Florida Dem. likens calling Vice President Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' to using the n-word


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.


Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.



Reminds me of an old friend -- a half white/half Alaskan Native -- who was married to a black man, and regularly told him that if he didn't like being called "N", he needed to stop acting "N-ish".

Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.


This is the tactic of the Democrats. They can't run on their record so they have to use side issues like DEI and Racism to try and pull out a victory. Stay strong people because hopefully, enough people of all colors will be sick and tired of being used as pawns in the Harris-Democrat strategies.
Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.


It is the term you guys have come up with to get around using the “N-word” in public--you have to limit yourself to using it in private. Which is just one of the things that makes you guys so angry all the time.

This is the tactic of the Democrats. They can't run on their record so they have to use side issues like DEI and Racism to try and pull out a victory. Stay strong people because hopefully, enough people of all colors will be sick and tired of being used as pawns in the Harris-Democrat strategies.
Kamala is damned well going to run on her record and is going make the orange makeup felon run on his too.
Yep. All certified.

Your blob lost to an “Alzheimer’s patient”? Yes he did. Bigly.

C’mon...say the N-word. You’ll feel better.

You know you want to.
You stooges were all shocked Joes a days away from croaking.

You racists love divisive lies.
LOL. I bet Kamala can describe Willie Brown's.

Talk about anything but the rising cost of groceries.

Every trip the prices go up, and up, and up.
Sure, just run on 40 year old events.

Maybe the orange felon can explain how he was committing adultery with two women while Barron was being born.
You stooges were all shocked Joes a days away from croaking.
Wow... you sound so gleeful. I’m not even a little surprised that you hope someone dies because well...you are you.
You racists love divisive lies.
The party that is set to nominate a black woman as it’s candidate for President is supposedly “racist”?

Wow... are you off your meds again?

C’mon...say it.
Biden: "I hired her because she is black" Do you know how OUTRAGED black citizens feel listening to that garbage! Plenty of videos of blacks saying they will never vote for Kamala! :p
I believe that is the same as Reagan making a pledge to hire a woman to the Supreme Court.

Just like the orange make up felons pledge to always hire white men sycophants

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