Flight To Safety: The ENTIRE US Yield Curve Has Plunged Below 1 Percent. MAGA!

it will bounce back and all of you left wing idiots will eat shit once again !
It will certainly bounce back sooner or later. The sooner, the better. Otherwise, we are looking at an ugly recession.

Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars have been lost.
oh its going to be an up and down volatile market for about 6 more weeks !
Are you in denial about Trump crashing our economy?

the economy isnt crashing idiot ! its a downturn in the markets because of something no one on Earth could prevent ! are you going to give Trump credit when the economy rebounds in the spring ?? i think not ! go volunteer at an abortion clinic or burn some flags like the good democratic anti American killer of the unborn that you are ! real strong Americans will take care of the economy ! the problem with the left is that yall believe that everyone is a weakling and a coward unable to handle crisis like yourselves .go slither into your safe space under a rock like the gutless treasonous snakes you are !we will handle the scary things for you !

My issue of TIME (FEB 17, 2020) reported in an article, The Economic Threat, by Ian Bremmer a warning which it seems ought to have been considered by the White House (unless they were cautioned not to have MSM in their possession 'cause it is all fake and hates trump).

Trump has used EO's and shut down the government when he didn't get his way, why didn't he have the insight to shut down the NYSE and other Markets, when this warning became a watch over a week ago. Too many people have lost necessary dollars in the nest eggs, and now that Treasury Bonds have become nearly worthless, how many foreign nations will decide this safe harbor for their money is no longer safe.
Shutting down the markets for that long is not feasible. At least at this point. A sustained downturn could change a lot of things. Reduced social security and pensions. Perhaps medical care rationed a bit. Areas at benefit from retirees not so beneficial. And a repeat and rinse cycle until it hits bottom. To diverse millennials the hated older mostly white retirees will die off faster if this pattern continues. And you Progs. Come on. Look at the cities. You rob Peter to pay Paul for everything. The older infrastructure keeps attracting tenants to the downtown cores. But if it gets to unsafe, they will be leaving.

Today trump used the virus for another political move, he promises to cut payroll taxes, which will bring more short falls to Medicare and Social Security, a sure way to argue they must be privatized; yet the dimes saved by the voters will one day come back to bite them.

not if more people are working and paying taxes ! the federal gov has taken in record breaking revenues under this economy and thats not counting the tariffs weve levied on countries not practicing fair trade !

Show the data! And prove trump's motive is to benefit the working people.
it will bounce back and all of you left wing idiots will eat shit once again !
It will certainly bounce back sooner or later. The sooner, the better. Otherwise, we are looking at an ugly recession.

Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars have been lost.
oh its going to be an up and down volatile market for about 6 more weeks !

Really, you can time the market. Damn, you must be a genius, just like trump.

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