Florida delegates fully seated with one-half votes each

When I calculated it based on current polls, I have Clinton getting 301 electoral votes, which is a big victory. I had McCain winning with something like 285 over Obama.

RCP also allows you to take the toss-up states out of play and just decide on all current polling no matter how close. Obama still wins, albeit with a narrow margin. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/maps/obama_vs_mccain/?map=10

My guess is that depending on which polls you emphasize, there could be a hundred variations on this scenario.
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The Reps didn't blow them off. They took away half of their delegates. That outcome would have been acceptable if the Dems had done that to begin with. Everyone would have still voted. The popular vote would have counted.

Why didn't they do it that way? Is the DNC really that inept?

You really don't think that giving them only 50% of the votes isn't disenfranchising them? Aren't you and Care still crying about disenfranchisement now that they only get 50% of the votes?
What's more likely to happen - Clinton will increase her leads in swing states, or Obama will close the gaps in swing states?


You think Hillary voters feel cheated? If the DNC made an 11th hour change to take away the votes from a black candidate to give it to a white one, you can kiss the black vote goodbye. Those polls are Hillary as a hypothetical candidate, not Hillary as a candidate after the blood she would have to spill to become the Democratic nominee.
So this is all about race after all?


Race is a factor in it. Screw over the candidate that shares the race of the most disenfranchised and screwed over group of individuals this country has ever seen, and no, they won't support the Democrats.
Race is a factor in it. Screw over the candidate that shares the race of the most disenfranchised and screwed over group of individuals this country has ever seen, and no, they won't support the Democrats.

Actually, that would be women.
Actually, that would be women.

Women were slaves for half of this countries history?

Women were disenfranchised via laws such as poll taxes and grandfather clauses up into the 60's?

Women weren't treated well in this country either, but its really not much of a comparison between them and blacks.
Sure there is, do a little research. Black men got the vote first. And white women, while not technically slaves, were pretty close to it for much of our history.

But voting on someone to make up for past harms is pretty stupid, anyway.
Sure there is, do a little research. Black men got the vote first. And white women, while not technically slaves, were pretty close to it for much of our history.

Not really. You don't get the vote if poll taxes and grandfather clauses keep you from voting.

And no, sorry, women weren't slaves nor anywhere close to them. They had little power, but they weren't out there picking cotton.

But voting on someone to make up for past harms is pretty stupid, anyway.

Its not based on past harms. Its based on the perception that they are STILL disenfranchised. Which is why the black vote is going MUCH higher for Obama than the women vote is going for Hillary.

You think Hillary voters feel cheated? If the DNC made an 11th hour change to take away the votes from a black candidate to give it to a white one, you can kiss the black vote goodbye. Those polls are Hillary as a hypothetical candidate, not Hillary as a candidate after the blood she would have to spill to become the Democratic nominee.

It's all about demographics.

Most of the black voters are in Southern states, states Obama can't win anyway. The only state likely to take a hit would be Florida, but I think even then Clinton would have the edge over McCain there.
It's all about demographics.

Most of the black voters are in Southern states, states Obama can't win anyway. The only state likely to take a hit would be Florida, but I think even then Clinton would have the edge over McCain there.

Southern states like Michigan? The one you keep crowing about being an all important swing state?
Southern states like Michigan? The one you keep crowing about being an all important swing state?

Obama won't win Michigan anyway. That's the one swing state I'm actually beginning to think Hillary can't win, but it'd be close.
Obama will be stronger in the south than Clinton would have been.

That doesn't matter. He won't be strong enough to actually win Southern states. Actually, Clinton would win Arkansas, so that actually makes her stronger in the South.
Please get your weird interpretation of the Constitution out of your head, and read USSC court cases where this shit has already been decided.

The November election is NOT the same as a primary.

Right---it's the real thing, dumbass!


Check that out and tell me how much constitutional power a political party has LEGALLY in a state. Florida's legislature can direct it's electors to vote for someome that isn't the nominee of ANY party.
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Sure there is, do a little research. Black men got the vote first. And white women, while not technically slaves, were pretty close to it for much of our history.

But voting on someone to make up for past harms is pretty stupid, anyway.

Of course it is. But, like I've been saying all along, Clinton and Obama will sing kumbaya and all will be well with the world. It's their supporters who have to get it together.

Clinton "open" to being Obama's running mate: party aide
Tue Jun 3, 2008 6:27pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday she's open to the possibility of being Barack Obama's vice presidential running mate, a Democratic party aide said.

Clinton, who appears on the verge of losing the Democratic presidential nomination to Obama, made the comment in a conference call with fellow members of New York's congressional delegation, the aide said.

The party aide quoted Clinton as saying, when asked about being Obama's running mate: "I am open to it."

Clinton open to being Obama's running mate: party aide | Politics | Reuters
I don't think Obama will give Hillary the VP slot unless he has no other choice.

If I were Hillary I think I'd rather have the Senate seat than the VP slot.

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