Flight 93 Never Crashed In The Empty Field Outside Shanksville

There's no way that you can claim they've positively identified the terrorists through DNA matches, that's utter nonsense. Furthermore, there has since been many speculations over the accuracy of those implicated. Even if they've obtained DNA from the bodies, they would need something to match it up with and not everyone is in a DNA database. I'm sure those related to said terrorists wouldn't be so forthcoming as to provide DNA samples.

The scattered debris stretched for miles. This is not flawed thinking...I do not take personal attacks lightly. Where are you getting your percentages from and where go you see evidence of these gruesome findings? Plus, show me the luggage in which those otherwise pristine ID/driver's license cards were found. How can it be so difficult to find large pieces of titanium intact but paper documents seemed to have made it through the vaporizing effects of the crash?

Also, cite some proof for me. You claim it's easy to see but I thought I was looking at the same pictures as you. I don't see much of anything...surely not 95% of a plane.

Are you going to comment on the crash angle and the reports from the 9/11 Truth Pilots or are you just going to continue to pick apart my questioning as it appears easier? If honored pilots are coming out about this, don't they at least have the right for people to listen. Are you so absurd as to say their thinking is flawed?

:clap2:what you dont understand systain is that this site has been penetrated by DOD counterintelligence agents such as candy corn troll boy,fizz,slackass,ditzcon,gomer pyle Ollie,Liar ability,ect ect,.No matter what you post to them that proves beyond a doubt the official versions are bullshit and how many credible distinguised pilots say the official version is impossible the way they say it happened,they will come back and post the most insane garbage from disinformation sites such as 9/11 myths and wiki even though wiki has a longggggggg history of lying about many things in the past.the posters I just mentioned are ones not worthy of your attention. You mentioned you dont take personal attacks lightly,will get used to it from those trolls.

Thats alll they are here for it to attack you and call you names.You'll find out if you hang around here long enough,its IMPOSSIBLE to have a civilized rational debate with them without thems stooping to childish insults and name calling when they cant refute your evidence and facts.
There's no way that you can claim they've positively identified the terrorists through DNA matches, that's utter nonsense. Furthermore, there has since been many speculations over the accuracy of those implicated. Even if they've obtained DNA from the bodies, they would need something to match it up with and not everyone is in a DNA database. I'm sure those related to said terrorists wouldn't be so forthcoming as to provide DNA samples.

The scattered debris stretched for miles. This is not flawed thinking...I do not take personal attacks lightly. Where are you getting your percentages from and where go you see evidence of these gruesome findings? Plus, show me the luggage in which those otherwise pristine ID/driver's license cards were found. How can it be so difficult to find large pieces of titanium intact but paper documents seemed to have made it through the vaporizing effects of the crash?

Also, cite some proof for me. You claim it's easy to see but I thought I was looking at the same pictures as you. I don't see much of anything...surely not 95% of a plane.

Are you going to comment on the crash angle and the reports from the 9/11 Truth Pilots or are you just going to continue to pick apart my questioning as it appears easier? If honored pilots are coming out about this, don't they at least have the right for people to listen. Are you so absurd as to say their thinking is flawed?

:clap2:what you dont understand systain is that this site has been penetrated by DOD counterintelligence agents such as candy corn troll boy,fizz,slackass,ditzcon,gomer pyle Ollie,Liar ability,ect ect,.No matter what you post to them that proves beyond a doubt the official versions are bullshit and how many credible distinguised pilots say the official version is impossible the way they say it happened,they will come back and post the most insane garbage from disinformation sites such as 9/11 myths and wiki even though wiki has a longggggggg history of lying about many things in the past.the posters I just mentioned are ones not worthy of your attention. You mentioned you dont take personal attacks lightly,will get used to it from those trolls.

Thats alll they are here for it to attack you and call you names.You'll find out if you hang around here long enough,its IMPOSSIBLE to have a civilized rational debate with them without thems stooping to childish insults and name calling when they cant refute your evidence and facts.
Hey dumbfuck,
congratulations. you're a star now. :lol::lol::lol:
There's no way that you can claim they've positively identified the terrorists through DNA matches, that's utter nonsense. Furthermore, there has since been many speculations over the accuracy of those implicated. Even if they've obtained DNA from the bodies, they would need something to match it up with and not everyone is in a DNA database. I'm sure those related to said terrorists wouldn't be so forthcoming as to provide DNA samples.

The scattered debris stretched for miles. This is not flawed thinking...I do not take personal attacks lightly. Where are you getting your percentages from and where go you see evidence of these gruesome findings? Plus, show me the luggage in which those otherwise pristine ID/driver's license cards were found. How can it be so difficult to find large pieces of titanium intact but paper documents seemed to have made it through the vaporizing effects of the crash?

Also, cite some proof for me. You claim it's easy to see but I thought I was looking at the same pictures as you. I don't see much of anything...surely not 95% of a plane.

