Flailing As They Fall Into Oblivion...

Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did. The Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate.

Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.

Only the democrats claimed muslims would be registered......moron. Trump wants to halt immigration from terrorist countries......you know, the rational thing to do......

"In an interview with NBC News last November, Trump was asked: "is there going to be a database that tracks the Muslims here in this country?"

The remarks were made after a rally, and there was speculation by some on social media afterwards that Trump did not hear the entirety of the question, because he refers to the border in his answer.

"There should be a lot of systems, beyond database, we should have a lot of systems, and today you can do it," Trump responds. "But right now we have to have a border, we have to have strength, we have to have a wall. And we cannot let what’s happening to this country happen."

"But that's something your White House would like to implement?" the reporter presses.

"I would certainly implement that. Absolutely." Trump answers.

But Trump continues to talk about the logistics of implementing such a database at length.

"But for Muslims specifically, how do you actually get them registered in a database?" the reporter asks. Trump responds: "It would be just good management. What you have to do is good management procedures and we can do that."

He also responds to a question about going to mosques to "sign these people up." "Different places, you sign them up at different, but it’s all about management, our country has no management," Trump says."

What Trump Has Said About a Muslim Registry
Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did. The Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate.

Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.

Only the democrats claimed muslims would be registered......moron. Trump wants to halt immigration from terrorist countries......you know, the rational thing to do......

"In an interview with NBC News last November, Trump was asked: "is there going to be a database that tracks the Muslims here in this country?"

The remarks were made after a rally, and there was speculation by some on social media afterwards that Trump did not hear the entirety of the question, because he refers to the border in his answer.

"There should be a lot of systems, beyond database, we should have a lot of systems, and today you can do it," Trump responds. "But right now we have to have a border, we have to have strength, we have to have a wall. And we cannot let what’s happening to this country happen."

"But that's something your White House would like to implement?" the reporter presses.

"I would certainly implement that. Absolutely." Trump answers.

But Trump continues to talk about the logistics of implementing such a database at length.

"But for Muslims specifically, how do you actually get them registered in a database?" the reporter asks. Trump responds: "It would be just good management. What you have to do is good management procedures and we can do that."

He also responds to a question about going to mosques to "sign these people up." "Different places, you sign them up at different, but it’s all about management, our country has no management," Trump says."

What Trump Has Said About a Muslim Registry

You are definitely a twit.....all immigrants are on a data base moron.....legal ones.....
Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did.
Oh really? For someone who had surrogates
to pitch her for president at more rallies then she appeared at
and didn't draw impressive crowds when she graced her supporters
with her presence....they sure came out to vote for her though

Btw...what group of racist voters, voted for Hillary and not Obama?
Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.
Still don't get it, ey. Anti establishment, you're next bitch, aka Congress

And this...Get the fuck outta here with this fucking absurd nonsense!
Fear mongering propaganda and the idiots who buy it!

And speaking of states that voted for Bill's wife....


Now....first the reading comprehension part of the test:

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Just because I enjoy left wing tears.......as I watch the left melt down......my favorite video this year......

That vid was heartwarming.

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

"Illinois is already dead,....."

Simply amazing...

1. "Illinois currently holds the dubious distinction of being the most fiscally derelict state in America. In 2015, Moody’s downgraded Illinois’ general-obligation bonds from A3 to Baa1, the lowest ranking among the 50 states. The state’s pension systems are only 40 percent funded, the worst ratio in the country. Forbes rated Illinois’ business climate 38th among states last year. Chicago, the state’s economic engine, has been cratering under the weight of huge pension costs, and had to enact a $500 million property-tax increase last year. In addition, Chicago’s schools are in crisis, and—most disturbing of all—the city has watched its crime rate explode. The migration rate out of Illinois over the last five years has been the highest of any state."

2. President

Hillary Clinton Democrat 3,090,729 55.5% 20

Donald J. Trump Republican 2,146,015 38.5 —

Gary Johnson Libertarian 209,596 3.8 —

Jill Stein Green 76,802 1.4

Poor choices proliferate in that state, it seems.

3. We should never consider for higher office any politician who came out of this maelstrom of failure.....

5. Frankly, there are a lot of very smart folks among the elites....they're not just communist and corrupt!

Sooo....how is it that they plan to double down on what cost them victory?
Keith Ellision as the new face of the Democrat Party.....a Muslim and an anti-Semite???

And Nancy Pelosi as the old face....back again????

And Trump essentially saying we don't need a war with Russia, and Bill's wife and Obama ready to gin one up????

Shouldn't job one for the Democrats be to regain their support among the white working class, and return to the Obama victory via his anti-war stance????

While they have spent incalculable time making certain that their voters are kept in the dark......is the Coastal Party simply stoooooooopid????
Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did. The Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate.

Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.

Only the democrats claimed muslims would be registered......moron. Trump wants to halt immigration from terrorist countries......you know, the rational thing to do......

"In an interview with NBC News last November, Trump was asked: "is there going to be a database that tracks the Muslims here in this country?"

The remarks were made after a rally, and there was speculation by some on social media afterwards that Trump did not hear the entirety of the question, because he refers to the border in his answer.

"There should be a lot of systems, beyond database, we should have a lot of systems, and today you can do it," Trump responds. "But right now we have to have a border, we have to have strength, we have to have a wall. And we cannot let what’s happening to this country happen."

"But that's something your White House would like to implement?" the reporter presses.

"I would certainly implement that. Absolutely." Trump answers.

But Trump continues to talk about the logistics of implementing such a database at length.

"But for Muslims specifically, how do you actually get them registered in a database?" the reporter asks. Trump responds: "It would be just good management. What you have to do is good management procedures and we can do that."

He also responds to a question about going to mosques to "sign these people up." "Different places, you sign them up at different, but it’s all about management, our country has no management," Trump says."

