Flight 93 Never Crashed In The Empty Field Outside Shanksville

It absolutely would be a treasonous act with the inclusion of a dug crater, centralized smoldering area, designed scenario, and a complete lie to deceive. For if the plane was shot down, the Shanksville crash site would have a much different view...would it not?
Furthermore, the great lengths needed to create such scenario in such little time would imply foreknowledge.
Having them shoot down the plane and being forthright by telling the truth...
has way less implications than them saying it crashed, creating the scene that it crashed but to only one day possibly have it proven that it was a lie.
ah, shitstain trying to act like he doesnt already have a conclusion

ah, shitstain trying to act like he doesnt already have a conclusion
Once again, you are pathetically helpless to reply with anything concise or meaningful. My reply is a logical response to the notion of it being shot down yet, still having a "crash site".
if i have misread you, it will come out in time
but as of this point i dont see anything that says i have

Yeah, and go ahead and make fun of my name. The way I see it, I left shitstain tire tracks on both you 2 jokers. Why don't you pick up your jaws and your egos and reply with something worthwhile? Or better yet, why don't you just cut the crap a debate without having to resort to inconsequential name calling.
It absolutely would be a treasonous act with the inclusion of a dug crater, centralized smoldering area, designed scenario, and a complete lie to deceive. For if the plane was shot down, the Shanksville crash site would have a much different view...would it not?
Furthermore, the great lengths needed to create such scenario in such little time would imply foreknowledge.
Having them shoot down the plane and being forthright by telling the truth...
has way less implications than them saying it crashed, creating the scene that it crashed but to only one day possibly have it proven that it was a lie.
ah, shitstain trying to act like he doesnt already have a conclusion

Once again, you are pathetically helpless to reply with anything concise or meaningful. My reply is a logical response to the notion of it being shot down yet, still having a "crash site".
if i have misread you, it will come out in time
but as of this point i dont see anything that says i have

Yeah, and go ahead and make fun of my name. The way I see it, I left shitstain tire tracks on both you 2 jokers. Why don't you pick up your jaws and your egos and reply with something worthwhile? Or better yet, why don't you just cut the crap a debate without having to resort to inconsequential name calling.

do you think divecon is twins in disguise? I ask as you only quoted him, but did it twice.

I will offer that debate, but unless you have actual credible evidence to present there is nothing to be debated.

I present the valid opinion that the "official story" stands, and if you have doubts about it, the burden of proving it wrong lies with you. In other words, if you want legitimate debate, then it is up to you, who question the official story to present it.
Without the presentation of credible evidence, or legitimate questions, the official story is deemed to be the truth.

Anything else is simply treasonous propaganda, not legitimately questioning.

I am open to discussion and legitimately questioning, but if that is not presented, I simply resort to ridicule and name-calling myself.

So, give it your best shot.
It absolutely would be a treasonous act with the inclusion of a dug crater, centralized smoldering area, designed scenario, and a complete lie to deceive. For if the plane was shot down, the Shanksville crash site would have a much different view...would it not?
Furthermore, the great lengths needed to create such scenario in such little time would imply foreknowledge.
Having them shoot down the plane and being forthright by telling the truth...
has way less implications than them saying it crashed, creating the scene that it crashed but to only one day possibly have it proven that it was a lie.
ah, shitstain trying to act like he doesnt already have a conclusion

Once again, you are pathetically helpless to reply with anything concise or meaningful. My reply is a logical response to the notion of it being shot down yet, still having a "crash site".
if i have misread you, it will come out in time
but as of this point i dont see anything that says i have

