florida axes textbooks with blm and geroge floyd in them

The racist are the ones you want to honor.
George is not 1920, or 1820 or before. George is a failed man in 2020. The so-called Progs definition of evolved. And he was an unrepentant felon. Unrepentant! Not a nice man. Costing society many dollars. Profiling is not the case.
You mean they should hide the real history of atrocities that white racist like yourself committed.
They need to tell the whole story and the complete truth about what happened. How is that even controversial? Floyd died. Give ALL the reasons why. Cite the autopsy report, don't just give the inflammatory headlines that serve only to outrage the ones wanting to be outraged. Cite the trials of the cops and the evidence brought forth. That's how you teach history.

Teach the children how to think critically for themselves, don't just tell them what they should think.

all states should be cleaning up their books from this liberal racism in schools. oy.
That's good. BLM is a marxist fundraising org for the demorat party. Police kill more whites than blacks and race was never even brought as in issue in Chauvin's trial.
Need to abolish the Education Department. It won't stop the craziness, but it will remove federal government incentives for bad behavior.

George Floyd is a thug dopehead felon.

Black lives matter is a giant scheme to get money by the top few and the rest below them are just racist domestic terrorists that have accomplished nothing but to burn, loot, destroy and harrass innocent civilians, police and political leaders.

None of them should even be recognized, let alone taught to kids.
Nothing glorious about slavery and genocide.
Overcoming both was glorious... especially when you consider slavery is still practiced in the world today... many countries that still use slaves have given the Biden family millions for favors and American tax dollars....
In a way they do have chains on as do women, gays, transexuals and Natives. They will until they are all treated as equals.
Liberals like you are the ones who don't think they should be treated as equals. You are causing these divisions. Classic socialist technique, whether you are a witting or unwitting participant in the tactic. Likely unwitting.

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