Florida COVID cases going wild!

It must be hard for repub states with so many anti vaccination believers to grasp that if they want this to be over with then get the vaccination if your not at a high risk of possible side effects.

That is total bullshit, and you know it.

You do not make tyrants stop abusing power, by doing what they tell you to do.

You make tyrants stop abusing power by standing up to them, removing them from positions of power, and lynching a few of them as an example and warning to the rest of them.

This “pandemic” will continue for as long as we allow criminals and tyrants to get away with it.
When a recovery rate is at 99.78% and climbing as is the case with COVID, things should be back to normal.

Government will continue to abuse it's power with mandates and lockdowns until people finally get fed up and defy them. Right now there are still too many people who have been overcome by the fear and panic mongering.
Shoulda woulda coulda. You need to open your eyes and see how things are
I see how things are. We need to prevent a repeat. We do that by figuring out what we should have done vs what we did do.
The answer to that is simple. We should have all come together and acted responsibly to tackle this virus. Not play political partisan games
Anyone coming to Florida (COVID Capitol of the World) right now is an idiot.

Pffft.... My family members just got back from Florida a few weeks ago. They had a great vacation there. They came back, and yep they stopped in to visit, and they told us all about it. We didn't run hide under the bed if that's what your suggesting here.

PS. And nope no Covid.
Delta is showing different… who knows what the next strain might do. All you dumbasses that have been playing fast and loose about this thing are screwing everything uo for the rest of the world. And you’re too stupid to see that your “resistance” is what’s causing everything you’re fighting against to last longer

Shut up Henny-fucking-penny and get your next 25 vaccine shots.... Hurry now before the virus destroys your penis!
Pffft.... My family members just got back from Florida a few weeks ago. They had a great vacation there. They came back, and yep they stopped in to visit, and they told us all about it. We didn't run hide under the bed if that's what your suggesting here.

PS. And nope no Covid.
Multiple conferences cancelled thanks to the Clown Governor. Will cost them a billion plus before it’s over. Good! :cool-45:

Liberals and conservatives are two different animals when it comes to politics. The Democrats march in lockstep to whatever their leaders instruct. They repeat whatever they see on the MSM without question. They will argue their position even when you prove them wrong repeatedly because that's how brainwashing works.

On the right we are free thinkers. We believe what we wish to believe, not what our leaders want us to believe. If Ronald Reagan could come back to life and tell Republicans to take the shot, not one that is against the vaccine would take it.
Meh, you believe what Rumpy Dumpster TOLD you to believe.

That is total bullshit, and you know it.

You do not make tyrants stop abusing power, by doing what they tell you to do.

You make tyrants stop abusing power by standing up to them, removing them from positions of power, and lynching a few of them as an example and warning to the rest of them.

This “pandemic” will continue for as long as we allow criminals and tyrants to get away with it.
Alright doctor then your opinion is that the pandemic is driven by criminals and tyrants

The pandemic will continue as long as there is free speech and people have an opinion. There are no tyrants only the belief that I can read therefor I believe

I believe the pandemic is real and for the general good it should be dealt with. Clicking ones heels and wishing is nice

You believe something else and that is the way it is. Yet the pandemic is real and has to be dealt with.
Meh, you believe what Rumpy Dumpster TOLD you to believe.

Such as?????? Now if Republicans and conservatives were led by the nose like Democrats, all of us would be vaccinated now since it was President Trump that put so much effort into getting these vaccines to us ASAP, got the vaccine himself in spite of having covid antibodies already, and recommended everybody get the vaccine.

But we need to encourage people to get the vaccine. How? By bringing back mask mandates for vaccinated people? By telling people they still need protection because of the millions of intruders Biden is letting into this country untested? You have these people on the fence that are now saying "wait a minute! I was willing to take this great risk, but why should I if I'm only going to be back to square one if I do?
I believe the pandemic is real and for the general good it should be dealt with. Clicking ones heels and wishing is nice

You believe something else and that is the way it is. Yet the pandemic is real and has to be dealt with.

Spoken like a good little sheep, blindly, mindlessly trusting, believing, obeying, whatever your masters tell you. Trusting that your masters know what's best for you, and will always act in your best interests.

Mutton is on the dinner menu.
Such as?????? Now if Republicans and conservatives were led by the nose like Democrats, all of us would be vaccinated now since it was President Trump that put so much effort into getting these vaccines to us ASAP, got the vaccine himself in spite of having covid antibodies already, and recommended everybody get the vaccine.

But we need to encourage people to get the vaccine. How? By bringing back mask mandates for vaccinated people? By telling people they still need protection because of the millions of intruders Biden is letting into this country untested? You have these people on the fence that are now saying "wait a minute! I was willing to take this great risk, but why should I if I'm only going to be back to square one if I do?
Oh Ray, you poor, deluded SOB :)

Shut up Henny-fucking-penny and get your next 25 vaccine shots.... Hurry now before the virus destroys your penis!
Yawn all you want. You obviously can’t debate the substance so why would I take anything you say seriously? You’re a joke

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