Flooding the Tunnels Has Begun

I suggested this about a month ago. They probably picked a location in which they know no hostages reside. I had watched a video that suggested that Hamas had advanced water drainage in these tunnels but I suppose we will find out. IDF also apparently have advanced sensor equipment so they can gauge if hostgaes are there and/or what is being said in some tunnels.
How would they know where no hostages reside?
How would they know where no hostages reside?
I assume IDF isn't going to drown their own citizens. I have wathced hundreds of videos since this war began and I recall IDF saying they have radar, tomography, and seismic measuring etc to know what is going on underneath. I dont know if that gives them real-time information such as thermal would or other means such as a snapshot over time they can compare. However, they could deduce that an area in which ALL people were moving around constantly most certainly.means no hostages are there since they would be stationary, held in one area, not free to roam. The also have much more intelligence now provided.by those released.
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Informative video. The most important information he provided was the nightmare for IDF troops that are doing their very best to fight following rules of human decency and care for innocent human life. A combatant in disguise/out of his own uniform has traditionally been considered a spy and subject to being treated as a spy at least as far back as WWII. And a spy was generally not eligible for POW status and was executed.

I hope any Hamas scum out of uniform they capture will be treated as a spy. People who do what Hamas has done in this conflict do not deserve to live.
The HAMAS murderers should definitely get the death sentence, with their choice of procedure:

1) Saw head off with shovel
2) Be set on fire, but only after arms are hacked off
3) Raped until dead from internal trauma

Of course, I jest. Jews would not lower themselves to that.
Informative video. The most important information he provided was the nightmare for IDF troops that are doing their very best to fight following rules of human decency and care for innocent human life. A combatant in disguise/out of his own uniform has traditionally been considered a spy and subject to being treated as a spy at least as far back as WWII. And a spy was generally not eligible for POW status and was executed.

I hope any Hamas scum out of uniform they capture will be treated as a spy. People who do what Hamas has done in this conflict do not deserve to live.
Many Hamas' are trying to escape by blending in with the "civilians". But Israel is using facial recognition software to identify them.

God is not with those who terrorize the innocent. Israel will win this.
They started flooding tunnels and forcing these rabid creatures out of their holes. God is with Israel!

well i sure hope they manage to pull off this fairly delicate operation properly, that is :
without risking hostage's lives.

but i do wish the Israelis the very best of luck in dealing with these now total monsters (Hamas).
The HAMAS murderers should definitely get the death sentence, with their choice of procedure:

1) Saw head off with shovel
2) Be set on fire, but only after arms are hacked off
3) Raped until dead from internal trauma

Of course, I jest. Jews would not lower themselves to that.
you have one seriously morbid sense of humor, girl.
but you managed to get a giggle out of me :D

Many Hamas' are trying to escape by blending in with the "civilians". But Israel is using facial recognition software to identify them.

God is not with those who terrorize the innocent. Israel will win this.
Well I'm not qualified to be God's spokesperson in such matters, but I cannot imagine that He condones what Hamas has done and is doing. I pray that the IDF prevails and succeeds in defending the innocent and those who just want to live their lives decently and peacefully. And I'm pretty sure God knows that such can be accomplished only by ridding the Palestinians and the Israelis of the unconscionable cruelty and inhumanity that Hamas heaps upon them.
you have one seriously morbid sense of humor, girl.
but you managed to get a giggle out of me :D
I couldn’t resist. It’s actually what they deserve. But they’ll be sent on their way to hell in a peaceful manner.
Many Hamas' are trying to escape by blending in with the "civilians".
I've wondered about that. This is why I would proffer no delays, no breaks. As it is, I'm sure some Hamas have slipped through their fingers.

But Israel is using facial recognition software to identify them.
Good. The IDF are good at that.

God is not with those who terrorize the innocent. Israel will win this.
Total annihilation, no less. What Hamas did was beyond inhuman.
I couldn’t resist. It’s actually what they deserve. But they’ll be sent on their way to hell in a peaceful manner.

Drowning is too good for Hamas. They need as many taken alive as possible then given the choice of death either by tree shredder feet first or roasted alive in a cast iron oven.
Well I'm not qualified to be God's spokesperson in such matters, but I cannot imagine that He condones what Hamas has done and is doing. I pray that the IDF prevails and succeeds in defending the innocent and those who just want to live their lives decently and peacefully. And I'm pretty sure God knows that such can be accomplished only by ridding the Palestinians and the Israelis of the unconscionable cruelty and inhumanity that Hamas heaps upon them.
The problem is that about 80% of Palestinians hate Jews and support the HAMAS massacre of Oct 7th.
Well I'm not qualified to be God's spokesperson in such matters, but I cannot imagine that He condones what Hamas has done and is doing. I pray that the IDF prevails and succeeds in defending the innocent and those who just want to live their lives decently and peacefully. And I'm pretty sure God knows that such can be accomplished only by ridding the Palestinians and the Israelis of the unconscionable cruelty and inhumanity that Hamas heaps upon them.

Do you not see God as your literal FATHER? I think you are afraid to speak His will. You CAN know. You can know Hamas is not blessed

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community

The nation is like a mighty lion;
When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it.
Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”
The problem is that about 80% of Palestinians hate Jews and support the HAMAS massacre of Oct 7th.
We cannot condemn someone for hating something or somebody(ies.) But we can sure condemn them for what they do when they act on that hate in cruel, harmful, destructive ways.
Informative video. The most important information he provided was the nightmare for IDF troops that are doing their very best to fight following rules of human decency and care for innocent human life. A combatant in disguise/out of his own uniform has traditionally been considered a spy and subject to being treated as a spy at least as far back as WWII. And a spy was generally not eligible for POW status and was executed.

I hope any Hamas scum out of uniform they capture will be treated as a spy. People who do what Hamas has done in this conflict do not deserve to live.
i agree that most Hamas members are just too far down the path of extremism and terrorism to be salvaged during their current lifetimes.
better to just execute them in military combat or even with military trials after the events.
and then we'll see if Allah sends 'm back from that 7th Heaven of His for more combat.
we'll be ready at all times, Allah. the sermons of your more violent imams taught us that.
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We cannot condemn someone for hating something or somebody(ies.) But we can sure condemn them for what they do when they act on that hate in cruel, harmful, destructive ways.
we can even punish them for that.
you know, discourage their movement from proceeding down futile violent paths.

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