Are you going to comment on the crash angle and the reports from the 9/11 Truth Pilots or are you just going to continue to pick apart my questioning as it appears easier? If honored pilots are coming out about this, don't they at least have the right for people to listen. Are you so absurd as to say their thinking is flawed?

:clap2:what you dont understand systain is that this site has been penetrated by DOD counterintelligence agents such as candy corn troll b
Yeah, the DOD Counterintel office monitors obscure message boards to destroy people like 9/11 nutjob. I've been telling my boss for years that we could simply sick the IRS on him and he'd shut up but, no, they make me get ID's on this message board and send messages back and fourth.

.No matter what you post to them that proves beyond a doubt the official versions are bullshit and how many credible distinguised pilots say the official version is impossible the way they say it happened,they will come back and post the most insane garbage
Numerous eye witnesses saw it nosediving. The crash imprint shows the nosedive. Even people coming into a cockpit and trying to assault the pilot lends itself to a nosedive (pressing forward on the controls). Systain...Your contention seems to be that you're not seeing enough wreckage compared to other crashes. Perfectly valid and very logical. Also easy to explain by the fact that the pilot did not wish to survive; the pilot like all of the 9/11 hijackers were ready to die, and that ramming the plane into the earth was second only to ramming it into the building that was the target. None of the crashes you have seen featured a pilot with that sort of intent.

What 9/11 nutjob calls "bullshit" is simple logic;

Pilot wanting to live--the plane will be leveled out, slowed down, aligned as if it were going to try to land. The crash will look a certain way depending on success

Pilot wanting to die--the plane will not be leveled out, slowed down, or aligned as if it were going to try to land. The crash will look a certain way depending on "success."

Thats alll they are here for it to attack you and call you names.You'll find out if you hang around here long enough,its IMPOSSIBLE to have a civilized rational debate with them without thems stooping to childish insults and name calling when they cant refute your evidence and facts.

Okay, here is a rational question:

What took down the lightpoles outside of the Pentagon if it wasn't AA77?

Systain..do you see anything wrong with that question? You should ask yourself why there will never be an answer given that makes a lick of sense.
Witness reports are tough to decipher. I don't know what the hell is going on with them but they're a complete debacle of inconsistency:

I only wish to speak about Shanksville in this particular thread. I do not wish to deviate. Once I have spoken enough about this topic as well as exchanged evidence and opinions here, I will then gladly move on to the Pentagon.
Witness reports are tough to decipher. I don't know what the hell is going on with them but they're a complete debacle of inconsistency:

I only wish to speak about Shanksville in this particular thread. I do not wish to deviate. Once I have spoken enough about this topic as well as exchanged evidence and opinions here, I will then gladly move on to the Pentagon.

Did any of them see a USAF fighter jet? If not, aren't they all consistent in that view?
Witness reports are tough to decipher. I don't know what the hell is going on with them but they're a complete debacle of inconsistency:

I only wish to speak about Shanksville in this particular thread. I do not wish to deviate. Once I have spoken enough about this topic as well as exchanged evidence and opinions here, I will then gladly move on to the Pentagon.

Will you agree that if a pilot is trying to save his aircraft and has some control, that the crash site is going to look much different than a crash site that has a pilot who is not leveling the plane off, not slowing the craft down, not lowering the flaps, not looking for a soft spot to land? Can we get an answer on that?
Yeah, the DOD Counterintel office monitors obscure message boards to destroy people like 9/11 nutjob. I've been telling my boss for years that we could simply sick the IRS on him and he'd shut up but, no, they make me get ID's on this message board and send messages back and fourth.

nsa and dod without question monitier message boards and blogs the intent is not to destroy but to supplie disinformation

[Pilot wanting to live--the plane will be leveled out, slowed down, aligned as if it were going to try to land. The crash will look a certain way depending on success

Pilot wanting to die--the plane will not be leveled out, slowed down, or aligned as if it were going to try to land. The crash will look a certain way depending on "success."

complete bullshit there have been several air crashes in recent history where all control of the plane was lost and crashed nose first into the ground and there were evident bodies ..luggage ..engines ..landing gear
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Yeah, the DOD Counterintel office monitors obscure message boards to destroy people like 9/11 nutjob. I've been telling my boss for years that we could simply sick the IRS on him and he'd shut up but, no, they make me get ID's on this message board and send messages back and fourth.
nsa and dod without question monitier message boards and blogs the intent is not to destroy but to supplie disinformation

[Pilot wanting to live--the plane will be leveled out, slowed down, aligned as if it were going to try to land. The crash will look a certain way depending on success

Pilot wanting to die--the plane will not be leveled out, slowed down, or aligned as if it were going to try to land. The crash will look a certain way depending on "success."
complete bullshit there have been several air crashes in recent history where all control of the plane was lost and crashed nose first into the ground and there were evident bodies ..luggage ..engines ..landing gear
yeah, just like there was in shanksville
Witness reports are tough to decipher. I don't know what the hell is going on with them but they're a complete debacle of inconsistency:

I only wish to speak about Shanksville in this particular thread. I do not wish to deviate. Once I have spoken enough about this topic as well as exchanged evidence and opinions here, I will then gladly move on to the Pentagon.

