Fixing Inequality

Quite simple.

They earn more now than years ago for the same reason athletes earn more than 30 years ago; Why actors earn more.

There is a greater demand for their expertise and dedication.

Lower level employees can earn the same respect of demand by WORKING HARD and create a not be like the masses at your level of expertise.

Bear in mind.....a firm hiring someone of talent has two benefits.....

1) The firm gets to capitalize on the talent of that person


2) The competition of that firm DOESNT!

You is funny when I have these debates with people anonymously on a forum such as this.

It is so easy to pick out the guy that never owned his own. Never took the risk. Never strove above and beyond. Never did more than his salary warranted.

Actually high end salaries with athletes are examples of unhealthy markets where supply is so low that demand is inelastic. Markets like this are way different than the healthy/perfect markets laissez faire economics is based on.

Now you are saying something outright foolish.

Supply is so low?

No. Supply is quite high.

But the massive amount of revenue a team or league can generate allows them to take from that massive supply and cherry pick the epitome.

Supply is vast.

Uhh I assure you the supply of free agent franchise QBs is low.

If you try and make this about the supply of people willing to be an NFL QB I will simply not respond because I will be too busy lying on the floor laughing.
you refuse to get it.

How did the parents get rich? Sure, some simply inherited it. But most "rich people"....(not the mega rich), but most rich people got that way by pushing for success. And their children see it day in and day out and follow the lead...and they, too, achieve success.

You see, your issue is you categorize all successful people as "rich" like Trump and Soros....but most successful people are wealthy, comfortable, living in a nice house with 2 cars; but living within a budget.....and THOSE people teach their children the importance of hard work; not counting personal days off; not making excuses to not to go to work.

My family is an excellent example of that. I have never been mega wealthy. Heck, at one point I didn't have a bank account. But I watched my dad over the years and how he would sometimes work 6 days a week, 10-12 hours a day....and I finally dug in and did it myself. Sure there was pain and "suffering" to achieve success. My friends would go on vacations and out 3 nights a week....while I busted my ass learning to be as best as I can in my industry of choice....and I made it.

And now?

My children are young adults and have the same work ethic.

Your problem is you don't understand what working hard is.

To you...and to our politicians.....all working Americans are HARD WORKING AMERICANS....

But they are not.

Most Americans are working Americans....but not doing anything above and beyond than what their salary warrants.

Answer why CEOs are making so much more now doing the same job. If it's really just about working hard then clearly they are working much harder than those lazy CEOs in 1980. Please explain how that is.

It has nothing to do with how hard you work. You do not get paid simply for working hard. Working hard frequently is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition.
The reason for higher pay is because with globalization the stakes are higher. A talented CEO who makes the right decisions will add vastly more to the bottom line than the same CEO 35 years ago could, With greater opportunity comes greater reward, as well as greater risk.

Wow, you better not tell jarhead it has nothing to do with how hard you work.

So that's the reason? haha That reason might work if it went from oh 42x to 60x. But they go from making 42X the average worker to 354X the average worker and that's the best you have? No wonder 67% agree with me. System is rigged.
you refuse to get it.

How did the parents get rich? Sure, some simply inherited it. But most "rich people"....(not the mega rich), but most rich people got that way by pushing for success. And their children see it day in and day out and follow the lead...and they, too, achieve success.

You see, your issue is you categorize all successful people as "rich" like Trump and Soros....but most successful people are wealthy, comfortable, living in a nice house with 2 cars; but living within a budget.....and THOSE people teach their children the importance of hard work; not counting personal days off; not making excuses to not to go to work.

My family is an excellent example of that. I have never been mega wealthy. Heck, at one point I didn't have a bank account. But I watched my dad over the years and how he would sometimes work 6 days a week, 10-12 hours a day....and I finally dug in and did it myself. Sure there was pain and "suffering" to achieve success. My friends would go on vacations and out 3 nights a week....while I busted my ass learning to be as best as I can in my industry of choice....and I made it.

And now?

My children are young adults and have the same work ethic.

Your problem is you don't understand what working hard is.

To you...and to our politicians.....all working Americans are HARD WORKING AMERICANS....

But they are not.

