Fix Iran


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Didn't you know women in Iran were more Westernized before Jimmy Carter let the Islamic primitives in power? How do we fix Jimmy Carter's mistake? War?
A blast from the past (February, 2010)

"Last October, Adam Curtis posted an article on the BBC website that provided a detailed look at the forgotten history of US development efforts in Helmand province.

"As the NATO offensive heads into its second day there, it is useful to compare the current efforts to what transpired fifty years ago.

"Here is how Curtis opens the piece:

"'When you look at footage of the fighting in Helmand today everyone assumes it is being played out against an ancient background of villages and fields built over the centuries.'

"'This is not true.'

"'If you look beyond the soldiers, and into the distance, what you are really seeing are the ruins of one of the biggest technological projects the United States has ever undertaken.'

"'Its aim was to use science to try and change the course of history and produce a modern utopia in Afghanistan.'

"'The city of Lashkar Gah was built by the Americans as a model planned city, and the hundreds of miles of canals that the Taliban now hide in were constructed by the same company that built the San Francisco Bay Bridge and Cape Canaveral.'"

Little America in Afghanistan Is the US Repeating a Failed 1950 s Experiment in Social Engineering MyFDL

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