Flailing As They Fall Into Oblivion...

Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.
One can almost feel sorry for the Democrats!

'Almost' is the operative term there.

1. The Leftists having been brought up on the view that their victory was an inevitable certainty, that their march toward world domination....via any of their various appellations....Liberal, Progressive, Democrat, Feminist, Socialist, Communist, Environmentalist, United Nationist, Global Warmist, whateverist.....

....their loss is beyond their belief!!!

Sort of like those who worshiped Haile Selassie as god....until, you know, he died.

2. Now, the priority is to stop the bleeding before the 'reliable Democrat voters' catch on to their vulnerabilities, they spew out every excuse they can come up with:
a. Russia did it! Still looking for such evidence....
b. "Fake news!"....even though they have a choke hold on the media
c. She won the majority of the votes!'...even though millions of illegals voted, at Obama's behest.
d. "electoral college....something or other!"
e. Wahhhhhhhhh!!!!

3. Gads! Who can blame them! Like Bill's wife, they truly believed that victory was their birthright.....They did everything just as they should have!
a. They left the universities that they tried to burn down in the 60s....and went back and took them over!
b. They moved into the media and every avenue of the dissemination of information!
c. They changed the code of the school system from education to indoctrination!
d. And they were patient.....they worked for a full 100 years....that's five generations....carefully and tirelessly.

And then.....

No wonder the tears!

4. Is it possible that folks around the world are no longer willing to accept the Progressive paradigm of beneficent unelected bureaucrats and technocrats telling them what is best for them?

How else to decipher Brexit, and then Trump???

Trying to influence the EC electors is their last hurrah.

After they get throughly defeated again they will disappear into nothingness.


I only wish I could see that same future as you do.
They will pour sand in the gears at every opportunity.

As a general rule, to gauge the extent of our rebirth and escape from the Left.....

...we on the Right will never have full and complete victory...and a return to American values and ideals until the correct and accurate state color designations is reestablished.

1. Everyone knows, intuitively, that "red" has historically identified communists, socialists.....Leftists of every iteration.
But by slight of hand, CNN changed the designation so that Democrats would not be, correctly, associated with the other groups of it's same intentions.

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Reagan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times
Ideas Trends One State Two State Red State Blue State - New York Times
Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I hope they focus on Warren.

She's known in the New England area.

She tries to go further in a national bid and she's gonna get creamed.
Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I knew what you were saying....I just wanted to add the perspective, the path the Democrats are treading: "Van Jones For President!!!"

And....we can gauge how far they have fallen if they stop pushing a Chelsea Clinton candidacy for anything.
Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I hope they focus on Warren.

She's known in the New England area.

She tries to go further in a national bid and she's gonna get creamed.

A Warren-Sanders ticket.....with opponents threatened with a trip to a gulag???
Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I hope they focus on Warren.

She's known in the New England area.

She tries to go further in a national bid and she's gonna get creamed.

A Warren-Sanders ticket.....with opponents threatened with a trip to a gulag???

Warren/Sanders ? Wow.....we could elect Charles Manson running against that one.
Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I hope they focus on Warren.

She's known in the New England area.

She tries to go further in a national bid and she's gonna get creamed.

Frankly, I believe that the only way we keep the momentum will be if Trump is successful.
Otherwise....the press and the elites will swipe the crown.
No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I hope they focus on Warren.

She's known in the New England area.

She tries to go further in a national bid and she's gonna get creamed.

A Warren-Sanders ticket.....with opponents threatened with a trip to a gulag???

Warren/Sanders ? Wow.....we could elect Charles Manson running against that one.

We've gotta be careful, Dev......they said EXACTLY that about Trump.
Anyone really think Hillary will run in 2020 or 2024 ?

No, she will have more time than ever to drink and that should finish her off. She will pose the threat only to try and keep the money coming in. Those $300,000 speaking fees just dropped to $3,000. In order to pick that fee up so they can afford Obama Care, she is going to voice her challenge to Trump probably early on.

Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I knew what you were saying....I just wanted to add the perspective, the path the Democrats are treading: "Van Jones For President!!!"

And....we can gauge how far they have fallen if they stop pushing a Chelsea Clinton candidacy for anything.

That would be quite normal. If we do really great these next couple of years, the Democrats are not going to put out their best only to lose. They will save their best until the end of Trump's second term if he elects to have one.
Let me put your mind to rest, Ray.....
No, 2020 nor 2024 will not see a rebirth of Bill's wife.

Based on the Democrats failure to learn from this defeat, picking Keith Ellison for DNC, Nancy Pelosi as House leader, and Chuck Schumer's tearful soliloquy to Harry Reid...
...there is only one possible candidate the Democrats can pick:

"In the early hours of November 9, just after it became final that Hillary Clinton had lost to Donald Trump, [he] said, “People have talked about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. … ... you have people putting children to bed tonight, and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of ‘How do I explain this to my children?’ I have Muslim friends who are texting me tonight, saying, ‘Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.”

That is wild fear-mongering!

[His] eyes were wet when he said: “THIS WAS A WHITE-LASH. This was a white-lash against a changing country. IT WAS A WHITE-LASH AGAINST A BLACK PRESIDENT, in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes” (emphasis mine throughout).

He is hearkening back to the days of slavery—accusing many millions of white people as the worst kind of racists!

.... expressing the deepest kind of diabolical black racism. And CNN is helping him spread it!

