Florida Defies Federal Warning: Voter Purge Will Continue

Heritage Foundation 'Expert' Cannot Cite Any Actual Examples Of Voter Fraud | ThinkProgress

Of course not. One can’t cite examples of something that is virtually non-existent.
Can't we punish a state for continually fucking things up over and over again? Let us just not have florida in the next election and tell them to shape the fuck up. I am tired of hearing them screwing things up.

No you can't. Sucks for Democrats, doesn't it? What are they going to do if they can't engage in wholesale election fraud?
Florida has a history of disenfranchising legal citizens. Even in the 2000 election it is estimated that up 7000 legal voters were purged before that election and we know what happened then. It appears that this is happening again.

The proper way to do this is to do it annually and with sufficient time to resolve any disputes that arise.

The question is do we take the risk of disenfranchising legal citizens to get rid of some suspected illegal voters or voters who have moved, since every illegal vote effectively disfranchises a voter.

That's just more left-wing hysteria. We know for a fact that thousands of convicted felons voted illegally in Florida's 2000 election.
Who's complaining? It is not about Dems, and Reps... It's about removing fraud from the equation. If you disagree with what they are doing, then it seems you favor election fraud.

It also seems you don't know shit about what you're talking about. Haven't you read recent articles or watched TV news about legal Florida voters complaining of being purged? Also, the Florida Primary Election is less than 3 months away (August 14, 2012).

Is there actual proof of a "legal voter" who HAS been purged? It's one thing for the "news" to say there is one "complaining" of being purged, it is quite another to say WHO IT IS who was actually purged.

No. But according to the article there were several illegals who did vote.

They need to get these illegals off the rolls.
Purging ineligible non-citizens, what's next, the non-living?

Why is FL so mean to the Democrat base?
By Janell Ross

Florida will defy a federal warning to stop purging people the state suspects aren't U.S. citizens from voter registration rolls.

Despite a Justice Department letter, objections from county elections officials and evidence that a disproportionate number are voters of color, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner's office planned to continue scrubbing the election rolls, a spokesman said Friday. Gov. Rick Scott (R) ordered the search for potentially ineligible voters.

Justice Department officials declined to comment on Florida’s plans.

More: Florida Voter Purge Will Continue, Defying Federal Warning

If they are not citizens, they are NOT voters, and do not belong on the rolls.
Can't we punish a state for continually fucking things up over and over again? Let us just not have florida in the next election and tell them to shape the fuck up. I am tired of hearing them screwing things up.

Can you believe SCOTUS Gave Florida to Bush even though he had more votes than Gore at every recount?

Both sides are complaining here. One side complains false votes are mucking things up and the other claims tossing out good votes mucks things up. Fix it and get back to us when you are done. If both sides say it is broken then I am all for calling it broken and not using it.

Who's complaining? It is not about Dems, and Reps... It's about removing fraud from the equation. If you disagree with what they are doing, then it seems you favor election fraud.

It also seems you don't know shit about what you're talking about. Haven't you read recent articles or watched TV news about legal Florida voters complaining of being purged? Also, the Florida Primary Election is less than 3 months away (August 14, 2012).


listen s0n.............almost 9,000 posts in less than 1 year.:eek: Shit......time to do a search for another thing to get OCD on s0n. Just trying to be helpful here...........this ideology shit you embrace is getting mothballed right before your eyes. ( starting in 2010 and continuing tonight in Wisconsin). Its not an if..........its a when. Dont make yourself misearble...........check out some Effexor XR. Real good shit to help people stop ruminating on thoughts.:2up:

South Florida Democrats say Gov. Rick Scott leading “misguided” effort to purge voters from state rolls - Political Currents - MiamiHerald.com
He was not removed...
Internicola said he sent Broward a copy of his Army discharge papers. He is one of six voters on the list who have provided paperwork to prove they are citizens, said Mary Cooney, a spokeswoman for the supervisor.

Here's what triggered his inclusion on the list...
Internicola admitted to one discrepancy in records. He says he was born in 1921, though he said his drivers’ license indicates 1919. The reason: in his youth he wanted to start driving early so “I bent the truth a little bit.”
By Janell Ross

Florida will defy a federal warning to stop purging people the state suspects aren't U.S. citizens from voter registration rolls.

Despite a Justice Department letter, objections from county elections officials and evidence that a disproportionate number are voters of color, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner's office planned to continue scrubbing the election rolls, a spokesman said Friday. Gov. Rick Scott (R) ordered the search for potentially ineligible voters.

Justice Department officials declined to comment on Florida’s plans.

More: Florida Voter Purge Will Continue, Defying Federal Warning

If they are not citizens, they are NOT voters, and do not belong on the rolls.

Short, sweet, and too the point... gotta love it

Absolutely true.. if they are not citizens, they are not and can not be voters.. hence it is NOT A VOTER PURGE... it is upholding the election laws

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