Fix our high schools by requiring all seniors take the GED

Well according to shitspeeders it's working just fine except for the "blacks and latins" who are mucking it up.

That's it exactly. If the negros and hispos knew they had to earn their diploma like whites and asians do, they wouldn't act crazy and disruptive all the time.

Here you go [MENTION=18905]Sherry[/MENTION]

If you want to start a thread about educational reforms I'd be glad to participate. But I won't validate this little fucker

It doesn't matter to me where it's discussed...derailing the thread with common sense doesn't strike me as the validation you probably think the OP desires.

BTW, when someone does that @ a poster's name, is it supposed to notify them?? Perhaps it's my settings, but I don't see any notification.:dunno:
Yes, you are supposed to see it in your messages. Like a pm, but it is further down.
Yes, you are supposed to see it in your messages. Like a pm, but it is further down.

Thanks, Gracie...I'm on the V1 setting because I find it more soothing on my eyes. I am showing nothing. Hey dillo, get on the admin's ass about fixing this, K??:D
That's it exactly. If the negros and hispos knew they had to earn their diploma like whites and asians do, they wouldn't act crazy and disruptive all the time.

Here you go [MENTION=18905]Sherry[/MENTION]

If you want to start a thread about educational reforms I'd be glad to participate. But I won't validate this little fucker

It doesn't matter to me where it's discussed...derailing the thread with common sense doesn't strike me as the validation you probably think the OP desires.

BTW, when someone does that @ a poster's name, is it supposed to notify them?? Perhaps it's my settings, but I don't see any notification.:dunno:

I refuse to have a serious discussion in a shitspeeder thread. He'll get back twice as much shit from me as he dishes out. And so will anyone in his threads who feel that he's made a point.
High school only serves to give people very basic skills.

IMO, if the government is going to push a "College Educated Society/Workforce" then they need to either reduce the costs of university tuition OR make college FREE and incorporate it into high school and extend grade school to 16 years.

Either we all get a higher education or nobody does! It's irresponsible to force people to go into debt just to land a basic job.

What would happen is that college would become merely longer high school. A college degree would become worthless and no one would be able to get a job without a post graduate degree. There was a time when a high scool diploma actually meant something. The only reason why it doesn't anymore is because they no longer teach anything worthwhile. The same thing can be done to college and the debt will be incurred for post graduate degrees.
Here you go [MENTION=18905]Sherry[/MENTION]

If you want to start a thread about educational reforms I'd be glad to participate. But I won't validate this little fucker

It doesn't matter to me where it's discussed...derailing the thread with common sense doesn't strike me as the validation you probably think the OP desires.

BTW, when someone does that @ a poster's name, is it supposed to notify them?? Perhaps it's my settings, but I don't see any notification.:dunno:

I refuse to have a serious discussion in a shitspeeder thread. He'll get back twice as much shit from me as he dishes out. And so will anyone in his threads who feel that he's made a point.

I'm sure he gets just as much satisfaction that you post anything in his thread...and don't get all internet tough guy, or I'll point and laugh.:D
And require a score of say 450 on each of the 5 subtests for the student to graduate. This would bring an end to the " illiterate HS graduate" problem in america. As it is only whites and asians are required to study in school. Blacks and latins know they get to graduate automatically no matter how ignorant they are. don't know about the already in place HS exit exam?
High school only serves to give people very basic skills.

IMO, if the government is going to push a "College Educated Society/Workforce" then they need to either reduce the costs of university tuition OR make college FREE and incorporate it into high school and extend grade school to 16 years.

Either we all get a higher education or nobody does! It's irresponsible to force people to go into debt just to land a basic job.

What would happen is that college would become merely longer high school. A college degree would become worthless and no one would be able to get a job without a post graduate degree. There was a time when a high scool diploma actually meant something. The only reason why it doesn't anymore is because they no longer teach anything worthwhile. The same thing can be done to college and the debt will be incurred for post graduate degrees.

Not unless people learn skills. Skills always have value.
High school only serves to give people very basic skills.

IMO, if the government is going to push a "College Educated Society/Workforce" then they need to either reduce the costs of university tuition OR make college FREE and incorporate it into high school and extend grade school to 16 years.

Either we all get a higher education or nobody does! It's irresponsible to force people to go into debt just to land a basic job.

Who pays for this 'free' college? Do you believe that public school is also 'free'?

Not free as in completely free...

I meant college should be accessible like public schooling is.