What Trump Has Said About a Muslim Registry
In other words, Trump never proposed a registry for Muslims. Those were words that some douche bag fake news reporter tried to put in his mouth.
6. Seems that their number one fake news supporter, the NYTimes, is more astute than the Democrat Party....
They are pretty much admitting how badly they've been hurt...

a. "New York Times Will Vacate 8 Floors In Its HQ To Generate "Significant Rental Revenue"
Remember when The NYT reported that its ad hoc campaign to boost revenue by selling subscriptions in response to the vicious back and forth with Donald Trump, was said to be a smashing success? Perhaps it was subscriptions for the crossword puzzle because it appears the monetary success was not smashing enough, and according to a just released note from executives Arthur Sulzberger and Mark Thompson,, the newspaper will vacate at least eight floors in its iconic building, allowing it to "generate significant rental income" because it is "frankly, too expensive to occupy this many floors when we don’t truly need them." New York Times Will Vacate 8 Floors In Its HQ To Generate "Significant Rental Revenue" | Zero Hedge

And more significant.....the NYTimes throwing in the towel on the number one theme of Liberalism...anti-religion!!!

b. "New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

Memo to the Democrat Party!
If immigrants aren't on some sort of registry....how do they apply for American welfare benefits?
One can almost feel sorry for the Democrats!

I don't feel the least bit sorry for them, they attempted to shove their agenda down America's throat and they received push back. People are sick of it

While I agree, I think the GOP needs to realize that they could own this show if they just got real about where things are at.

We are still 20 trillion in debt.

Time to address that. It's going to be painful.

One step at a time. We need to balance the budget first. That would be a major accomplishment right there.
Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did. The Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate.

Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.

What did Hillary win?

listening to morons complain about her for another 20 years ... WINNER !

Why in the world would anybody complain about Hillary unless she runs in front of a camera every chance she gets like her old man?
This from post #49....
"New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

As an interesting ....coincidence.....this day, December 17, 1917....the predecessors of Liberals, Progressives, and ever other iteration of totalitarian thought, bears this association....

Confiscation of property of Russian Orthodox Church, was announced by Bolsheviks.

From the origin of totalitarianism, the French Revolution, religion has always been their bête noire.
Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did. The Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate.

Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.

Well mercy me - anyone can cherry pick numbers. My turn: Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats.

Here it is from the NYTimes:
His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

All I got was Page Not Found. Tried two different browsers.
Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.
Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did. The Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate.

Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.
What did Hillary win?

The vote of the PEOPLE.

What will you win? Name ONE major issue that you are confident Trump will win for conservatives.
So, she didn't win anything?

And I already won with Trump....he destroyed the establishment GOP'ers.....

He did? They're going to pass his 35% tariff? That was on the top of his promise list.

And if you think the American people are NOTHING, I guess Hillary did win nothing.

You know the President can put tariffs on without Congress don't you.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did. The Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate.

Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.
What did Hillary win?

The vote of the PEOPLE.

What will you win? Name ONE major issue that you are confident Trump will win for conservatives.
So, she didn't win anything?

And I already won with Trump....he destroyed the establishment GOP'ers.....

He did? They're going to pass his 35% tariff? That was on the top of his promise list.

And if you think the American people are NOTHING, I guess Hillary did win nothing.

You know the President can put tariffs on without Congress don't you.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I don't think so. Tariffs are taxes, and only Congress has authority to implement or change taxes.
Oblivion? Hillary Clinton got 300,000 more votes than Obama did. The Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate.

Conservatives will get nothing out of Trump. Gay marriage won't disappear. Abortion won't be criminalized. Muslims won't be registered. The wall won't be built. Blacks won't lose their right to do business in stores and restaurants, etc.

Well mercy me - anyone can cherry pick numbers. My turn: Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats.

Here it is from the NYTimes:
His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll." http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/o...est&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0

All I got was Page Not Found. Tried two different browsers.


I got it, Ray....
His presidency will end with Democrats in possession of 11 fewer Senate seats (depending on how you count), more than 60 fewer House seats, at least 14 fewer governorships and more than 900 fewer seats in state legislatures than when it began. That’s a staggering toll.
Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????
One can almost feel sorry for the Democrats!

'Almost' is the operative term there.

1. The Leftists having been brought up on the view that their victory was an inevitable certainty, that their march toward world domination....via any of their various appellations....Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Feminist, Socialist, Communist, Environmentalist, United Nationist, Global Warmist, whateverist.....

....their loss is beyond their belief!!!

Sort of like those who worshiped Haile Selassie as god....until, you know, he died.

2. Now, the priority is to stop the bleeding before the 'reliable Democrat voters' catch on to their vulnerabilities, they spew out every excuse they can come up with:
a. Russia did it! Still looking for such evidence....
b. "Fake news!"....even though they have a choke hold on the media
c. She won the majority of the votes!'...even though millions of illegals voted, at Obama's behest.
d. "electoral college....something or other!"
e. Wahhhhhhhhh!!!!

3. Gads! Who can blame them! Like Bill's wife, they truly believed that victory was their birthright.....They did everything just as they should have!
a. They left the universities that they tried to burn down in the 60s....and went back and took them over!
b. They moved into the media and every avenue of the dissemination of information!
c. They changed the code of the school system from education to indoctrination!
d. And they were patient.....they worked for a full 100 years....that's five generations....carefully and tirelessly.

And then.....

No wonder the tears!

4. Is it possible that folks around the world are no longer willing to accept the Progressive paradigm of beneficent unelected bureaucrats and technocrats telling them what is best for them?

How else to decipher Brexit, and then Trump???

Trying to influence the EC electors is their last hurrah.

After they get throughly defeated again they will disappear into nothingness.


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