Yeah, and go ahead and make fun of my name. The way I see it, I left shitstain tire tracks on both you 2 jokers. Why don't you pick up your jaws and your egos and reply with something worthwhile? Or better yet, why don't you just cut the crap a debate without having to resort to inconsequential name calling.
typical for troofer morons
It absolutely would be a treasonous act with the inclusion of a dug crater, centralized smoldering area, designed scenario, and a complete lie to deceive. For if the plane was shot down, the Shanksville crash site would have a much different view...would it not?
Furthermore, the great lengths needed to create such scenario in such little time would imply foreknowledge.
Having them shoot down the plane and being forthright by telling the truth...
has way less implications than them saying it crashed, creating the scene that it crashed but to only one day possibly have it proven that it was a lie.
ah, shitstain trying to act like he doesnt already have a conclusion

Once again, you are pathetically helpless to reply with anything concise or meaningful. My reply is a logical response to the notion of it being shot down yet, still having a "crash site".
if i have misread you, it will come out in time
but as of this point i dont see anything that says i have

Yeah, and go ahead and make fun of my name. The way I see it, I left shitstain tire tracks on both you 2 jokers. Why don't you pick up your jaws and your egos and reply with something worthwhile? Or better yet, why don't you just cut the crap a debate without having to resort to inconsequential name calling.

you tell him, Red. :lol::lol:
i guess bentdick got so embarrassed by having his lying ass handed to him that he needed to come back under a different name.:lol:
If the pilot had control then yes it is almost undeniably plausible that the crash site would look very different. However, considering a nosedive due to stall or other loss of engine or deliberate...I am not sure. Of these accidents, ValuJet 592 was a nosedive due to complete loss of control, as far as I know.

So the only thing keeping you from believing that Flight 93 crashed in the way described in the accident report and the 9/11 Commission Report is that there was a DC9 that went down in the Everglades that was similar in terms of speed and the engines were photographed and in the case of Flight 93 they were not?
Not a single one of the believers can explain how in less then an hour the super secret US Government managed to plant all the body parts and plane debris. Most of it BURIED in the earth from the crash. As I understand it the Cockpit was found in the woods were it bounded to after breaking away on impact. And if that is correct then the bodies of the flight crew or who ever was in the cockpit would be mostly intact.

How exactly did the Government shoot the plane down, recover the nose and cockpit and delivery it to the fake crash site in less than an hour? How did they bury so much plane debris and body parts in the crash site in less then an hour?

Or are you claiming that even the local fire and rescue were in on the great lie?
i guess bentdick got so embarrassed by having his lying ass handed to him that he needed to come back under a different name.:lol:

I had not picked up on the prospect that bent tight and shitstain were the same fucktard.

Has Shytstain started calling folks "*****" yet? 'Cause THAT'S always been highly persuasive!

Last edited:
Hi Retired:

How does it feel to be deluded beyond our collective abilities to fathom???

Not a single one of the believers can explain how in less then an hour the super secret US Government managed to plant all the body parts and plane debris ....


There are no body parts and plane ANYTHING you idiot :)cuckoo:). The Retired Guy was DUPED by AN EMPTY HOLE ...


Oh yeah! Look at all of that Jetliner Debris :)confused:)!!!

Most of it BURIED in the earth from the crash.

Right! A 100-Ton Jetliner is hiding under the GREEN GRASS in the EMPTY HOLE that was already there on April 20, 1994 (Click Here)!!!

As I understand it the Cockpit was found in the woods were it bounded to after breaking away on impact.


Oh Yeah! The 100 tons of evidence was buried under the green grass 'and' the rest bounced out of the EMPTY HOLE to land in the woods some 250 feet away!!! What a MORON :)cuckoo:)!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu3qDCv-jb4]Flight 93 Fraud[/ame]

Retired Guy is just talking and running through his obvious 'delusions' again without one shred of evidence for ANYTHING. This is reason #7 that the USA 'is' definitely worthy of utter destruction off the face of the earth ...


Hi Retired:

How does it feel to be deluded beyond our collective abilities to fathom???

Not a single one of the believers can explain how in less then an hour the super secret US Government managed to plant all the body parts and plane debris ....


There are no body parts and plane ANYTHING you idiot :)cuckoo:). The Retired Guy was DUPED by AN EMPTY HOLE ...


Oh yeah! Look at all of that Jetliner Debris :)confused:)!!!

