Florida COVID cases going wild!

You’re really trying hard to be a propagandist. Are you trying out for a position at breitbart or something?
no just following the form used by CNN, MSDNC, etc when Trump was president

i am curious when folks are gonna start suggesting xiden get charged with manslaughter?
Catching COVID is not a death sentence or something to cause one to live in fear. The recovery rate is 99.78% and climbing.
Life doesn’t get back to normal until COVID gets under control. Talk all the shit you want be thats a fact. As long as people act like idiots and keep spreading it masks and shutdowns are going to persist. I’m ready for that to be over. You obviously aren’t
Only the Covid OCD's get hysterical about "cases". It's always been that way. These folks had a mental snap about a year ago. Haven't recovered....they are stuck, perhaps permanently, in 2020.

The great news is, over 100,000,000 Americans ( count the zeros....yuk...yuk) are on to the vax con and won't be rolling up their sleeves ever.

Meanwhile, the # of Covid deaths hit a 16 month low three days ago. dOy
Only the Covid OCD's get hysterical about "cases". It's always been that way. These folks had a mental snap about a year ago. Haven't recovered....they are stuck, perhaps permanently, in 2020.

The great news is, over 100,000,000 Americans ( count the zeros....yuk...yuk) are on to the vax con and won't be rolling up their sleeves ever.

Meanwhile, the # of Covid deaths hit a 16 month low three days ago. dOy
Life doesn’t get back to normal until COVID gets under control. Talk all the shit you want be thats a fact. As long as people act like idiots and keep spreading it masks and shutdowns are going to persist. I’m ready for that to be over. You obviously aren’t
When a recovery rate is at 99.78% and climbing as is the case with COVID, things should be back to normal.

Government will continue to abuse it's power with mandates and lockdowns until people finally get fed up and defy them. Right now there are still too many people who have been overcome by the fear and panic mongering.
Oh ps.....if mandates are pushed by the government, the ones with the most deep seated regrets will most definitely be the sanctimonious Covid obsessed assholes when their world goes sideways :abgg2q.jpg:
with COVID hospitalizations.

A few weeks ago, DeSantis was bragging about his COVID response. He is playing the same book as the Former Guy.

Dipshit...are the people in the hospital dying?

Get back to us when Desantis orders the sick into nursing homes so they can spread the Chinese flu and kill old people....like coumo, newsom and whitmer did...
I will be in Florida in less than two weeks. The Realtor says everything is open, but the county is a high infection rate county. We will roll the dice and take our chances.

Infection rates don't matter.........just think of cold and flu season. The number that matters is deaths...and those are going down all over...
My girls sister went out there for a bachelorette party. Everybody in her house came back with COViD
We are all fully vaccinated and planning to mask when shopping indoors. Three of our group have already had it, also. We'll be fine.
It would be expected that most demo states are leading the way with most vaccinations. It must be hard for repub states with so many anti vaccination believers to grasp that if they want this to be over with then get the vaccination if your not at a high risk of possible side effects.

What they need is a trump poster with " I got the shot as well as members of my family" Ayyy

Liberals and conservatives are two different animals when it comes to politics. The Democrats march in lockstep to whatever their leaders instruct. They repeat whatever they see on the MSM without question. They will argue their position even when you prove them wrong repeatedly because that's how brainwashing works.

On the right we are free thinkers. We believe what we wish to believe, not what our leaders want us to believe. If Ronald Reagan could come back to life and tell Republicans to take the shot, not one that is against the vaccine would take it.
Infection rates don't matter.........just think of cold and flu season. The number that matters is deaths...and those are going down all over...
Dude....they will never understand the "deaths" vs "cases" dynamic. These people think a case means a death. They have snapped mentally. It's a huge problem....the thinking of these nuts is causing alot of damage. Alot of damage. For Christsakes, these people think people only die of Covid!! It's so fcuked up!
Infection rates don't matter.........just think of cold and flu season. The number that matters is deaths...and those are going down all over...
Daily deaths have been trending upward since June.

Delta is showing different… who knows what the next strain might do. All you dumbasses that have been playing fast and loose about this thing are screwing everything uo for the rest of the world. And you’re too stupid to see that your “resistance” is what’s causing everything you’re fighting against to last longer
Bullshit, panic pimp.
You know what I'm beginning to think, with all this fear porn about Florida?

I'm beginning to think the Rats are very afraid of DeSantis.

Very afraid.
No, he's doing a fine job of killing his political career given his insight on Covid.
Tell that to the Hospitals that are struggling.
Tell us where they are at. There are the AP and other news sources reports with local prog news and people who go to the hospitals and do not see them overwhelmed. There may be. But we do not believe the Prog controlled press anymore. Even if they are telling the truth. For they are massively biased.

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