that challenge any human logic. And when they are called on them and subsequently find themselves on the cusp of being sued into oblivion, they pivot 180 degrees and say....'I WAS KIDDING! NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT MY WORDS AND ACCUSATIONS."

The Don did it over and over and now, the lunatic Sydney Powell, is trying the tactic. I guess you might call it the opposite of Gaslighting....or something like that. It is a uniquely confusing MAGA GOPQ flipping of facts that must leave the legal world in stitches.

Powell's claim is useless. The damage has been done. Dominion voting machines has lost millions of dollars due to her lies...all precipitated by The Don. He doesn't care. He is still counting the money that he duped our of his gullible cult members. He must be laughing his rotund butt off....
I suspect that even if Trump himself fessed up -- maybe in some future legal proceeding, for example -- that this has just been a con, most of the faithful wouldn't believe it. This is deeply psychological and deeply emotional at this point. These people are fully invested, all the way, so they would just explain it away or justify it somehow.
The only con is a forced con through censorship and outright lies from the media pundits and politicians saying there was no fraud. No one believes that crap.
No one in your world.

But I know, I know. You gots da troof.
I read that and laughed out loud. It is so typical of the MAGA crowd to shout and whine about their persecution, including accusations that challenge any human logic. And when they are called on them and subsequently find themselves on the cusp of being sued into oblivion, they pivot 180 degrees and say....'I WAS KIDDING! NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT MY WORDS AND ACCUSATIONS."

The Don did it over and over and now, the lunatic Sydney Powell, is trying the tactic. I guess you might call it the opposite of Gaslighting....or something like that. It is a uniquely confusing MAGA GOPQ flipping of facts that must leave the legal world in stitches.

Powell's claim is useless. The damage has been done. Dominion voting machines has lost millions of dollars due to her lies...all precipitated by The Don. He doesn't care. He is still counting the money that he duped our of his gullible cult members. He must be laughing his rotund butt off....
I suspect that even if Trump himself fessed up -- maybe in some future legal proceeding, for example -- that this has just been a con, most of the faithful wouldn't believe it. This is deeply psychological and deeply emotional at this point. These people are fully invested, all the way, so they would just explain it away or justify it somehow.
The only con is a forced con through censorship and outright lies from the media pundits and politicians saying there was no fraud. No one believes that crap.
No one in your world.

But I know, I know. You gots da troof.
There was massive fraud. You spell truth the same way you value it. Which is not at all.
I read that and laughed out loud. It is so typical of the MAGA crowd to shout and whine about their persecution, including accusations that challenge any human logic. And when they are called on them and subsequently find themselves on the cusp of being sued into oblivion, they pivot 180 degrees and say....'I WAS KIDDING! NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT MY WORDS AND ACCUSATIONS."

The Don did it over and over and now, the lunatic Sydney Powell, is trying the tactic. I guess you might call it the opposite of Gaslighting....or something like that. It is a uniquely confusing MAGA GOPQ flipping of facts that must leave the legal world in stitches.

Powell's claim is useless. The damage has been done. Dominion voting machines has lost millions of dollars due to her lies...all precipitated by The Don. He doesn't care. He is still counting the money that he duped our of his gullible cult members. He must be laughing his rotund butt off....
I suspect that even if Trump himself fessed up -- maybe in some future legal proceeding, for example -- that this has just been a con, most of the faithful wouldn't believe it. This is deeply psychological and deeply emotional at this point. These people are fully invested, all the way, so they would just explain it away or justify it somehow.
The only con is a forced con through censorship and outright lies from the media pundits and politicians saying there was no fraud. No one believes that crap.
No one in your world.

But I know, I know. You gots da troof.
There was massive fraud. You spell truth the same way you value it. Which is not at all.
I know you believe that. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
I read that and laughed out loud. It is so typical of the MAGA crowd to shout and whine about their persecution, including accusations that challenge any human logic. And when they are called on them and subsequently find themselves on the cusp of being sued into oblivion, they pivot 180 degrees and say....'I WAS KIDDING! NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT MY WORDS AND ACCUSATIONS."

The Don did it over and over and now, the lunatic Sydney Powell, is trying the tactic. I guess you might call it the opposite of Gaslighting....or something like that. It is a uniquely confusing MAGA GOPQ flipping of facts that must leave the legal world in stitches.

Powell's claim is useless. The damage has been done. Dominion voting machines has lost millions of dollars due to her lies...all precipitated by The Don. He doesn't care. He is still counting the money that he duped our of his gullible cult members. He must be laughing his rotund butt off....
I suspect that even if Trump himself fessed up -- maybe in some future legal proceeding, for example -- that this has just been a con, most of the faithful wouldn't believe it. This is deeply psychological and deeply emotional at this point. These people are fully invested, all the way, so they would just explain it away or justify it somehow.
The only con is a forced con through censorship and outright lies from the media pundits and politicians saying there was no fraud. No one believes that crap.
No one in your world.

But I know, I know. You gots da troof.
There was massive fraud. You spell truth the same way you value it. Which is not at all.
I know you believe that. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
The fact that you have convinced yourself only ruins what little credibility you have.
I read that and laughed out loud. It is so typical of the MAGA crowd to shout and whine about their persecution, including accusations that challenge any human logic. And when they are called on them and subsequently find themselves on the cusp of being sued into oblivion, they pivot 180 degrees and say....'I WAS KIDDING! NO ONE THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS ABOUT MY WORDS AND ACCUSATIONS."