Most of it BURIED in the earth from the crash.

Right! A 100-Ton Jetliner is hiding under the GREEN GRASS in the EMPTY HOLE that was already there on April 20, 1994 (Click Here)!!!

As I understand it the Cockpit was found in the woods were it bounded to after breaking away on impact.


Oh Yeah! The 100 tons of evidence was buried under the green grass 'and' the rest bounced out of the EMPTY HOLE to land in the woods some 250 feet away!!! What a MORON :)cuckoo:)!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu3qDCv-jb4]Flight 93 Fraud[/ame]

Retired Guy is just talking and running through his obvious 'delusions' again without one shred of evidence for ANYTHING. This is reason #7 that the USA 'is' definitely worthy of utter destruction off the face of the earth ...



Not that the fucking pathetic lying scumbag Troofers are the world's least persuasive dipshits or anything, but the "empty" holes that Turdball triumphantly points to in the very images HE offers aren't -- uhm -- empty. :cuckoo:

In any event, I hereby wage one positive rep to the first person who correctly identifies the nature of the ground at the spot of the crater left by the crashed Flt. 93.

I guaran-fucking-tee that Turdball and rimjob and id-eots and the other dishonest retarded scumbag Troofers will not be able to identify why the question even has import.
Hi Retired:

How does it feel to be deluded beyond our collective abilities to fathom???

Not a single one of the believers can explain how in less then an hour the super secret US Government managed to plant all the body parts and plane debris ....


There are no body parts and plane ANYTHING you idiot :)cuckoo:). The Retired Guy was DUPED by AN EMPTY HOLE ...


Oh yeah! Look at all of that Jetliner Debris :)confused:)!!!

Most of it BURIED in the earth from the crash.

Right! A 100-Ton Jetliner is hiding under the GREEN GRASS in the EMPTY HOLE that was already there on April 20, 1994 (Click Here)!!!

As I understand it the Cockpit was found in the woods were it bounded to after breaking away on impact.


Oh Yeah! The 100 tons of evidence was buried under the green grass 'and' the rest bounced out of the EMPTY HOLE to land in the woods some 250 feet away!!! What a MORON :)cuckoo:)!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu3qDCv-jb4]Flight 93 Fraud[/ame]

Retired Guy is just talking and running through his obvious 'delusions' again without one shred of evidence for ANYTHING. This is reason #7 that the USA 'is' definitely worthy of utter destruction off the face of the earth ...



Hey Terral?

How does it feel to be the joke of the truther community? The court jester of conspiracy?

You've managed to make a complete ass of yourself by admitting you believed in over-hyped crap and posted frantic messages about it, all the while making a host of predictions that never come true.

What a complete and utter disgrace you are.

Hi Retired:

How does it feel to be deluded beyond our collective abilities to fathom???

Not a single one of the believers can explain how in less then an hour the super secret US Government managed to plant all the body parts and plane debris ....


There are no body parts and plane ANYTHING you idiot :)cuckoo:). The Retired Guy was DUPED by AN EMPTY HOLE ...


Oh yeah! Look at all of that Jetliner Debris :)confused:)!!!

Most of it BURIED in the earth from the crash.

Right! A 100-Ton Jetliner is hiding under the GREEN GRASS in the EMPTY HOLE that was already there on April 20, 1994 (Click Here)!!!

As I understand it the Cockpit was found in the woods were it bounded to after breaking away on impact.


Oh Yeah! The 100 tons of evidence was buried under the green grass 'and' the rest bounced out of the EMPTY HOLE to land in the woods some 250 feet away!!! What a MORON :)cuckoo:)!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu3qDCv-jb4]Flight 93 Fraud[/ame]

Retired Guy is just talking and running through his obvious 'delusions' again without one shred of evidence for ANYTHING. This is reason #7 that the USA 'is' definitely worthy of utter destruction off the face of the earth ...



Why does your profile on loose change look like this terral?

