Florida avoids Socialist Governor. Thanks to all who voted sensibly down here.

That dipshit Obama campaigned hard in both Georgia and Florida for his fellow worthless Negroes and it didn't do a damn bit of good. MAGA Baby!
Without Florida there ain't no blue wave~~~~:04::funnyface:

Congratulation DeSantis ...congratulations to the great State of Florida! :clap2:
yea, i have family there. i think their vote was split. :) we have interesting convos around xmas while travelling through the state for together time.
A year ago last summer I drove from the Florabama line to the middle Keys. It makes San Antonio to El Paso look like a pleasure tour.
That was a big deal.

Huge sigh of relief for people who work for a living down here in the Sunshine State.

Unseating an incumbent Democrat Senator was no small task, either.

The sun is rising in the Sunshine State this morning, it’s going to be a good day.

I live in Florida and I voted Desantis.
The importance of the Desantis win cannot be understated.

Millions of out of state dollars went to the socialist and Desantis is a Trump supporter.

This is huge.

Had Gillum won, the left would already have statues being commissioned.

This is a big deal.
The importance of the Desantis win cannot be understated.

Millions of out of state dollars went to the socialist and Desantis is a Trump supporter.

This is huge.

Had Gillum won, the left would already have statues being commissioned.

This is a big deal.

I am 5th generation Floridian. I love Florida. I have deep roots here.

I told my wife that if that Gillum asshole gets elected and manages to pass an income tax and/or strict gun control laws we were moving to a non Communist state.

Fortunately I won't have to move now. At least for the next eight years.

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