Did any of them see a USAF fighter jet? If not, aren't they all consistent in that view?

yes several wittinesses saw a fighter plane pass over the crash site immediately after..
Flight 93 Never Crashed In The Empty Field Outside Shanksville

Yes it did
If the pilot had control then yes it is almost undeniably plausible that the crash site would look very different. However, considering a nosedive due to stall or other loss of engine or deliberate...I am not sure. Of these accidents, ValuJet 592 was a nosedive due to complete loss of control, as far as I know.

Back to witnesses, I've read everything from fighter jets, to white unmanned drones, to missiles. The list is not short by any means. I wasn't there so I'll never be so absurd as to believe such theories unless solid evidence is presented.
even if flight 93 were shot down, it wouldn't mean the govt committed treason. any plane who refused to land was ordered to be shot down, and with good reason.
Greetings to All:

Flight 93 never crashed in the empty field outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11 or any other day. You are bearing witness to one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetuated on the masses in United States history. Try to find just one picture of Flight 93 crashed anywhere to realize NONE even exist. We begin by putting "Flight 93" into your http://www.altavista.com search engine to find this at Wikipedia.org:

Wikipedia.org Website:


Everyone here can look up all the “Flight 93” pictures you want and find many pictures of the empty hole in the ground. Even the tiny little 20-foot diameter hole shows grass growing on all the slopes.


Take a good long hard look into the empty hole and tell me if you see a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner. There is not even any Jetliner debris in the area and no place for any 100-Ton Jetliner to be hiding. This site is excellent for finding ‘the truth’ on this Flight 93 HOAX:


Notice the vegetation and grass which has overgrown the crash imprint already! This is what most might assume are the wingtips and the tail fin imprinted onto the ground. Yet they are completely over-grown with grass! And grass and vegetation is also seen growing on the sides of the burning pit walls! This must be some kind of new Sunni Muslim Prairie Grass, which is able to grow back in minutes! This shows that a large portion of the imprint of what we were told was Flight 93, was made long before 911! And that the owner of this property is a key witness, and a probable player into what really happened on 911! This crash site was pre-made, and shows no wreckage, nor burning jet fuel. Two staples of every airplane crash before 911! The owner of this property is one of the players in 911!

There you can see the grass growing down into the little hole in this video where someone has dumped a load of garbage to set a small fire. Below that movie you see this picture with my notes:


The photographer appears to be crouching down in the hole, but our eye level is still on the same plane as the hood on that fire truck. Some people actually believe this little hole is 35 feet deep :0), when you can see the hole cannot possibly be more than just four feet deep. Any engines or black boxes the government claims were found here would be planted 'after' this grass was later removed. This link and Fox News Report tell the story.

What Really Happened:
Flight 93:

Proof of 9/11 Lies by the US Government and Media

An article detailing Flight 93's last minutes was briefly available at dailynews.yahoo.com on 9/11/2001. It [does] not fit the official story of the last moments of Flight 93 and rapidly disappeared from news websites, but it can still be found at the web archive: It was reported that a missile was heard before the crash: Debris fell from Flight 93 nearly six miles from the crash scene . . . human remains were found miles from the crash scene . . . light debris was found eight miles from the crash scene . . . and the following footage proves Flight 93 did not crash in a single piece but came apart in midair and scattered over a wide area . . .

Must see rare footage = <...NBC News Report.

The military refused to rule out a shoot down on September 15, 2001... ...and the Washington Envoy to Canada says Bush ordered a shoot down . . . What else is the government concealing about 9/11?

Go to the What Really Happened Website and verify all the evidence for yourself against the documented pictures here to realize MANY people have been DUPED by Senor Bushie from the very beginning.



The grassy depression can be seen in the 1994 U.S. Geological Survey photograph here to prove the Bush Administration has been lying from the very beginning. What we need is some hard evidence for WHY some Americans continue to believe Flight 93 crashed into this empty field outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, besides “Because Senor Bushie told me so . . .”.


I live and work just outside Pittsburgh. On thast terrible day, I was at work and my boss was home just a mile an a half from the crash site in Shanksville. He heard the crash. Debris littered his front yard. A colleague of mine (another Environmental Engineer) participated in the initial investigation of the crash site.

These people and my own eyes confirm that flight 93 did actaully crash in an empty field just outside Shanksville.

To suggest otherwise is, of course, foolish at the least, irresponsible at its face and whoilly disrespectful of the terrible loss and tradgedy of that day.

I never post in this forum. Now you know why. I know the truth and deeply resent any re-write of tha facts in order to make an imbecilic point. You should be ashamed, but that's not my judgment to make. It's God's.

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