Terral Feb 7 2008, 01:31 PM Post #62


could it be, like christofera, that the other truthers see you as an agent of disinformation, or is that they just see you such a nutjob that they think you hurt the cause?
hey Liar.

please explain what this thing is inside your EMPTY hole.

I've seen you ask that before...have any of them ever answered or did they all just ignore it?

the only answer i have gotten is "where is the rest of the 100 ton airliner?" even though it only weighs 64 tons.

of course, that doesnt address the fact he is lying by claiming the hole is empty when it clearly is not.
hey Liar.

please explain what this thing is inside your EMPTY hole.

I've seen you ask that before...have any of them ever answered or did they all just ignore it?

the only answer i have gotten is "where is the rest of the 100 ton airliner?" even though it only weighs 64 tons.

of course, that doesnt address the fact he is lying by claiming the hole is empty when it clearly is not.

I have answered before and do so again;
That is the remains of flt 93......
Oh what the hell? Why wait for an answer. I'll just share it.

The GROUND at the spot of the crash was reclaimed mining land.

For example, the following snippet gives a great simple straightforward explanation of WHY the initial appearance of that crash site makes it look ALMOST like an empty crater. (In reality, as everybody but the lying Troofers can PLAINLY see -- the hole is not even remotely empty.)

* * * *One of the things that has caused a great deal of confusion and speculation about the crash of Flight 93 is the "entry," if you will, of the plane into the ground. As I said in part two, Flight 93 slammed into the ground at approximately 585 mph. I learned a great deal about strip mining while in the Shanksville area, i.e., what strip mining does to the soil and surrounding area. The easiest way I can describe it is to picture a bed with a blanket on the mattress. The mining company basically lifts the blanket, meaning a large area of top soil, extracts the ore and then lays the blanket back down. The result is that when Flight 93 hit the ground, it didn't break up like you see in other aviation disaster photos. * * * *
Asking Questions at the Flight 93 Crash Site -- Part III

And when the "empty hole" was explored, look what they found there:
-- among many other things.
I've seen you ask that before...have any of them ever answered or did they all just ignore it?

the only answer i have gotten is "where is the rest of the 100 ton airliner?" even though it only weighs 64 tons.

of course, that doesnt address the fact he is lying by claiming the hole is empty when it clearly is not.

I have answered before and do so again;
That is the remains of flt 93......

sorry. i should have said terral didnt answer except to say "where is the rest...".

of course its part of flight 93. and that only one piece that i circled and blew up. theres more visible in that picture.
hi retired:

How does it feel to be deluded beyond our collective abilities to fathom???

not a single one of the believers can explain how in less then an hour the super secret us government managed to plant all the body parts and plane debris ....


there are no body parts and plane anything you idiot :)cuckoo:). The retired guy was duped by an empty hole ...


oh yeah! Look at all of that jetliner debris :)confused:)!!!

Right! A 100-ton jetliner is hiding under the green grass in the empty hole that was already there on april 20, 1994 (click here)!!!

as i understand it the cockpit was found in the woods were it bounded to after breaking away on impact.


oh yeah! The 100 tons of evidence was buried under the green grass 'and' the rest bounced out of the empty hole to land in the woods some 250 feet away!!! What a moron :)cuckoo:)!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu3qdcv-jb4]flight 93 fraud[/ame]

retired guy is just talking and running through his obvious 'delusions' again without one shred of evidence for anything. This is reason #7 that the usa 'is' definitely worthy of utter destruction off the face of the earth ...



not that the fucking pathetic lying scumbag troofers are the world's least persuasive dipshits or anything, but the "empty" holes that turdball triumphantly points to in the very images he offers aren't -- uhm -- empty. :cuckoo:

In any event, i hereby wage one positive rep to the first person who correctly identifies the nature of the ground at the spot of the crater left by the crashed flt. 93.

I guaran-fucking-tee that turdball and rimjob and id-eots and the other dishonest retarded scumbag troofers will not be able to identify why the question even has import.


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