Flooding the Tunnels Has Begun

Oh, geez…..you’re right. Hanukkah is just several hours away in Israel.

But I doubt GAZA has any firepower at this point.
Somebody's gonna do something. I'd be surprised if I hey don't. Especially this year
….with your broad-sweeping antisemitic comments? Like “Jews hate everything non-Jewish”?

Sorry, no go.
yeah, i know, broad-sweeping statements are usually a no-go.

but think of it this way : in ALL of my business dealings with Jews, i've had to be at the receiving end of some very assertive business attitudes (much more so than with Christian contacts), and i ended up not doing business with 'm anymore.

and one can even hear it in some of the public statements by mid-ranked Israeli leaders.
their holier-than-thou attitude. and it smells of arrogance.

but : the Israelis are there to stay, so long as they don't become truly genocidal themselves.
and that's something not only i, but the Palestinians and world leaders, will have to live with.
yeah, i know, broad-sweeping statements are usually a no-go.

but think of it this way : in ALL of my business dealings with Jews,..
Dear person, "peace?fan"

Since you post against all Jews. And state your PERSONAL grievances.

Hence Your posts are pointless on the conflict.

Hope life treats you better.

Good luck.

God bye.
Dear person, "peace?fan"

Since you post against all Jews. And state your PERSONAL grievances.

Hence Your posts are pointless on the conflict.

Hope life treats you better.

Good luck.

God bye.
oh will you please stop trying to oust me from my home forum already? :)
last i checked this is a Christian-ran forum, not IsraelMilitary.net!

you could have read between the lines that i'm NOT posting against ALL jews, just "against" the overly assertive ones.
you know, the ones that run your (Deep State) Government for instance ;)

and i'm not even posting (that much) against them, i'm merely trying to give them some pointers as to how to navigate the seas of now-complicated[1] international diplomacy..

[1] with the internet and demonstrations in the streets becoming a fairly huge factor, AS WELL as the potential terrorism-abroad threats that that might bring up
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Somebody's gonna do something. I'd be surprised if I hey don't. Especially this year
It won't be Hamas. Their element of surprise is gone and they won't have unarmed civilians and hippies as easy targets, instead they will face men and women with rifles.
maybe that's coz they could see the Israeli nation grow into a conflict zone right from the start eh?
No. The Israelis have never attacked any other nation without extreme provocation. The Arabs irrationally hate the Jews just as other areas of the world have irrationally hated the Jews and they refused to accept the Jews as a tiny nation among them. But with all those people, fire power, military might combined against them, the Israelis have prevailed.

I have to believe that was God's doing.

Have you ever watched the play or movie "Fiddler on the Roof?" Great music and story line. It pokes good natured fun at some Jewish stereotypes, but it also is an entertaining way to understand maybe just a tiny bit of what the Jews have been up against throughout their history.
No. The Israelis have never attacked any other nation without extreme provocation. The Arabs irrationally hate the Jews just as other areas of the world have irrationally hated the Jews and they refused to accept the Jews as a tiny nation among them. But with all those people, fire power, military might combined against them, the Israelis have prevailed.

I have to believe that was God's doing.

it could have just as well have been the work of His believers, or a combination thereof.

Have you ever watched the play or movie "Fiddler on the Roof?" It is an entertaining way to understand maybe just a tiny bit of what the Jews have been up against throughout their history.
i'll see if i can get myself a copy of that movie..
The Idea That Xiden got angry when the IDF / Israeli Government started giving the Citizenry / Settlers small arms and loosening the Draconian Firearms Restrictions on the general public is very telling .
This isn't "aggression." Aggression is what happened on October 7.

When police go after a home invader/rapist/murderer, do you label it 'police aggression?
to an extent, internally, i do.
people like me always look at coins from one side, then the other side, then repeat that process a few times, before they make statements.

but i fully recognize i have to publicly label it 'police action' instead!
it could have just as well have been the work of His believers, or a combination thereof.

i'll see if i can get myself a copy of that movie..
Even though it is mostly an entertaining movie, it is pretty historically correct. Set in what is now the Ukraine in the late 19th Century or early 20th Century, it shows the beginnings of the civil unrest that would culminate in the Bolshevik Revolution. The Tzars expelled most of the Jews from most of that land and some years later drove most Jews out of Moscow. It is in no way preachy nor attempts to make a political statement, but the message is loud and clear there.

It helps explain why so many Russian Jews wound up in New York, Chicago, and Jerusalem and illustrates why it is cruel to tell them to leave and just go back to where they came from. The same for those who left European nations after the Holocaust. Telling them to just go back to where they came from is unbelievably insensitive.
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