Flooding the Tunnels Has Begun

They started flooding tunnels and forcing these rabid creatures out of their holes. God is with Israel!

This sounds like a perfect opportunity for those Hamas shitheads to learn how to swim.

Maybe they'll even put together a team and compete in the next Olympics. :laughing0301:
The only way to discourage bad behavior is to make it socially unacceptable to ALL sides of the political spectrum.
that's just not true when one side is claiming a "Divine mandate", like Hamas does.
i currently think that the Israelis are on the right track, with their renewed investment in 'asymetrical force' policies.
that's just not true when one side is claiming a "Divine mandate", like Hamas does.
So such behavior is acceptable to people like Hamas who are teaching young Palestinians to think like them. Take Hamas out of the equation, and it might be possible to re-educate the young and instill as sense of right and wrong, good and bad, and influence their culture in a positive beneficial way.
I saw a few polls. The numbers varied from around 75% to 85% in support, so I averaged it.
i see.
well, that's too big a number, and then i was right in my assessment :
the Palestinians deserve all that collateral damage that's now being inflicted upon them.
I can condemn someone for hate. I condemn the progressive college professors who refused to condemn the students calling for the genocide of Jews.
Action and emotion are two different things. I cannot always change the way I feel about something. But I can almost always choose how I will respond/act/react to it.

And yes, college professors/administrators who tolerate hateful anti-semitism or any other kind of hateful, intolerant, behavior on campus are every bit, and maybe more guilty than those demonstrating it.
So such behavior is acceptable to people like Hamas who are teaching young Palestinians to think like them. Take Hamas out of the equation, and it might be possible to re-educate the young and instill as sense of right and wrong, good and bad, and influence their culture in a positive beneficial way.
yeah, we need a moderate-Islamic government for Gaza.
plain and simple.

or we'll have to resort to a North-South division of Gaza, The West Bank inhabitants, and the Israelis.
and the political leaders aren't too keen on that, because they already shoved my suggestion to that end into the "theoretical solutions" box.
just curious, where did you get that number?
I am back with a specific poll. This one, conducted by an Arab research group, reveals that 75% (!!) of Palestinians support the horrific, barbaric massacre on October 7th, and fully 86% reject co-existence with Israel.

These are not innocent people. They are vile Jew-haters, and just you watch: the Democrats will try to bring in hundreds of thousands of the antisemites into America.

A New Poll of Palestinians: Supporting Terror and Rejecting Peace
yeah, we need a moderate-Islamic government for Gaza.
plain and simple.

or we'll have to resort to a North-South division of Gaza, The West Bank inhabitants, and the Israelis.
and the political leaders aren't too keen on that, because they already shoved my suggestion to that end into the "theoretical solutions" box.
In truth there are no really satisfactory solutions for anybody at this time. But I have to come down on the side that those who shoot at and/or attack innocent men, women, children of all ages deserve to be shot. So there we are.
yeah, we need a moderate-Islamic government for Gaza.
plain and simple.

or we'll have to resort to a North-South division of Gaza, The West Bank inhabitants, and the Israelis.
and the political leaders aren't too keen on that, because they already shoved my suggestion to that end into the "theoretical solutions" box.

Why should there be any Islamic government for Gaza, or the West Bank for that matter? They are both a part of Israel, not separate countries of their own. It's ok to let them live there if they want to, but Israel should be for Jews, not Muslims.
I am back with a specific poll. This one, conducted by an Arab research group, reveals that 75% (!!) of Palestinians support the horrific, barbaric massacre on October 7th, and fully 86% reject co-existence with Israel.

These are not innocent people. They are vile Jew-haters, and just you watch: the Democrats will try to bring in hundreds of thousands of the antisemites into America.

A New Poll of Palestinians: Supporting Terror and Rejecting Peace
i'm gonna try to stop them!
Why should there be any Islamic government for Gaza, or the West Bank for that matter? They are both a part of Israel, not separate countries of their own. It's ok to let them live there if they want to, but Israel should be for Jews, not Muslims.
now you're claiming the Palestinians have no historical claim to that region,
that the Israelis could just drive them out during a decades long campaign.

i'm gonna have to vote a solid "NO!" in this matter too.
now you're claiming the Palestinians have no historical claim to that region,
that the Israelis could just drive them out during a decades long campaign.

i'm gonna have to vote a solid "NO!" in this matter too.

There is no such country as "Palestine." Israel is and has always belonged to the Jewish people. Those so called "Palestinians" came from Jordan, Lebanon, and other Arab countries.
I am back with a specific poll. This one, conducted by an Arab research group, reveals that 75% (!!) of Palestinians support the horrific, barbaric massacre on October 7th, and fully 86% reject co-existence with Israel.

These are not innocent people. They are vile Jew-haters, and just you watch: the Democrats will try to bring in hundreds of thousands of the antisemites into America.

A New Poll of Palestinians: Supporting Terror and Rejecting Peace
that said, a poll can be (not saying it always is) manipulated at the level of "we'll feed you a Palestinian native pollster hoping for a Hamas positive answer, that our employers can then use against the Palestinians on the international stage"..

Palestinians are between a rock and a hard place. On one side they have to support Hamas, coz Hamas don't tolerate disloyalty, but on the other they'll gladly say "we're against the war and everything it entails", to a white English speaking pollster from abroad.

it can however also be argued that whatever they end up saying to eachother, is what powers the education of their children (away or towards violent behavior of their own during their teens and twenty something years).
and that therefore, as a people, they may be judged by what they tell each other.

the poll results stand as hard and heavy as a block of granite, if i'm not mistaken :(
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There is no such country as "Palestine." Israel is and has always belonged to the Jewish people. Those so called "Palestinians" came from Jordan, Lebanon, and other Arab countries.
nonsense. the Palestinian region was long inhabited by Palestinian tribes before the arrival of masses of Jews after WW2.
nonsense. the Palestinian region was long inhabited by Palestinian tribes before the arrival of masses of Jews after WW2.

They were squatters. Israel is and has always belonged to the Jews.

Go read a Bible,
How will you do that?
all i'm authorized to use (per the "civilian businessman with a side hobby of hawkish diplomacy" doctrine) is this forum, my own fb account, and contact forms at whitehouse.gov/contact for instance

i also sometimes forward my political writings to the entire Dutch government as well.
They were squatters. Israel is and has always belonged to the Jews.

Go read a Bible,

you are already the regional military superpower,
just be happy with that and let the big boys talk the fate of Hamas over.
you know you got our support, don't you?!
wanna keep it that way?

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