"FJB" chant popping up everywhere across America, now featuring NFL games

Biden will be viewed by future historians as our worst President ever If we remain a constitutional republic or as our greatest President if we turn to Marxist socialism.
Like I could care what medals and ribbons they award him.
I never heard anyone chant. “Fuck Donald Trump” at any stadium. Imagine what will happen if Joe shows up at some college or NFL football game. People are even lining up on the roads with Fuck Joe Biden signs.

You can even buy Fuck Joe Biden flags on Amazon.com.
Amazon product ASIN B095RT253S

View attachment 548540
Sounds like a really intelligent thingy to do for all the brainiac's out there.
Sounds like a really intelligent thingy to do for all the brainiac's out there.
It looks like we have a President so unpopular he will have to hide inside the White House or face people with Fuck Joe Biden flags and chants everywhere he goes.
I never heard anyone chant. “Fuck Donald Trump” at any stadium. Imagine what will happen if Joe shows up at some college or NFL football game. People are even lining up on the roads with Fuck Joe Biden signs.

You can even buy Fuck Joe Biden flags on Amazon.com.
Amazon product ASIN B095RT253S

View attachment 548540
We said it at the voting booth.


Pro ball, college ball, music, boxing, auto racing, "most popular" president Cone Licker is the most hated man in America. LOL!

Let's go, Brandon!!!

Those people don't speak for America.
It's votes you need not big mouth ignorant idiots like that. They all went to trumps rallies too. That worked well.
Oh please. Lefties acted like asshats when GWB left the White House. And when McCain was running with Palin. They trashed Palin and her kids constantly. Lefties have been acting like douche’s for years they have themselves to thank for the discourse.
Yeah, your deity is always so nice to everyone.


There is NO American elected representative who has EVER been as consistently vulgar, immature, pugilistic, undignified, unprofessional, rude, childish, vengeful and spiteful as that profoundly damaged man-child. Not even close, not within fifty thousand miles.

And, unlike any rank & file nutters on the Left, he behaved that way as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And he continues to behave that way.

If you really don't see that, then I suspect you and he operate at about the same level. Maybe this is normal for you. Maybe that's the connection here.
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So you're actually proud of acting like butthurt toddlers?

That's the Trump sore-loser cult for you. No greater sore-loser bitches have ever existed on planet earth.

Just what does it say about the degree of your sore-loser bitchdom, that you all spend your days on the internet engaging in weepy circle jerks about how much you hate the Democrats for humiliating your fascist butts over and over?

Remember, we won't stop humiliating you just because you cry. Quite the contrary. When you whimper, it shows us we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should keep punching the fascists right where we're punching them now. Your best move would be to just shut up and accept your humiliation quietly.
Acting like butthurt toddlers is what democrats did for 4 years after Hillary lost.
Of course if you had any kind of IQ at all then you turd brains would have known last year that he would be disaster and would never have voted for him.
see, that's the thing Flash

there are no real 'choices' to vote for

given the POTUS is no more than a powerless mouthpiece in this country

but hey, there's always hope, right?


So you're actually proud of acting like butthurt toddlers?

That's the Trump sore-loser cult for you. No greater sore-loser bitches have ever existed on planet earth.

Just what does it say about the degree of your sore-loser bitchdom, that you all spend your days on the internet engaging in weepy circle jerks about how much you hate the Democrats for humiliating your fascist butts over and over?

Remember, we won't stop humiliating you just because you cry. Quite the contrary. When you whimper, it shows us we're hitting a sore spot, and that we should keep punching the fascists right where we're punching them now. Your best move would be to just shut up and accept your humiliation quietly.
Hey stupid. He now has 38% approval. Which I think is a lie

That means 62% are saying.FUCK JOE BIDEN....FUCK JOE BIDEN

I went to the grave yard yesterday and heard some muffled.......FJB.......FJB feebly 6 ft under

This proves a lot of his voters are pissed
Yeah, your deity is always so nice to everyone.


There is NO American elected representative who has EVER been as consistently vulgar, immature, pugilistic, undignified, unprofessional, rude, childish, vengeful and spiteful as that profoundly damaged man-child. Not even close, not within fifty thousand miles.

And, unlike any rank & file nutters on the Left, he behaved that way as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And he continues to behave that way.

If you really don't see that, then I suspect you and he operate at about the same level. Maybe this is normal for you. Maybe that's the connection here.
you spelled "successful" wrong.
Biden will be viewed by future historians as our worst President ever If we remain a constitutional republic or as our greatest President if we turn to Marxist socialism.
Biden is the designated scape goat---------his life expectancy is short anyways and because he is 'senile' he will never be held accountable for all his evil crimes...........
Sounds like a really intelligent thingy to do for all the brainiac's out there.
It's catchy and it's catching on even among the millenials and blacks. Biden does not and never did have the votes hun..this much is obvious. This will have legs as well--------many will never vote dem again.
Acting like butthurt toddlers is what democrats did for 4 years after Hillary lost.
Bed wetters weren't "acting". They ARE butthurt toddlers. They are unable to mature because they're clinically retarded. I'm not joking either. I think it requires some credentialed medical professionals to study and confirm my theory, but liberalism is a mental genetic handicap caused by the lack of a functional frontal lobe.

I call it Lefts Syndrome. Unlike Downs Syndrome where the sufferer has no fault and deserves care, Lefts Syndrome retards could be trained to think independently and generate a frontal lobe, but they prefer deliberate ignorance and dependency rather than the trouble of critical thinking and responsibility.


I am not joking, ridiculing or being a wise ass here. This is a serious mental condition and a crisis our society needs to correct.


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