.... a man named Van Jones. An avowed Communist known for vulgarly attacking Republicans, Jones made his career out of stirring up racial guilt and agitation."
America's Coming Civil War

Quite a challenge to find his running mate......
.....is Calypso Louie Farrakhan available?????

I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I hope they focus on Warren.

She's known in the New England area.

She tries to go further in a national bid and she's gonna get creamed.

A Warren-Sanders ticket.....with opponents threatened with a trip to a gulag???

Warren/Sanders ? Wow.....we could elect Charles Manson running against that one.

We've gotta be careful, Dev......they said EXACTLY that about Trump.

Don't get me wrong.

I don't like Donald.

But better him than Hillary in the end.

Beyond President, we need more conservative senators and members of the house.

We also need more governorships and state houses.....

No time to relax.
I didn't mean she was going to run. What I meant is she is going to dangle the carrot in front of the horse. Of course she won't run unless things get really bad in the US. But she has to convince her supporters that she will run again to keep the money coming in.

Nobody is paying Hil-Billy that kind of money for speaking engagements. They are paying to buy influence, so she has to convince them that the influence will be taking place after next election.

I hope they focus on Warren.

She's known in the New England area.

She tries to go further in a national bid and she's gonna get creamed.

A Warren-Sanders ticket.....with opponents threatened with a trip to a gulag???

Warren/Sanders ? Wow.....we could elect Charles Manson running against that one.

We've gotta be careful, Dev......they said EXACTLY that about Trump.

Don't get me wrong.

I don't like Donald.

But better him than Hillary in the end.

Beyond President, we need more conservative senators and members of the house.

We also need more governorships and state houses.....

No time to relax.

Respect is earned and not given.

The last two times we had a one party federal government they turned out to be disasters. We have to show people that this time is different. This time we're going to concentrate on what's good for the country instead of what's good for the party.

If we start spending money like idiots and proposing building bridges to nowhere, it's going to end up the same way as last time.
What did Hillary win?

The vote of the PEOPLE.

What will you win? Name ONE major issue that you are confident Trump will win for conservatives.
So, she didn't win anything?

And I already won with Trump....he destroyed the establishment GOP'ers.....

He did? They're going to pass his 35% tariff? That was on the top of his promise list.

And if you think the American people are NOTHING, I guess Hillary did win nothing.

You know the President can put tariffs on without Congress don't you.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I don't think so. Tariffs are taxes, and only Congress has authority to implement or change taxes.

Sorry, but the President can, and has done so unilaterally.

Here is an overview of the applicable law. https://www.cov.com/-/media/files/c...nts_long_forgotten_power_to_raise_tariffs.pdf

President Obama has used this power more than once.

U.S. Imposes 266% Duty on Some Chinese Steel Imports

Every President since FDR has had this power. I think most of them have used it. Or do you think that now Trump is President that it's unfair, or unconstitutional that he have the same power that everyone else has had for nearly a Century?

"Illinois is already dead,....."

Simply amazing...

1. "Illinois currently holds the dubious distinction of being the most fiscally derelict state in America. In 2015, Moody’s downgraded Illinois’ general-obligation bonds from A3 to Baa1, the lowest ranking among the 50 states. The state’s pension systems are only 40 percent funded, the worst ratio in the country. Forbes rated Illinois’ business climate 38th among states last year. Chicago, the state’s economic engine, has been cratering under the weight of huge pension costs, and had to enact a $500 million property-tax increase last year. In addition, Chicago’s schools are in crisis, and—most disturbing of all—the city has watched its crime rate explode. The migration rate out of Illinois over the last five years has been the highest of any state."

2. President

Hillary Clinton Democrat 3,090,729 55.5% 20

Donald J. Trump Republican 2,146,015 38.5 —

Gary Johnson Libertarian 209,596 3.8 —

Jill Stein Green 76,802 1.4

Poor choices proliferate in that state, it seems.

3. We should never consider for higher office any politician who came out of this maelstrom of failure.....


"Since Illinois raised taxes in 2011, taxpayers have been fleeing the Land of Lincoln in record numbers. To make matters worse, the average person moving into the state makes $20,000 less per year than the average person moving out.

…taxpayers are fleeing the Land of Lincoln in record numbers. According to the Census Bureau, Illinois now leads the nation for the steepest population decline. Between July 2015 and July 2016, Illinois lost some 114,000 people in net migration to other states, with total population decline of 37,508 (including births and deaths). For the third year in a row it was the only state to have lost population among the nine in its Great Lakes and Mid-America region.

…the average person moving out of the state earns some $20,000 more than the average person moving in. According to IRS data for tax year 2014 (filed in 2015), the average income of the taxpayer leaving Illinois was $76,824 while the average income of the new arrival was $56,689. That gap is widening and the differential can be traced to policy decisions as the state staggers under pension debt and an entrenched Democratic-public union machine in Springfield. In an effort to cover growing debt, in January 2011 state lawmakers raised the personal income tax rate to 5% from 3% and the corporate income tax to 9.5% from 7.3%. …The exodus accelerated to 73,500 from July 2011 to July 2012, 67,300 in 2012-2013, 95,000 in 2013-2014, 105,000 in 2014-2015 and 114,000 this year."
Illinois: Land of Leaving

The Illinois Senate career of Barack Obama began in with the 1997 swearing in of Obama to his first term in the Illinois Senate.....
....and then he brought his 'abilities' to Washington.

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