Most Americans are working Americans....but not doing anything above and beyond than what their salary warrants.

Answer why CEOs are making so much more now doing the same job. If it's really just about working hard then clearly they are working much harder than those lazy CEOs in 1980. Please explain how that is.

Quite simple.

They earn more now than years ago for the same reason athletes earn more than 30 years ago; Why actors earn more.

There is a greater demand for their expertise and dedication.

Lower level employees can earn the same respect of demand by WORKING HARD and create a not be like the masses at your level of expertise.

Bear in mind.....a firm hiring someone of talent has two benefits.....

1) The firm gets to capitalize on the talent of that person


2) The competition of that firm DOESNT!

You is funny when I have these debates with people anonymously on a forum such as this.

It is so easy to pick out the guy that never owned his own. Never took the risk. Never strove above and beyond. Never did more than his salary warranted.

Are you trying to say I've never owned my own? Never took the risk? haha Yet I've not said anything about what it is I do. Do you make all your decisions based on no information? It sorta seems like it. Bravo, your ignorance is impressive.

Answer why CEOs are making so much more now doing the same job. If it's really just about working hard then clearly they are working much harder than those lazy CEOs in 1980. Please explain how that is.

Quite simple.

They earn more now than years ago for the same reason athletes earn more than 30 years ago; Why actors earn more.

There is a greater demand for their expertise and dedication.

Lower level employees can earn the same respect of demand by WORKING HARD and create a not be like the masses at your level of expertise.

Bear in mind.....a firm hiring someone of talent has two benefits.....

1) The firm gets to capitalize on the talent of that person


2) The competition of that firm DOESNT!

You is funny when I have these debates with people anonymously on a forum such as this.

It is so easy to pick out the guy that never owned his own. Never took the risk. Never strove above and beyond. Never did more than his salary warranted.

Are you trying to say I've never owned my own? Never took the risk? haha Yet I've not said anything about what it is I do. Do you make all your decisions based on no information? It sorta seems like it. Bravo, your ignorance is impressive.

if you had owned your own, you may not agree with what I am saying, but you most certainly would understand it and therefore respect it..

However, you do not understand it nor do you respect it.

Therefore it is an educated do not own your own nor do have you ever owned your own.

Furthermore, seeing as you do not understand the difference between a "Working American" and a "Hard Working American", I am pretty confident you are/were simply a "Working American". Not a bad thing to be a working American....but few get to the next level and tend to complain about those that get you do.

Those who go above and beyond simply working for their paycheck absolutely know the advantages of doing so and the disadvantages of not doing so.

Based on the words of your posts, you do not know the advantages/disadvantages.

I hold strong to my sentiments.

Answer why CEOs are making so much more now doing the same job. If it's really just about working hard then clearly they are working much harder than those lazy CEOs in 1980. Please explain how that is.

It has nothing to do with how hard you work. You do not get paid simply for working hard. Working hard frequently is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition.
The reason for higher pay is because with globalization the stakes are higher. A talented CEO who makes the right decisions will add vastly more to the bottom line than the same CEO 35 years ago could, With greater opportunity comes greater reward, as well as greater risk.

Wow, you better not tell jarhead it has nothing to do with how hard you work.

So that's the reason? haha That reason might work if it went from oh 42x to 60x. But they go from making 42X the average worker to 354X the average worker and that's the best you have? No wonder 67% agree with me. System is rigged.

How does a CEO making 354 times the salary of an average worker affect your income? careful.....according to your last post, you "Own your own" it most certainly can't affect you...

But go ahead......I'm all ears.

Answer why CEOs are making so much more now doing the same job. If it's really just about working hard then clearly they are working much harder than those lazy CEOs in 1980. Please explain how that is.

It has nothing to do with how hard you work. You do not get paid simply for working hard. Working hard frequently is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition.
The reason for higher pay is because with globalization the stakes are higher. A talented CEO who makes the right decisions will add vastly more to the bottom line than the same CEO 35 years ago could, With greater opportunity comes greater reward, as well as greater risk.

Wow, you better not tell jarhead it has nothing to do with how hard you work.

