Fix our high schools by requiring all seniors take the GED

I can't say that I've known many, but there was this white dude who I think got pushed through because he intimidated the teachers...or maybe they felt sorry for him. He was a giant with a temper to match. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I went to a snotty school in the burbs north of Chicago, where expectations were set high...this guy was a buddy of my boyfriend, and went to a school in the city, Jefferson Park to be exact. He was lucky though, because he had connections to someone in the IBEW and did well for himself.

What burb? you better not be an old girlfriend from Park Ridge. Born Chicago, raised in Wheeling. Live in South Carolina now these guys are dumb, good at using duck tape and wire though. lol.

Northbrook...Go Spartans!!:banana:

Northbrook? after I reread your post thought you were a Glenview girl... lol good I dont know you never hanged out in that part of the burbs
High school only serves to give people very basic skills.

IMO, if the government is going to push a "College Educated Society/Workforce" then they need to either reduce the costs of university tuition OR make college FREE and incorporate it into high school and extend grade school to 16 years.

Either we all get a higher education or nobody does! It's irresponsible to force people to go into debt just to land a basic job.

If you want an education, get your ass to the library and quit whining.
What burb? you better not be an old girlfriend from Park Ridge. Born Chicago, raised in Wheeling. Live in South Carolina now these guys are dumb, good at using duck tape and wire though. lol.

Northbrook...Go Spartans!!:banana:

Northbrook? after I reread your post thought you were a Glenview girl... lol good I dont know you never hanged out in that part of the burbs

Both of my parents were raised in grandfather was a Lieutenant in the police department. I could go for some Hackney's onion loaf.:eusa_drool:

Oh, and I went to the Poko Loko preschool in Glenview.:D
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The GED is a very good test. Smart employers know that GED people have basic skills. They don't know that about HS graduates. Having all high school seniors take the test as a prerequisite for graduation is an excellent idea.

Also, it would do a little something to halt the prolonged adolescence to which we subject our young people.
You can have all the education available at your fingertips and STILL struggle. Sometimes, it's not what you's WHO you know.
There was a time when a high scool diploma actually meant something. The only reason why it doesn't anymore is because they no longer teach anything worthwhile.

No - HS diplomas are worthless because of affirmative action grading and that won't end on it's own because schools want to claim they have a high graduation rate. Require the student pass the GED to graduate and AA grading would lose it's value.
That's it exactly. If the negros and hispos knew they had to earn their diploma like whites and asians do, they wouldn't act crazy and disruptive all the time.

Intelligence doesn't have a color, you moron.

Of course it does, you idiot. The evidence is overwhelming. Why do you think all of black africa is stuck in the stone age.?
The GED is a very good test. Smart employers know that GED people have basic skills. They don't know that about HS graduates.

Esp if the graduate is black or hispanic. Everyone knows they get passed along no matter how poorly they do. Affirmative action grading has wrecked high school. don't know what I'm "OK" with, but you go ahead and prove some point if it makes you feel better. Anyone, of any political persuasion, who sticks their head in the sand about the state of our public education for everyone, including minorities, does so at all of our peril.

Well I'm "latin." And I don't recall graduating "automatically."

So...that doesn't mean that the system is working in the best interest of our children.

You are correct.

If schools were doing their job, colleges would not have to offer remedial reading courses for incoming students.

They sure as hell didn't have to do it back in the 1950s.
There's one conservative poster who's okay with the OP. Anyone else? It'll help me prove a point in another thread don't know what I'm "OK" with, but you go ahead and prove some point if it makes you feel better. Anyone, of any political persuasion, who sticks their head in the sand about the state of our public education for everyone, including minorities, does so at all of our peril.

Well I'm "latin." And I don't recall graduating "automatically."

A lot would depend on when you graduated.

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