Flooding the Tunnels Has Begun

You are in denial. The Palestinians will NEVER become good friends to Israel.

And you’re doing that “both sides” stuff again. What makes you think Isrsel hasn’t TRIED to be a good neighbor, and more than once, by offering land-for-peace deals? The Pallies rejected all offers. And why? Because it required them to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.

You think you’re being fair by saying “both sides,” but sometimes there is the side in the right, and the side in the wrong. And that is what we have here. That this has happened is the Palestinians’ fault - NOT Israel’s. All the Palestinians had to do was accept one of Israel’s peace deals, and they would t.
well, if i'm in denial, which i might be (at least for the span of our lifetimes)..
then you are too.

the Israelis are known for hating everything non-Jewish.
for always wanting to strike the very best deal for themselves, especially with non-Jews.
call me a racist, i'm just being honest, i'm telling you!

witnessed it firsthand here in Amsterdam in my business dealings with Jews.
stopped doing business with Jews even, coz of their not so hidden racist virtues.

Massive pipes Israel plans to use to 'flood Hamas tunnels with seawater'​

Israeli forces preparing to flood the tunnels under Gaza used by Hamas with sea water.

New pictures have emerged of IDF troops installing at least five pumps about a mile north of the Al-Shati refugee camp, which could pump thousands of cubic metres of water per hour into the tunnels.

Israel hopes flooding the tunnels will drive Hamas out of the tunnels and make the terrorist group unable to operate.

Pictures released by the IDF appear to show scores of soldiers setting up black pipes on Gaza’s beaches, leading to the Mediterranean Sea.

10h ago

well, if i'm in denial, which i might be (at least for the span of our lifetimes)..
then you are too.

the Israelis are known for hating everything non-Jewish.
for always wanting to strike the very best deal for themselves, especially with non-Jews.
call me a racist, i'm just being honest, i'm telling you!

witnessed it firsthand here in Amsterdam in my business dealings with Jews.
stopped doing business with Jews even, coz of their not so hidden racist virtues.
Wow. Now you’re showing your OWN antisemitism. I’m done.
No, they’re not. Only one side is: the Palestinians who have in their religion the instruction to kill Jews. The Jews have no such instruction.

Israel has not been aggressive. Attacks are always in RESPONSE to an Arab attack, such as what we saw on October 7th.
and yet it is the Israelis who "managed" (after WW2, which i seriously suspect to be "used" by the Jewish people and their God) to gain all that UK and US military support to sustain their foothold on what is now the GROWING Israeli country.
growing, by means of annexations.

you see, the Muslims will come out with all of their bravoure and shout "death to all Jews", while the Jews just sneakily manage to kill scores of Palestinians after each provocation with their asymetrical force operations.

and eh, using white phosphorous in bombardements, killing Palestinian kids to get to adult terrorists hiding among them, that's not really ehm, KOSHER IN MY BOOKS.
Wow. Now you’re showing your OWN antisemitism. I’m done.
just trying to keep it real and impartial, dear.
we as Christians have that responsibility, you know...

if the Israelis get to be assertive towards me (and they do),
then i get to be towards them.
can't make it simpler than that.
Israeli soldiers appear to be seen setting up pumps and pipes near the sea.

the Israeli style of aggression may be totally different from Hamas', but they're not unrelated.
they're both based on religious racism.
Baloney. The Jews have been driven from land to land, enslaved, almost wiped out entirely, persecuted, maligned, subjected to vicious pograms, denied their rights, relegated to less than citizenship status in place after place after place for thousands of years. When the Holocaust wiped out two thirds of Europe's Jewish population the U.N. finally said enough!

A tiny tiny piece of land was established by the U.N. as a place the Jews would be allowed to live in peace, make their own laws, be who they were and live and work as they chose without interference from any other. The day after the U.N. mandate, the Jews declared their tiny piece of land as the State of Israel.

The Arabs attacked Israel immediately and have been doing so in various ways ever since. They absolutely refuse to accept the presence of the Jews on a tiny piece of land roughly the size of New Jersey.

This map shows how insignificant the land Israel occupies is in relation to the Egyptian, Iranian, and Arab lands.

Population Egypt 111 million
Population Iran 89 million
Population combined Arab nations 475 million
Population Israel 9.5 million and that includes 2 million Palestinians who chose to be citizens of Israel and live peacefully with the Jews. And the only religious factor for the Jews is that historically and religiously, they believe God gave that land to them for a homeland. The Arabs had no such cultural attachment to the land. Which is why the U.N. chose that spot for a Jewish homeland.
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i assure you, i'm on the side of NATO, UK, Israelis, AUKUS, and the rest of our allies.

just allow me to issue critiques of my allies from time to time ;)
….with your broad-sweeping antisemitic comments? Like “Jews hate everything non-Jewish”?

Sorry, no go.
like the Palestinians (sooner or later) will have to be/become good neighbors to the Israelis
Says WHO? Did you send them a letter asking for them to "play nice" with their neighbors? How's that working out?
Baloney. The Jews have been driven from land to land, enslaved, almost wiped out entirely, persecuted, maligned, subjected to vicious pograms, denied their rights, relegated to less than citizenship status in place after place after place for thousands of years. When the Holocaust wiped out two thirds of Europe's Jewish population the U.N. finally said enough!

A tiny tiny piece of land was established by the U.N. as a place the Jews would be allowed to live in peace, make their own laws, be who they were and live and work as they chose without interference from any other. The day after the U.N. mandate, the Jews declared their tiny piece of land as the State of Israel.

The Arabs attacked Israel immediately and have been doing so in various ways ever since. They absolutely refuse to accept the presence of the Jews on a tiny piece of land roughly the size of New Jersey.
maybe that's coz they could see the Israeli nation grow into a conflict zone right from the start eh?
Says WHO? Did you send them a letter asking for them to "play nice" with their neighbors? How's that working out?
so far they've indeed rejected my calls.
that's why i'm authorizing (for only as far as i can) a harsh stance by the Israelis towards Hamas and the Palestinians that elected this generation of Hamas into government for Gaza.

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