That is if we're going to become a college educated society. And that's what the government is pushing for, because they believe it's the only way to get around the loss of manufacturing jobs and remain competitive in the global economy. Is to have a highly educated population. So if they're going be PUSHING that...then they need to make college VERY accessible. Accessible as in as available as public schooling is.

It's not right forcing 3/4th's of Americans to become as poor as the poorest mexican or chinese laborer while 1/4 of the population has an education and good standard of living. I don't want to live in a have/have not society that was constructed to favor certain individuals (rich people.)
Too many kids are pushed on through and still can't even read. Race is a moot point in this problem.

You're full of the brown stuff. White HS graduates can at least read while very few black HS graduates can. It's all about affirmative action grading.


WTF? slowspeeding asswipe...I know way to many white guys that cant read and graduated...
It doesn't matter to me where it's discussed...derailing the thread with common sense doesn't strike me as the validation you probably think the OP desires.

BTW, when someone does that @ a poster's name, is it supposed to notify them?? Perhaps it's my settings, but I don't see any notification.:dunno:

I refuse to have a serious discussion in a shitspeeder thread. He'll get back twice as much shit from me as he dishes out. And so will anyone in his threads who feel that he's made a point.

I'm sure he gets just as much satisfaction that you post anything in his thread...and don't get all internet tough guy, or I'll point and laugh.:D

Damn yea if I ever go 'internet tough guy' again please point and laugh! I'm in a really bad place if I'm letting the internet get to me :laugh:
I refuse to have a serious discussion in a shitspeeder thread. He'll get back twice as much shit from me as he dishes out. And so will anyone in his threads who feel that he's made a point.

I'm sure he gets just as much satisfaction that you post anything in his thread...and don't get all internet tough guy, or I'll point and laugh.:D

Damn yea if I ever go 'internet tough guy' again please point and laugh! I'm in a really bad place if I'm letting the internet get to me :laugh:

You can always count on me.:beer:
Y'all smack me too, when I get to that place as well. I slipped, myself, but am back to normal again. Thanks to a few friends here and some smackings.
Too many kids are pushed on through and still can't even read. Race is a moot point in this problem.

You're full of the brown stuff. White HS graduates can at least read while very few black HS graduates can. It's all about affirmative action grading.


WTF? slowspeeding asswipe...I know way to many white guys that cant read and graduated...

I can't say that I've known many, but there was this white dude who I think got pushed through because he intimidated the teachers...or maybe they felt sorry for him. He was a giant with a temper to match. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I went to a snotty school in the burbs north of Chicago, where expectations were set high...this guy was a buddy of my boyfriend, and went to a school in the city, Jefferson Park to be exact. He was lucky though, because he had connections to someone in the IBEW and did well for himself.
You're full of the brown stuff. White HS graduates can at least read while very few black HS graduates can. It's all about affirmative action grading.


WTF? slowspeeding asswipe...I know way to many white guys that cant read and graduated...

I can't say that I've known many, but there was this white dude who I think got pushed through because he intimidated the teachers...or maybe they felt sorry for him. He was a giant with a temper to match. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I went to a snotty school in the burbs north of Chicago, where expectations were set high...this guy was a buddy of my boyfriend, and went to a school in the city, Jefferson Park to be exact. He was lucky though, because he had connections to someone in the IBEW and did well for himself.

What burb? you better not be an old girlfriend from Park Ridge. Born Chicago, raised in Wheeling. Live in South Carolina now these guys are dumb, good at using duck tape and wire though. lol.
Y'all smack me too, when I get to that place as well. I slipped, myself, but am back to normal again. Thanks to a few friends here and some smackings.

Everybody needs a good smacking every once in a while!

I probably need 2 or 3 myself :laugh:

Old School, kind of funny when the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend.

Hey in the end, as we're both Americans, I'm already the enemy of like 99% of your enemies! :razz:
WTF? slowspeeding asswipe...I know way to many white guys that cant read and graduated...

I can't say that I've known many, but there was this white dude who I think got pushed through because he intimidated the teachers...or maybe they felt sorry for him. He was a giant with a temper to match. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I went to a snotty school in the burbs north of Chicago, where expectations were set high...this guy was a buddy of my boyfriend, and went to a school in the city, Jefferson Park to be exact. He was lucky though, because he had connections to someone in the IBEW and did well for himself.

What burb? you better not be an old girlfriend from Park Ridge. Born Chicago, raised in Wheeling. Live in South Carolina now these guys are dumb, good at using duck tape and wire though. lol.

Northbrook...Go Spartans!!:banana:

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