"FJB" chant popping up everywhere across America, now featuring NFL games

Pro ball, college ball, music, boxing, auto racing, "most popular" president Cone Licker is the most hated man in America. LOL!

Let's go, Brandon!!!

Biden is creating so much hate and mistrust in voters that it's amazing that he hasn't resigned already. If the MSM all of the sudden went mainstream with all of the abuses and the reactions to the abuses.....Biden would be forced to resign like Nixon.
But because the MSM carries his water......he can do his thing and go into a fetal position every time the press is around and never have to suffer the consequences.
Pro ball, college ball, music, boxing, auto racing, "most popular" president Cone Licker is the most hated man in America. LOL!

So you're actually proud of acting like butthurt toddlers?

That's the Trump sore-loser cult for you. No greater sore-loser bitches have ever existed on planet earth.

Just what does it say about the degree of your sore-loser bitchdom, that you all spend your days on the internet engaging in weepy circle jerks about how much you hate the Democrats for humiliating your fascist butts over and over?

Remember, we won't stop humiliating you just because you cry. Quite the contrary. When you whimper, it shows us we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should keep punching the fascists right where we're punching them now. Your best move would be to just shut up and accept your humiliation quietly.
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Conservatives didn't spend six months looting, murdering, burning, rioting and destroying in over 200 American cities. That would be the Democrat Negroes and ANTIFA scum.
Ever notice when you are chanting some slogan how you can't think of anything else? After just a few repetitions even the words themselves lose all meaning. It is this state of temporary hive mind that generals, clergy, politicians and tyrants have sought in their followers since the beginning of time.
Yup. That was Hillary Clinton's plan when she called 32 million Americans "irredeemable".
That's just her being more frank than usual. The collectivist global elite would love nothing more than to wipe out 10 billion people, but they couldn't even control Afghanistan with the largest most effective and well armed military in the world along with all of the UN's contracting apparatus and agents.

Americans aren't rock farmers and sheep fuckers with shitty AK's either. At least half the people in the US military are "deplorables", and a significant number of people in the US hunt with scoped rifles. I'd almost LOVE to see the UN bring us their shit.

I've got enough guns, I'll just take some ammo and some trucks.

No prisoners though.

The stuttering shit clown has spawned 2 new global religions. One is handful of soulless marxist rodents that want to eat the corn out of his shit, and the other one we'll call "Fuck joe biden" and seems to be the medication the masses need while waiting for this godless mother fucker to die and Dominion to be burned to the ground.
Much like his foreign and domestic policy failures, the 'FHB' chants are of his own making.
Back to the "mean tweets" thing again.

Evidently you think the only issue people have with him is his tweets. Otherwise we agree with everything.

On which talk radio show did you hear this?
You have made it crystal clear...."petulant child", "decorum", "buffoon"...etc etc
You consistently complained about his behavior and never once acknowledged his performance and accomplishments for Americans...your obsession with needing to be mentored by your president is just plain weird.
I think you're the only one listening to "talk radio" bud.......Don Lemon Radio
President Trump is incommunicado- totally deplatformed.

How can you be blaming him for this?

Maybe, the people are just showing their displeasure at Sleepy Joe?
You have to understand that in whatever orifice that functions as Macturd's "mind", the potato puppet who had to be kept hidden in a basement for 8 months, couldn't draw flies to the few parking lot "rallies" where some wearing bed wetters honked their horns on que during a vacuous insipid speech read by that dementia patient for the short time he was lucid enough to do so got more votes than a man who over packed arenas around the country. Never mind the fact there were more protesters outside the small handful of Xiden's events than people who were stupid enough to go get smoke blown up their ass, we are supposed to believe that potato puppet pervert got 20 million more votes than the meat puppet faggot obozo who the media actually managed to create a cult of personality with.

You're supposed to believe that the crowds hollering FUCK JOE BIDEN love that fuckin potato so much they want to have sex with it. You're supposed to believe all 81 million votes for that potato are legit, that NONE of the mail in ballots stuffed into vote counting machines at 2AM are fraudulent. You're supposed to believe courts want to get involved, or that judges wanted to have their houses burned down by green haired bull dykes and their beta male cuck, bed wetting buddies.

It was Fuck Trump last year and next year it will be someone else, welcome to America..
I never heard anyone chant. “Fuck Donald Trump” at any stadium. Imagine what will happen if Joe shows up at some college or NFL football game. People are even lining up on the roads with Fuck Joe Biden signs.

You can even buy Fuck Joe Biden flags on Amazon.com.
Amazon product ASIN B095RT253S

Trump was not a better choice.
Biden will be viewed by future historians as our worst President ever If we remain a constitutional republic or as our greatest President if we turn to Marxist socialism.

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