So that's the reason? haha That reason might work if it went from oh 42x to 60x. But they go from making 42X the average worker to 354X the average worker and that's the best you have? No wonder 67% agree with me. System is rigged.

Listen up child....
Nowhere did I say that CEO salaries have increased dramatically due to working harder.

If you are discussing the richest 100 people, so be it. They have no affect on anyone other than those that work for them or those that conduct business with them. And such decisions are personal choices.

I am talking about the average Joe...and how income inequality is ONLY an issue if they opt to make it an issue OR if they opt to not strive to get ahead.


My son is currently has a gross income of a bit over 100K (including bonuses). He is 27 years old. If he continues on the career path and adheres to his outstanding work ethic, he will likely move up and by the age of 40 he will be earning closer to 300k (as most of the directors make in his firm)...and that 300k is in todays dollars.

Now, 300k will allow him a great lifestyle and plenty to save for retirement.

The fact that the CEO of XYZ Industries is making 350 million a year has no affect on him whatsoever.

Unless he opts to envy that CEO.
Markets determine what things are worth. Markets can and are impacted by outside factors which change the value of things including labor. Just because the value of labor is changing that doesn't mean that change in value has anything to do with hard work.

You are thinking small and personal when the issue is about entire markets and how they are changing over time. It is not about the fact that there is rich and poor.

I am sorry...but I can not continue this debate if you keep diverting from the questions and instead stating theory.

For example...

You said:

"markets determine what things are worth"..

Yes, I know. But the debate at hand has to do with income inequality...and how Americans believe that hard work will not allow them to achieve financial security..

The whole thing about income equality is a farce. Yes, it exists....that is obvious. But how much a billionaire makes has absolutely no affect on how much I can make.

How much a billionaire has absolutely no affect on how much I can have.

The spending power of a billionaire has absolutely no affect on my spending power.

And I continually cited examples of how and why what I say is true.

And I also explained WITH EXAMPLES how the real problem Americans have is that they are not aware of what "hard work" is. Hard work is NOT doing what you need to do to get a paycheck. That is work. And it will get you nothing more than a paycheck....because you do not stand out and have a differential.

Anyway, continue to cite theory. Go for it.


That is not debating.

I agree that we are not really debating but that is because we have spent most of the time talking about completely different topics. You want to talk about hard work and I want to talk about changes in income inequality and the reasons and consequences thereof.

If you really want examples that is fine.

When China buys billions of USD this hurts US labor as it opens up US labor to Chinese competition while also limiting their capacity to sell to China. It also helps some high end US labor who can benefit from the supply of capital, the lower prices, and the downward pressure on wages. Overtime you will see capital owners benefit from this relationship and lower end wage earners be harmed by this relationship. You claim that the PP of a billionaire has no impact on your spending power might be true but it is irrelevant. What is relevant is how certain groups of people will have a harder time finding work and demanding wages and others will see their wages increase.

The causation is based on the underlying change that leads to the income inequality in this instance.

As for direct causation between the PP of a billionaire and someone who isn't you can look at land ownership and prices for land. Increases in property values most certainly impact those who are making less.
As long as you keep arguing about hard work you are just missing the point.

in bold...

Yes, it allows the value of their own property increase as well.
Quite simple.

They earn more now than years ago for the same reason athletes earn more than 30 years ago; Why actors earn more.

There is a greater demand for their expertise and dedication.

Lower level employees can earn the same respect of demand by WORKING HARD and create a not be like the masses at your level of expertise.

Bear in mind.....a firm hiring someone of talent has two benefits.....

1) The firm gets to capitalize on the talent of that person


2) The competition of that firm DOESNT!

You is funny when I have these debates with people anonymously on a forum such as this.

It is so easy to pick out the guy that never owned his own. Never took the risk. Never strove above and beyond. Never did more than his salary warranted.

Are you trying to say I've never owned my own? Never took the risk? haha Yet I've not said anything about what it is I do. Do you make all your decisions based on no information? It sorta seems like it. Bravo, your ignorance is impressive.

if you had owned your own, you may not agree with what I am saying, but you most certainly would understand it and therefore respect it..

However, you do not understand it nor do you respect it.

