Flight 93 crash fantasy

Who pays you to go around and focus on talking down 9/11 questions?
They tried to pay me. I said, "Keep it, I like to earn my money". You idiots don't put up much of a struggle. You'd do yourself a monster favor by agreeing to keep your mouth shut and run away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.


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So "all I do" is actually make 11 posts a day. Everyone lethal to the poster, granted. I prefer to have quality posts and your tantrum/recation is all the evidence anybody needs to know I hit my mark...precisely and without fail. Your total loss at trying to debunk them is further evidence that the previous 9 traction-less years of your "movement" is prelude to 99 more coming your way.

I'm guessing your "pilot" claim is out the window since you don't seem to have any idea what someone would get "paid" for; it reflects a lack of sophistication that you're choice of language underscores junior.

There are many valid questions. You are not the answer to them.

There are no valid questions about 9/11 that, if answered, would change the fact that 19 middle eastern men hijacked four planes, crahsed them into 3 buildings and acted alone without any assistance from the US Government.

If you do have some evidence please bring it forward on your next temper tantrum. If not, shut the fuck up.

Interesting theory. I don't speculate in such matters. I am still waiting for an honest investigation to answer all of the questions.

It is not my job to investigate 9/11. That said I do not believe much of the "evidense" that HAS been produced. Little missing things like the pentagon videos trouble me. Squeezing a 757 into an 18 foot diameter hole. You can diss information till the end of time. You are not only not an authority ... or seemingly intelligent... You have not said anything that answers my questions. I don't care if you believe I am a pilot. I only mention it because much of what happened on 9/11 occured from the vantage point of one. You not thinking THAT matters just shows YOUR lack of understanding ..not mine. I am not a truther because I do not know what "the truth" is concerning 9/11. If that bothers you..THAT is to bad.

You attacked me junior. I put you in your place.

You attacked the evidence presented. I put you in your place.

You don't believe the evidence? Well, thats your problem and, as you mis-spell it "to bad". LOL.

The 9 tractionless pathetic years of your "movement" is or at least should be evidence enough that there is nothing to the "movement's" questions; elsewise someone with some standing in academia would be asking them. In short, you got nothing. And you have been shown your place; again.
There are many unanswered questions. You can go fuck yourself as well.
:lol: I would tell you to fuck yourself, but your head is so far up your ass that it would be an impossibility even if you COULD find your dick. There. Is that better now? Do you feel all warm and fuzzy after having your manhood mocked in public? Awwww. Poor truthtard. I guess you didn't like people pointing out your questions are bullshit as they have been answered repeatedly. It takes a special kind of retard to ignore the answers just because they don't say what you want them to say. Have fun finding your manhood, prick!
Who pays you to go around and focus on talking down 9/11 questions?
They tried to pay me. I said, "Keep it, I like to earn my money". You idiots don't put up much of a struggle. You'd do yourself a monster favor by agreeing to keep your mouth shut and run away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.


Total Posts: 1,685
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Total Posts: 1,167
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No Official Stats but about 4.8 posts per day

So "all I do" is actually make 11 posts a day. Everyone lethal to the poster, granted. I prefer to have quality posts and your tantrum/recation is all the evidence anybody needs to know I hit my mark...precisely and without fail. Your total loss at trying to debunk them is further evidence that the previous 9 traction-less years of your "movement" is prelude to 99 more coming your way.

I'm guessing your "pilot" claim is out the window since you don't seem to have any idea what someone would get "paid" for; it reflects a lack of sophistication that you're choice of language underscores junior.

There are many valid questions. You are not the answer to them.

There are no valid questions about 9/11 that, if answered, would change the fact that 19 middle eastern men hijacked four planes, crahsed them into 3 buildings and acted alone without any assistance from the US Government.

If you do have some evidence please bring it forward on your next temper tantrum. If not, shut the fuck up.

Interesting theory. I don't speculate in such matters. I am still waiting for an honest investigation to answer all of the questions.

