"FJB" chant popping up everywhere across America, now featuring NFL games

Yes, we're all aware of how intelligent you obedient Trumpsters are.

Stipulated. You are truly the elite.
Meanwhile, The Almost Dead Dudes base consists of anchor babies, black ghetto filth, woke white guilt whackos, chicks with dicks, faggots and these fine specimen.
The orange stain has dragged public discourse down to new depths.
Democrats haven't been right in the head since 2016, and I like your name for it - the Orange Stain.

Much catchier than TDS.
Pro ball, college ball, music, boxing, auto racing, "most popular" president Cone Licker is the most hated man in America. LOL!

Let's go, Brandon!!!

Is this what is known as a consolation prize? Sure, we on the right lost the presidency, Senate and Congress.

Sure, our fuhrer is a loser and a douche bag...but hey, we get to yell moronic insults at a ball game! Aren't we precious?
Conservatives love their three beat chants. It has long been known to be an effective indoctrination tactic.
Conservatives didn't spend six months looting, murdering, burning, rioting and destroying in over 200 American cities. That would be the Democrat Negroes and ANTIFA scum.
Actually you loons took the cake after trump got elected. Running around in pussy hats yelling at the sky. Even had women having get Trump out of their vaginas parties.
Threatening to blow up the White House, posing like jihadist psychopaths holding up severed heads... Bed wetters are some real rational fucks aren't they?
The orange stain has dragged public discourse down to new depths.
You really have gone quite insane.

I suppose it is good that your demented obsession with one man is benign enough. I'd hate to think what would happen if it were turned on an ex girlfriend, instead. You would be the stalker from hell that no restraining order could ever stop.

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