Therefore it is an educated do not own your own nor do have you ever owned your own.

Furthermore, seeing as you do not understand the difference between a "Working American" and a "Hard Working American", I am pretty confident you are/were simply a "Working American". Not a bad thing to be a working American....but few get to the next level and tend to complain about those that get you do.

Those who go above and beyond simply working for their paycheck absolutely know the advantages of doing so and the disadvantages of not doing so.

Based on the words of your posts, you do not know the advantages/disadvantages.

I hold strong to my sentiments.

Well since your wrong that really puts into question your judgement now doesn't it? We don't agree because I came up from the bottom. I've really worked hard, not just this rich people worked hard. You probably think mitt Romney is self made and had no advantages right? Haha
It has nothing to do with how hard you work. You do not get paid simply for working hard. Working hard frequently is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition.
The reason for higher pay is because with globalization the stakes are higher. A talented CEO who makes the right decisions will add vastly more to the bottom line than the same CEO 35 years ago could, With greater opportunity comes greater reward, as well as greater risk.

Wow, you better not tell jarhead it has nothing to do with how hard you work.

So that's the reason? haha That reason might work if it went from oh 42x to 60x. But they go from making 42X the average worker to 354X the average worker and that's the best you have? No wonder 67% agree with me. System is rigged.

Listen up child....
Nowhere did I say that CEO salaries have increased dramatically due to working harder.

If you are discussing the richest 100 people, so be it. They have no affect on anyone other than those that work for them or those that conduct business with them. And such decisions are personal choices.

I am talking about the average Joe...and how income inequality is ONLY an issue if they opt to make it an issue OR if they opt to not strive to get ahead.


My son is currently has a gross income of a bit over 100K (including bonuses). He is 27 years old. If he continues on the career path and adheres to his outstanding work ethic, he will likely move up and by the age of 40 he will be earning closer to 300k (as most of the directors make in his firm)...and that 300k is in todays dollars.

Now, 300k will allow him a great lifestyle and plenty to save for retirement.

The fact that the CEO of XYZ Industries is making 350 million a year has no affect on him whatsoever.

Unless he opts to envy that CEO.

And he's showing no upward mobility. Great example.

Instead of tearing people down to create "equality", I wonder if we could raise our people from the bottom up by helping them understand that they are responsible for their own decisions and their own lives, and that we have absolutely no doubt that they have it within them to improve their own lives?

LOL, just kidding, I know we're not gonna do that.

It has nothing to do with how hard you work. You do not get paid simply for working hard. Working hard frequently is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition.
The reason for higher pay is because with globalization the stakes are higher. A talented CEO who makes the right decisions will add vastly more to the bottom line than the same CEO 35 years ago could, With greater opportunity comes greater reward, as well as greater risk.

Wow, you better not tell jarhead it has nothing to do with how hard you work.

So that's the reason? haha That reason might work if it went from oh 42x to 60x. But they go from making 42X the average worker to 354X the average worker and that's the best you have? No wonder 67% agree with me. System is rigged.

How does a CEO making 354 times the salary of an average worker affect your income? careful.....according to your last post, you "Own your own" it most certainly can't affect you...

But go ahead......I'm all ears.

It doesn't effect my income. But unlike the selfish right I care about people and my country. I'm smart enough to see this is leading to bigger government which I don't think is good. I see it slows the economy and is killing upward mobility. And it looks like 67% agree with me.
Wow, you better not tell jarhead it has nothing to do with how hard you work.

So that's the reason? haha That reason might work if it went from oh 42x to 60x. But they go from making 42X the average worker to 354X the average worker and that's the best you have? No wonder 67% agree with me. System is rigged.

Listen up child....
Nowhere did I say that CEO salaries have increased dramatically due to working harder.

If you are discussing the richest 100 people, so be it. They have no affect on anyone other than those that work for them or those that conduct business with them. And such decisions are personal choices.

I am talking about the average Joe...and how income inequality is ONLY an issue if they opt to make it an issue OR if they opt to not strive to get ahead.


My son is currently has a gross income of a bit over 100K (including bonuses). He is 27 years old. If he continues on the career path and adheres to his outstanding work ethic, he will likely move up and by the age of 40 he will be earning closer to 300k (as most of the directors make in his firm)...and that 300k is in todays dollars.