It is not my job to investigate 9/11. That said I do not believe much of the "evidense" that HAS been produced. Little missing things like the pentagon videos trouble me. Squeezing a 757 into an 18 foot diameter hole. You can diss information till the end of time. You are not only not an authority ... or seemingly intelligent... You have not said anything that answers my questions. I don't care if you believe I am a pilot. I only mention it because much of what happened on 9/11 occured from the vantage point of one. You not thinking THAT matters just shows YOUR lack of understanding ..not mine. I am not a truther because I do not know what "the truth" is concerning 9/11. If that bothers you..THAT is to bad.
Why wouldn't a 12 ft 6 inch diameter fuselage of a 757 be able to sqeeze through an 18 foot hole?
Who pays you to go around and focus on talking down 9/11 questions?
They tried to pay me. I said, "Keep it, I like to earn my money". You idiots don't put up much of a struggle. You'd do yourself a monster favor by agreeing to keep your mouth shut and run away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.

That's all you do.

Total Posts: 1,685
Posts Per Day: 3.57

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Total Posts: 1,167
Posts Per Day: 1.47

No Official Stats but about 4.8 posts per day

So "all I do" is actually make 11 posts a day. Everyone lethal to the poster, granted. I prefer to have quality posts and your tantrum/recation is all the evidence anybody needs to know I hit my mark...precisely and without fail. Your total loss at trying to debunk them is further evidence that the previous 9 traction-less years of your "movement" is prelude to 99 more coming your way.

Not even your so called truthers are ONLY interested in 9/11. Seems odd. Seems obsessed. Seems paid for.
I'm guessing your "pilot" claim is out the window since you don't seem to have any idea what someone would get "paid" for; it reflects a lack of sophistication that you're choice of language underscores junior.

There are many valid questions. You are not the answer to them.

There are no valid questions about 9/11 that, if answered, would change the fact that 19 middle eastern men hijacked four planes, crahsed them into 3 buildings and acted alone without any assistance from the US Government.

If you do have some evidence please bring it forward on your next temper tantrum. If not, shut the fuck up.

who is they ?
Are you claiming someone came in moments before the collapse and distributed 11 dumpsters worth of debris
Did they actually give a quote that the recovered debris filled 11 of those giant garbage dumpsters?

Ooops! I made a mistake. It was only 10 of those dumpsters.

"It's all aircraft parts, no human remains," Miller said. "We've collected them in 10 recycling bin-sized containers and eventually we'll turn them all over to United."

saiweril said:
and then buried a bunch of plane parts into a 45' hole and then covered it back up?
45' hole? WTF??? Covered back up? WTF??? Bunch of plane parts came out of the ground? WTF???

You stupid or something? You do remember the crater right? The one they found stuff 45' down? Is your memory really that bad or are you just too retarded to debate?
Are you claiming someone came in moments before the collapse and distributed 11 dumpsters worth of debris
Did they actually give a quote that the recovered debris filled 11 of those giant garbage dumpsters?

Ooops! I made a mistake. It was only 10 of those dumpsters.

"It's all aircraft parts, no human remains," Miller said. "We've collected them in 10 recycling bin-sized containers and eventually we'll turn them all over to United."

saiweril said:
and then buried a bunch of plane parts into a 45' hole and then covered it back up?
45' hole? WTF??? Covered back up? WTF??? Bunch of plane parts came out of the ground? WTF???

You stupid or something? You do remember the crater right? The one they found stuff 45' down? Is your memory really that bad or are you just too retarded to debate?

got a picture of ten dumpster loads ???....is it from these dumpster all the DNA was identified ????
Who pays you to go around and focus on talking down 9/11 questions?
They tried to pay me. I said, "Keep it, I like to earn my money". You idiots don't put up much of a struggle. You'd do yourself a monster favor by agreeing to keep your mouth shut and run away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.


Total Posts: 1,685
Posts Per Day: 3.57

Political Forum
Total Posts: 1,167
Posts Per Day: 1.47

No Official Stats but about 4.8 posts per day

So "all I do" is actually make 11 posts a day. Everyone lethal to the poster, granted. I prefer to have quality posts and your tantrum/recation is all the evidence anybody needs to know I hit my mark...precisely and without fail. Your total loss at trying to debunk them is further evidence that the previous 9 traction-less years of your "movement" is prelude to 99 more coming your way.

I'm guessing your "pilot" claim is out the window since you don't seem to have any idea what someone would get "paid" for; it reflects a lack of sophistication that you're choice of language underscores junior.