The Don did it over and over and now, the lunatic Sydney Powell, is trying the tactic. I guess you might call it the opposite of Gaslighting....or something like that. It is a uniquely confusing MAGA GOPQ flipping of facts that must leave the legal world in stitches.

Powell's claim is useless. The damage has been done. Dominion voting machines has lost millions of dollars due to her lies...all precipitated by The Don. He doesn't care. He is still counting the money that he duped our of his gullible cult members. He must be laughing his rotund butt off....
I suspect that even if Trump himself fessed up -- maybe in some future legal proceeding, for example -- that this has just been a con, most of the faithful wouldn't believe it. This is deeply psychological and deeply emotional at this point. These people are fully invested, all the way, so they would just explain it away or justify it somehow.
The only con is a forced con through censorship and outright lies from the media pundits and politicians saying there was no fraud. No one believes that crap.
No one in your world.

But I know, I know. You gots da troof.
There was massive fraud. You spell truth the same way you value it. Which is not at all.
I know you believe that. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
The fact that you have convinced yourself only ruins what little credibility you have.
Gosh, I guess I'll just have to find a way to survive without your approval.

538 gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.
Uh no they didn’t. They gave him 28% which is not even close to saying “Hillary will win!” It’s like rolling a 4 sided die. Quit making shit up.
538 gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.
Uh no they didn’t. They gave him 28% which is not even close to saying “Hillary will win!” It’s like rolling a 4 sided die. Quit making shit up.
That was right before the election..............but it is comical you think they have credibility by saying he had a 28% chance of winning right before his landslide victory. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Landslide? Who told you that shit? That wasn’t a landslide by any stretch of the imagination lol. It was a moderate electoral victory with razor thin margins in the key swing states. He also lost the popular vote.
You fuckwits did when you claimed Veggie Joe won by a landslide. :cuckoo:
I never claimed Biden’s win was an electoral win landslide but once again Trumptard lost the popular vote and that time it was by twice as much. What a loser. Couldn’t even manage two terms in office.
And he never had support of 50% of the people when he was in office. He is, at least in my memory, the first president to never be approved by a majority of Americans.
And xiden never has support of 50% of the AMERICAN people while in office, unless you put heart into the biased bullshit demonRAT polls. xiden is, at least in my memory, the first president to never be approved by a majority of Americans.
How did you become so delusional. Are you this delusional about all aspects of life?
the real question, is how did you get so delusional ? it must be really hard for you to lead a normal life....Boo-Hoo
538 gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.
Uh no they didn’t. They gave him 28% which is not even close to saying “Hillary will win!” It’s like rolling a 4 sided die. Quit making shit up.
538 gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.
Uh no they didn’t. They gave him 28% which is not even close to saying “Hillary will win!” It’s like rolling a 4 sided die. Quit making shit up.
That was right before the election..............but it is comical you think they have credibility by saying he had a 28% chance of winning right before his landslide victory. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Landslide? Who told you that shit? That wasn’t a landslide by any stretch of the imagination lol. It was a moderate electoral victory with razor thin margins in the key swing states. He also lost the popular vote.
You fuckwits did when you claimed Veggie Joe won by a landslide. :cuckoo:
I never claimed Biden’s win was an electoral win landslide but once again Trumptard lost the popular vote and that time it was by twice as much. What a loser. Couldn’t even manage two terms in office.
And he never had support of 50% of the people when he was in office. He is, at least in my memory, the first president to never be approved by a majority of Americans.
And xiden never has support of 50% of the AMERICAN people while in office, unless you put heart into the biased bullshit demonRAT polls. xiden is, at least in my memory, the first president to never be approved by a majority of Americans.
How did you become so delusional. Are you this delusional about all aspects of life?
the real question, is how did you get so delusional ? it must be really hard for you to lead a normal life....Boo-Hoo
Wait....are you the one saying The Don actually won the election?
538 gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.
Uh no they didn’t. They gave him 28% which is not even close to saying “Hillary will win!” It’s like rolling a 4 sided die. Quit making shit up.
538 gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.
Uh no they didn’t. They gave him 28% which is not even close to saying “Hillary will win!” It’s like rolling a 4 sided die. Quit making shit up.
That was right before the election..............but it is comical you think they have credibility by saying he had a 28% chance of winning right before his landslide victory. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Landslide? Who told you that shit? That wasn’t a landslide by any stretch of the imagination lol. It was a moderate electoral victory with razor thin margins in the key swing states. He also lost the popular vote.
You fuckwits did when you claimed Veggie Joe won by a landslide. :cuckoo:
I never claimed Biden’s win was an electoral win landslide but once again Trumptard lost the popular vote and that time it was by twice as much. What a loser. Couldn’t even manage two terms in office.
And he never had support of 50% of the people when he was in office. He is, at least in my memory, the first president to never be approved by a majority of Americans.
And xiden never has support of 50% of the AMERICAN people while in office, unless you put heart into the biased bullshit demonRAT polls. xiden is, at least in my memory, the first president to never be approved by a majority of Americans.
How did you become so delusional. Are you this delusional about all aspects of life?
the real question, is how did you get so delusional ? it must be really hard for you to lead a normal life....Boo-Hoo
Wait....are you the one saying The Don actually won the election? think Pinochijoe got 80 million legitimate votes?

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