Flooding the Tunnels Has Begun

now you're claiming the Palestinians have no historical claim to that region,
that the Israelis could just drive them out during a decades long campaign.

i'm gonna have to vote a solid "NO!" in this matter too.
Every government the Palestinians have had have rejected a two state solution. Every government the Palestinians have had have had as their number one mandate to kill or drive the Jews out of Arabic lands and at different times Egypt and Iran have joined with them toward that end.

When their leadership rejects all calls for peace, there is no way to have peace.
Every government the Palestinians have had have rejected a two state solution. Every government the Palestinians have had have had as their number one mandate to kill or drive the Jews out of Arabic lands and at different times Egypt and Iran have joined with them toward that end.

When their leadership rejects all calls for peace, there is no way to have peace.
well, the Palestinians are just going to have to "settle" with the best they can get : for them to just be good neighbors to the Israelis.
and if it takes 'm 500 years to realize that eternal combat ain't that cool or desirable after all, then so be it.

you are already the regional military superpower,
just be happy with that and let the big boys talk the fate of Hamas over.
you know you got our support, don't you?!
wanna keep it that way?
It’s not anti-Arab; it’s anti-Palestinian specifically. There are many moderate Arabs who have good relations with Israel.

But the Palestinians are rabid Jew-haters, indoctrinated since early childhood to see killing Jews as a worthy career, and the majority support the savage massacre of innocent Jews, and do NOT want to live peacefully with Israel. How do you expect Jews to not look at them with disdain?
Take Hamas out of the equation, and it might be possible to re-educate the young and instill as sense of right and wrong, good and....
You want to "separate" the children from "Hamas" when the parents ARE Hamas. The death culture is thoroughly ingrained in every individual in "Palestine."

You'd have to remove every young child from their parents to remove the Hamas influence. Ain't gonna happen
It’s not anti-Arab; it’s anti-Palestinian specifically. There are many moderate Arabs who have good relations with Israel.

But the Palestinians are rabid Jew-haters, indoctrinated since early childhood to see killing Jews as a worthy career, and the majority support the savage massacre of innocent Jews, and do NOT want to live peacefully with Israel. How do you expect Jews to not look at them with disdain?
at this point it's hard to call the tensions in the Israeli-Palestinian regions not dual-sided?..
God only knows who started the tensions, but i'm thinking it was aggressive people from both sides who did. Who laid the first bombs (as far back as the 1950s btw)... :(
You want to "separate" the children from "Hamas" when the parents ARE Hamas. The death culture is thoroughly ingrained in every individual in "Palestine."

You'd have to remove every young child from their parents to remove the Hamas influence. Ain't gonna happen
or it's a years long campaign to weed out Hamas to it's very roots.
i say time for the Israelis to get off their behinds and deal with this problem methodically and with their eyes set on that years long effort.
it'll be a delicate operation, but well worth it in terms of reduced terrorism threat.
and i'd like to publicly emplore the Israelis to keep the fate of (partially) indoctrinated children in mind as well : try to "salvage" all you can.
these are human little children, just fed the wrong stuff for too many of their young years.
well, the Palestinians are just going to have to "settle" with the best they can get : for them to just be good neighbors to the Israelis.
and if it takes 'm 500 years to realize that eternal combat ain't that cool or desirable after all, then so be it.
But they are NOT willing to settle for that. They want Israel gone and the Jews dead.

How can Jews live so close to people like that? These Palestinians need to be relocated to Egypt, but Egypt doesn’t want them. No decent Arab country wants them. There’s a reason for that: they are backward, hateful, antisemites who will poison their own moderate population.

I think Israel should give some money to each Palestinian to move, with 3 months’ rent for an apartment in their new Arab home. It would be a good investment for Israel, too: they can build a gorgeous seaside resort.
at this point it's hard to call the tensions in the Israeli-Palestinian regions not dual-sided?..
God only knows who started the tensions, but i'm thinking it was aggressive people from both sides who did. Who laid the first bombs (as far back as the 1950s btw)... :(
OMG. Don’t start with the “both sides” stuff.

”Agression” from both sides? When did Israel ever go on a Muslim-hunting venture to route out every Muslim man, woman, child, and baby - and burn them alive, saw their heads off with a shovel, put them in an oven and bake them to death, and rape the women until they die from internal damage.