There are many valid questions. You are not the answer to them.

There are no valid questions about 9/11 that, if answered, would change the fact that 19 middle eastern men hijacked four planes, crahsed them into 3 buildings and acted alone without any assistance from the US Government.

If you do have some evidence please bring it forward on your next temper tantrum. If not, shut the fuck up.

who is they ?

who offered to pay you ??
Did they actually give a quote that the recovered debris filled 11 of those giant garbage dumpsters?

Ooops! I made a mistake. It was only 10 of those dumpsters.

"It's all aircraft parts, no human remains," Miller said. "We've collected them in 10 recycling bin-sized containers and eventually we'll turn them all over to United."

saiweril said:
45' hole? WTF??? Covered back up? WTF??? Bunch of plane parts came out of the ground? WTF???

You stupid or something? You do remember the crater right? The one they found stuff 45' down? Is your memory really that bad or are you just too retarded to debate?

got a picture of ten dumpster loads ???....is it from these dumpster all the DNA was identified ????
What about the DNA?........Last I read, and it was awhile ago, 34 of 44 victims had been identified by DNA evidence found at the crash site.........Hence, they were on the plane, the plane crashed right there, DNA confirmed the victims were there.

Seriously, get a fucking life!
Did they actually give a quote that the recovered debris filled 11 of those giant garbage dumpsters?

Ooops! I made a mistake. It was only 10 of those dumpsters.

"It's all aircraft parts, no human remains," Miller said. "We've collected them in 10 recycling bin-sized containers and eventually we'll turn them all over to United."

saiweril said:
45' hole? WTF??? Covered back up? WTF??? Bunch of plane parts came out of the ground? WTF???

You stupid or something? You do remember the crater right? The one they found stuff 45' down? Is your memory really that bad or are you just too retarded to debate?

got a picture of ten dumpster loads ???....is it from these dumpster all the DNA was identified ????
learn to read for comprehension
Ooops! I made a mistake. It was only 10 of those dumpsters.

"It's all aircraft parts, no human remains," Miller said. "We've collected them in 10 recycling bin-sized containers and eventually we'll turn them all over to United."

You stupid or something? You do remember the crater right? The one they found stuff 45' down? Is your memory really that bad or are you just too retarded to debate?

got a picture of ten dumpster loads ???....is it from these dumpster all the DNA was identified ????
What about the DNA?........Last I read, and it was awhile ago, 34 of 44 victims had been identified by DNA evidence found at the crash site.........Hence, they were on the plane, the plane crashed right there, DNA confirmed the victims were there.

Seriously, get a fucking life!

So in a crash so great that massive steel pieces were turned into unidentifiable fragments and there are no identifiable bodies or body parts the manged to ID 34 of 44 victims.... wouldn't cross contamination in that situation make that impossible ...not one piece of aircraft indefinable with a serial number but almost all passengers found....hmmmm..there is precedents for the FBI and fake dna reports several actually
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got a picture of ten dumpster loads ???....is it from these dumpster all the DNA was identified ????
What about the DNA?........Last I read, and it was awhile ago, 34 of 44 victims had been identified by DNA evidence found at the crash site.........Hence, they were on the plane, the plane crashed right there, DNA confirmed the victims were there.

Seriously, get a fucking life!

So in a crash so great that massive steel pieces were turned into unidentifiable fragments and there are no identifiable bodies or body parts the manged to ID 34 of 44 victims.... wouldn't cross contamination in that situation make that impossible ...not one piece of aircraft indefinable with a serial number but almost all passengers found....hmmmm..there is precedents for the FBI and fake dna reports several actually
Hmmmmmm......You do realize that dna can be extracted from soil samples........You do realize that the miltary has to, on ocassion, identify victims who have been completely pulverized by various munitions by using soil samples around where the victims were known to be?

You do realize that because of modern technology there is a myriad of ways to detect and extract DNA?

And, i'll ask again, because you people never seem to have an answer..........Where are the victims if the plane never crashed in that field....Where's the plane?
What about the DNA?........Last I read, and it was awhile ago, 34 of 44 victims had been identified by DNA evidence found at the crash site.........Hence, they were on the plane, the plane crashed right there, DNA confirmed the victims were there.

Seriously, get a fucking life!