Now, 300k will allow him a great lifestyle and plenty to save for retirement.

The fact that the CEO of XYZ Industries is making 350 million a year has no affect on him whatsoever.

Unless he opts to envy that CEO.

And he's showing no upward mobility. Great example.

No upward mobility?

Started at 40K....within 4 years at 100K?

And a career path that brings him to 300K at age 40 (in todays dollars).

Do you ALSO have a reading comprehension issue....or just an honesty issue that I pointed out earlier?
You can't fix inequality because people are inherently unequal.

They have different skills, desires, motivations and intelligence.

Therefore people will never ever be equal all we can hope for is the law is applied equally to all people and we can't seem to do that so maybe we should concentrate our efforts there first.
Are you trying to say I've never owned my own? Never took the risk? haha Yet I've not said anything about what it is I do. Do you make all your decisions based on no information? It sorta seems like it. Bravo, your ignorance is impressive.

if you had owned your own, you may not agree with what I am saying, but you most certainly would understand it and therefore respect it..

However, you do not understand it nor do you respect it.

Therefore it is an educated do not own your own nor do have you ever owned your own.

Furthermore, seeing as you do not understand the difference between a "Working American" and a "Hard Working American", I am pretty confident you are/were simply a "Working American". Not a bad thing to be a working American....but few get to the next level and tend to complain about those that get you do.

Those who go above and beyond simply working for their paycheck absolutely know the advantages of doing so and the disadvantages of not doing so.

Based on the words of your posts, you do not know the advantages/disadvantages.

I hold strong to my sentiments.

Well since your wrong that really puts into question your judgement now doesn't it? We don't agree because I came up from the bottom. I've really worked hard, not just this rich people worked hard. You probably think mitt Romney is self made and had no advantages right? Haha

Actually, I believe I am likely right. But that is irrelevant. did you come up from the bottom? What did you do that others can not do who don't make it from the bottom? say you made it from the bottom by working hard. Yes., That is how to do it.

Why did others who you have worked with NOT get out of the bottom?

As for Mitt Romney....I have no concern about how he did it. It has absolutely no affect on me whatsoever.
Listen up child....
Nowhere did I say that CEO salaries have increased dramatically due to working harder.

If you are discussing the richest 100 people, so be it. They have no affect on anyone other than those that work for them or those that conduct business with them. And such decisions are personal choices.

I am talking about the average Joe...and how income inequality is ONLY an issue if they opt to make it an issue OR if they opt to not strive to get ahead.


My son is currently has a gross income of a bit over 100K (including bonuses). He is 27 years old. If he continues on the career path and adheres to his outstanding work ethic, he will likely move up and by the age of 40 he will be earning closer to 300k (as most of the directors make in his firm)...and that 300k is in todays dollars.

Now, 300k will allow him a great lifestyle and plenty to save for retirement.

The fact that the CEO of XYZ Industries is making 350 million a year has no affect on him whatsoever.

Unless he opts to envy that CEO.

And he's showing no upward mobility. Great example.

No upward mobility?

Started at 40K....within 4 years at 100K?

And a career path that brings him to 300K at age 40 (in todays dollars).

Do you ALSO have a reading comprehension issue....or just an honesty issue that I pointed out earlier?

How much does his parents make?
Wow, you better not tell jarhead it has nothing to do with how hard you work.

So that's the reason? haha That reason might work if it went from oh 42x to 60x. But they go from making 42X the average worker to 354X the average worker and that's the best you have? No wonder 67% agree with me. System is rigged.

How does a CEO making 354 times the salary of an average worker affect your income? careful.....according to your last post, you "Own your own" it most certainly can't affect you...

But go ahead......I'm all ears.

It doesn't effect my income. But unlike the selfish right I care about people and my country. I'm smart enough to see this is leading to bigger government which I don't think is good. I see it slows the economy and is killing upward mobility. And it looks like 67% agree with me.

yet your solution is BIGGER government.

after all, other than motivating those on the bottom to strive to be on top, the only other solution is government regulating salaries at the top.