There is no moral equivalency. These Muslim terrorists are subhuman! Have you heard of some of the horror stories coming out. They raped the body of a dead Jewish teenager at the music festival, and then sliced off her breasts and tossed the bloody tissue around like balls.

The majority of Palestinians support the HAMAS massacre, and the vast majority refuse to live In peace with Israel.

You‘ve got to pick a side. There is no moral equivalence.
But they are NOT willing to settle for that. They want Israel gone and the Jews dead.

How can Jews live so close to people like that? These Palestinians need to be relocated to Egypt, but Egypt doesn’t want them. No decent Arab country wants them. There’s a reason for that: they are backward, hateful, antisemites who will poison their own moderate population.

I think Israel should give some money to each Palestinian to move, with 3 months’ rent for an apartment in their new Arab home. It would be a good investment for Israel, too: they can build a gorgeous seaside resort.
like the Palestinians (sooner or later) will have to be/become good neighbors to the Israelis,
the same goes the other way around.

that means Israel's gotta stay pragmatic and HUMANE in their (future) dealings with the Palestinians.
but after this latest round of GRUESOME TERROR STRIKES, i can allow them a measure of a blank check in their asymetrical force campaign against Israel, so long as they don't go killing of children in large numbers. that would be unjustifiable in my view.
Hanukkah begins in a few hours, Let's see if Hamas tries to attack Israel during another religious holiday. One more relevant to times of war also.

I bet they don't even pop their heads up for air.
OMG. Don’t start with the “both sides” stuff.

”Agression” from both sides? When did Israel ever go on a Muslim-hunting venture to route out every Muslim man, woman, child, and baby - and burn them alive, saw their heads off with a shovel, put them in an oven and bake them to death, and rape the women until they die from internal damage.

There is no moral equivalency. These Muslim terrorists are subhuman! Have you heard of some of the horror stories coming out. They raped the body of a dead Jewish teenager at the music festival, and then sliced off her breasts and tossed the bloody tissue around like balls.

The majority of Palestinians support the HAMAS massacre, and the vast majority refuse to live In peace with Israel.

You‘ve got to pick a side. There is no moral equivalence.
the Israeli style of aggression may be totally different from Hamas', but they're not unrelated.
they're both based on religious racism.
like the Palestinians (sooner or later) will have to be/become good neighbors to the Israelis,
the same goes the other way around.

that means Israel's gotta stay pragmatic and HUMANE in their (future) dealings with the Palestinians.
but after this latest round of GRUESOME TERROR STRIKES, i can allow them a measure of a blank check in their asymetrical force campaign against Israel, so long as they don't go killing of children in large numbers. that would be unjustifiable in my view.
You are in denial. The Palestinians will NEVER become good friends to Israel.

And you’re doing that “both sides” stuff again. What makes you think Isrsel hasn’t TRIED to be a good neighbor, and more than once, by offering land-for-peace deals? The Pallies rejected all offers. And why? Because it required them to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.

You think you’re being fair by saying “both sides,” but sometimes there is the side in the right, and the side in the wrong. And that is what we have here. That this has happened is the Palestinians’ fault - NOT Israel’s. All the Palestinians had to do was accept one of Israel’s peace deals, and they would t.
This is what dorks want to be free.
It is called indoctrination. Don't blame kids for the environment their adult parents, teachers and community created.

It's no different imo than when the climate cult and world leaders exploited that Greta kid. It's child abuse. Disgusting.
the Israeli style of aggression may be totally different from Hamas', but they're not unrelated.
they're both based on religious racism.
No, they’re not. Only one side is: the Palestinians who have in their religion the instruction to kill Jews. The Jews have no such instruction.

Israel has not been aggressive. Attacks are always in RESPONSE to an Arab attack, such as what we saw on October 7th.
Hanukkah begins in a few hours, Let's see if Hamas tries to attack Israel during another religious holiday. One more relevant to times of war also.

I bet they don't even pop their heads up for air.
Oh, geez…..you’re right. Hanukkah is just several hours away in Israel.

But I doubt GAZA has any firepower at this point.

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