So in a crash so great that massive steel pieces were turned into unidentifiable fragments and there are no identifiable bodies or body parts the manged to ID 34 of 44 victims.... wouldn't cross contamination in that situation make that impossible ...not one piece of aircraft indefinable with a serial number but almost all passengers found....hmmmm..there is precedents for the FBI and fake dna reports several actually
Hmmmmmm......You do realize that dna can be extracted from soil samples........You do realize that the miltary has to, on ocassion, identify victims who have been completely pulverized by various munitions by using soil samples around where the victims were known to be?

You do realize that because of modern technology there is a myriad of ways to detect and extract DNA?

And, i'll ask again, because you people never seem to have an answer..........Where are the victims if the plane never crashed in that field....Where's the plane?

who knows what the lie is ... perhaps it was shoot down.a bomb.. maybe they are lying about the amount of DNA evidence...a real open investigation and examination of all evidence is required to answer these question
Did they actually give a quote that the recovered debris filled 11 of those giant garbage dumpsters?

Ooops! I made a mistake. It was only 10 of those dumpsters.

"It's all aircraft parts, no human remains," Miller said. "We've collected them in 10 recycling bin-sized containers and eventually we'll turn them all over to United."

saiweril said:
45' hole? WTF??? Covered back up? WTF??? Bunch of plane parts came out of the ground? WTF???

You stupid or something? You do remember the crater right? The one they found stuff 45' down? Is your memory really that bad or are you just too retarded to debate?

got a picture of ten dumpster loads ???....is it from these dumpster all the DNA was identified ????

Yeah, typical truthtard denial. Show them evidence and they deny it until you produce a picture. Then they deny the picture. :lol: Is it no wonder truthtards have absolutely no credibility? They deny evidence simply because they don't like what it says. If a conspiratard site says a complete lie, they believe it without question and will defend it to the death no matter how much evidence is provided to show it is false.

Thanks eots, for demonstrating so aptly just how dishonest and disgusting truthtards are.
who knows what the lie is ... perhaps it was shoot down.a bomb.. maybe they are lying about the amount of DNA evidence...a real open investigation and examination of all evidence is required to answer these question
Truthtards will come up with ANY theory no matter how retarded or implausible as long as it isn't the official story. The fact they have zero evidence to back up these lameassed theories they pull from the depths of their bowels doesn't seem to phase them at all despite the fact they demand evidence from everyone else. Of course they promptly poo poo that evidence for no reason other than it doesn't say what they want to hear. Truthtards are a disease.
DNA Profiles: Will They Stand Up In Court?

by Courtney Nicholson, BioStorage Product Manager, Thermo Scientific, Epsom, U.K.

Since the early 1980s when DNA profiling was first introduced, its application in forensic science has become increasingly more discriminating and sensitive. Today, the technology has a major impact on police investigations, not only in respect to present-day crimes, but also those that were committed many years ago.

Figure 1. Thermo Scientific SmartScan Twist-Lock tubes feature special caps that are moulded from an inert polymer and combine the benefits of this dual seal approach with the convenience of being easily removable and replaceable.
It is clear, however, that the interpretation of DNA profiles may be complicated by many different factors which can potentially make or break the case for a criminal conviction. There are numerous opportunities for errors to occur between the collection of evidence and the writing of a laboratory report—many of which can potentially result from cross-contamination. As defense lawyers are all too well aware, a DNA profile is only of value in a criminal prosecution if it can be established beyond doubt that it originated directly from material actually recovered from a suspect or crime scene. If there is any doubt that it may have originated from contamination introduced by an investigator or laboratory technician, transport packaging, storage facilities, analytical instrumentation or other unrelated samples, it will quickly be discredited as evidence.

Laboratory Equipment - DNA Profiles: Will They Stand Up In Court?

Even more troubling are cases of DNA fraud -- instances where criminals plant fake DNA samples at a crime scene. In 1992, Canadian physician John Schneeberger planted fake DNA evidence in his own body to avoid suspicion in a rape case. Planting fake DNA obtained from someone else is only part of the problem. Scientists at Nucleix, an Israeli company, recently reported that they could, with access to profiles stored in one of the DNA databases, manufacture a sample of DNA without obtaining any tissue from that person.