I am convinced you are no longer worthy of my time. You say things that directly contradict what you claim to be....

Bombur is noticeably an intelligent poster and whereas he/she and I disagree, I respect his position for it is consistent and based on valid theory.

You? All over the map and coming across as a child.
And he's showing no upward mobility. Great example.

No upward mobility?

Started at 40K....within 4 years at 100K?

And a career path that brings him to 300K at age 40 (in todays dollars).

Do you ALSO have a reading comprehension issue....or just an honesty issue that I pointed out earlier?

How much does his parents make?

My income is not relevant. I did well. I mean, heck, I am retired at the age of 55. However, my son went to a state school and I do not know his employer or anyone affiliated with his employer.

He worked through school because I told him I would only pay for his education if he did so....seeing as I believe one of my greatest moments was when MY PARENTS told me I had to work through college and PAY FOR COLLEGE....

He was taught well by my wife and I....but our success had nothing to do with it......but what GOT US SUCCESSFUL played a major role.
How does a CEO making 354 times the salary of an average worker affect your income? careful.....according to your last post, you "Own your own" it most certainly can't affect you...

But go ahead......I'm all ears.

It doesn't effect my income. But unlike the selfish right I care about people and my country. I'm smart enough to see this is leading to bigger government which I don't think is good. I see it slows the economy and is killing upward mobility. And it looks like 67% agree with me.

yet your solution is BIGGER government.

after all, other than motivating those on the bottom to strive to be on top, the only other solution is government regulating salaries at the top.

I am convinced you are no longer worthy of my time. You say things that directly contradict what you claim to be....

Bombur is noticeably an intelligent poster and whereas he/she and I disagree, I respect his position for it is consistent and based on valid theory.

You? All over the map and coming across as a child.

Oh right the guy living in the fairy tale world is calling me a child again. Sorry but I'm pretty sure your the child, or at least completely out of touch with the real world. Where did I say big government is the answer? You seem to stupidly assume a lot of things. Well 67% agree with me, they are all children too right?
No upward mobility?

Started at 40K....within 4 years at 100K?

And a career path that brings him to 300K at age 40 (in todays dollars).

Do you ALSO have a reading comprehension issue....or just an honesty issue that I pointed out earlier?

How much does his parents make?

My income is not relevant. I did well. I mean, heck, I am retired at the age of 55. However, my son went to a state school and I do not know his employer or anyone affiliated with his employer.

He worked through school because I told him I would only pay for his education if he did so....seeing as I believe one of my greatest moments was when MY PARENTS told me I had to work through college and PAY FOR COLLEGE....

He was taught well by my wife and I....but our success had nothing to do with it......but what GOT US SUCCESSFUL played a major role.

So the son of rich parents is doing well and that's upward mobility for you? He's come up from the bottom right? Haha. You really don't get it.
It doesn't effect my income. But unlike the selfish right I care about people and my country. I'm smart enough to see this is leading to bigger government which I don't think is good. I see it slows the economy and is killing upward mobility. And it looks like 67% agree with me.

yet your solution is BIGGER government.

after all, other than motivating those on the bottom to strive to be on top, the only other solution is government regulating salaries at the top.

I am convinced you are no longer worthy of my time. You say things that directly contradict what you claim to be....

Bombur is noticeably an intelligent poster and whereas he/she and I disagree, I respect his position for it is consistent and based on valid theory.

You? All over the map and coming across as a child.

Oh right the guy living in the fairy tale world is calling me a child again. Sorry but I'm pretty sure your the child, or at least completely out of touch with the real world. Where did I say big government is the answer? You seem to stupidly assume a lot of things. Well 67% agree with me, they are all children too right?

Reading comprehension issues again?

Read my post.

I explain why YOUR only solution can only be BIGGER government...for you disagree with the only other solution...which is teach the people how to get ahead so they don't care about the income of others.

As for 67%......shit man.....100% should agree that there is an income inequality situation.....there is. No doubt.

The debate is about what caused it and how to make it a non issue.....

Me? I say "don't worry about what they make. Worry about what YOU need to do to make a great living and not care about those that make more than you do"

Curious...what is your solution?

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