P) Weeks after testifying at a court hearing in a Kentucky murder, FBI scientist Kathleen Lundy told her superiors a secret. She knowingly gave false testimony about her specialty of lead bullet analysis.

"I had to admit that it was worse than being evasive or not correcting the record. It was simply not telling the truth," Lundy wrote her superior in an e-mail likely to be used against her now that she has been charged by Kentucky authorities on a charge of misdemeanor false swearing.

Internal FBI documents obtained by The Associated Press show the FBI lab, which reformed itself after a mid-1990s scandal over bad science, is grappling with new problems that have opened its work on lead bullets and DNA analysis to challenges by defense lawyers.

In addition to Lundy's indictment:
A FBI lab technician has resigned while under investigation for alleged improper testing of more than 100 DNA samples, and the lab is now reviewing samples she placed into the FBI national database of DNA evidence;

The Houston police crime lab has been banned from placing new samples into the FBI's DNA registry because of allegations of shoddy science
FBI Lab Work Under Serious Scrutiny - CBS News
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Ooops! I made a mistake. It was only 10 of those dumpsters.

"It's all aircraft parts, no human remains," Miller said. "We've collected them in 10 recycling bin-sized containers and eventually we'll turn them all over to United."

You stupid or something? You do remember the crater right? The one they found stuff 45' down? Is your memory really that bad or are you just too retarded to debate?

got a picture of ten dumpster loads ???....is it from these dumpster all the DNA was identified ????

Yeah, typical truthtard denial. Show them evidence and they deny it until you produce a picture. Then they deny the picture. :lol: Is it no wonder truthtards have absolutely no credibility? They deny evidence simply because they don't like what it says. If a conspiratard site says a complete lie, they believe it without question and will defend it to the death no matter how much evidence is provided to show it is false.

Thanks eots, for demonstrating so aptly just how dishonest and disgusting truthtards are.

what picture ?
who knows what the lie is ... perhaps it was shoot down.a bomb.. maybe they are lying about the amount of DNA evidence...a real open investigation and examination of all evidence is required to answer these question
Truthtards will come up with ANY theory no matter how retarded or implausible as long as it isn't the official story. The fact they have zero evidence to back up these lameassed theories they pull from the depths of their bowels doesn't seem to phase them at all despite the fact they demand evidence from everyone else. Of course they promptly poo poo that evidence for no reason other than it doesn't say what they want to hear. Truthtards are a disease.

when two former presidents of the U.S air crash investigation board and several military air crash investigators go on record and call the investigation a cover up I believe it is incumbent upon us to pay attention..this to me seems reasonable and logical
who knows what the lie is ... perhaps it was shoot down.a bomb.. maybe they are lying about the amount of DNA evidence...a real open investigation and examination of all evidence is required to answer these question
Truthtards will come up with ANY theory no matter how retarded or implausible as long as it isn't the official story. The fact they have zero evidence to back up these lameassed theories they pull from the depths of their bowels doesn't seem to phase them at all despite the fact they demand evidence from everyone else. Of course they promptly poo poo that evidence for no reason other than it doesn't say what they want to hear. Truthtards are a disease.
What cracks me up about these clowns, is that they've had 9 years and 3 months. They throw up all these "experts" and their claims, and cannot come up with any answers when challenged on their claims.

As far as 93 goes, all the evidence is right there in that area. It's the area where the plane fell off radar. If it had been a bomb, or it was shot out of the sky, the debris field would have been massive.......These so called "experts" can't come up with any other debris fields for miles around.......There WERE body parts found.....They want pictures!....Why would the government release pictures to the public of mangled, burned, twisted body parts?........Do these loons not understand respect for the victims and their families?

I've thrown up the transcript of the cockpit recording.....These loons up here refuse to acknowledge it or what's on it......Those transcripts make it very clear as to what went on during that flight.
Ooops! I made a mistake. It was only 10 of those dumpsters.

got a picture of ten dumpster loads ???
I'd like to see some pics of these dumpsters with debris too. But I'll make it easy for you Patriot911, like I tried to make it easy for Wicked Jester with his "tons" of pics of the mushroom cloud. Just show a pic of at least two of those dumpsters with debris and I'll concede there were 8 more. Easy peasy.

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