Florida Democrats Face Uphill Political Battle Ahead of 2024

Send the illegals to Miami. The Cubans and Venezuelans can educate them on the evils of communism and turn them red.

Cubans and Venezuelans know Dems are communists. Miami is fucking RED. :auiqs.jpg:

Who would have thought?
I would. Jack, you don't even have a garage much less any farm TO bet.
Anything new there, Freaky? Or just the same old, same old?
Sad when you get too old to try anymore, isn't it? :)

Now, as Florida goes. Nice to visit, would never live there in a million years.
Anything new there, Freaky? Or just the same old, same old?
Sad when you get too old to try anymore, isn't it? :)

Now, as Florida goes. Nice to visit, would never live there in a million years.
Florida has polar opposites in politics and everything in between. Prog Socialist communists in some counties/cities and in the most rural counties perhaps a few Klan members. Pick a community you like. I learned that lesson when I first moved there.. Although they are seeing it moving left from their own assinine ways.
Anything new there, Freaky? Or just the same old, same old?
Sad when you get too old to try anymore, isn't it? :)

Now, as Florida goes. Nice to visit, would never live there in a million years.

God I hope every fascist bootlicking imbecile feels the exact same way.
btw....don't visit. Florida doesn't need or want your presence.

God bless Rick DeSantis !
Gerrymandering.... Needs to disappear! Politicians set it up, so that they choose who wins, instead of the Florida citizens.... Done in other states too, Dem and repub.
Meh...Florida has less to do with gerrymandering than a constant influx of white people (70%+) and a slow turn of Hispanics (20%+) to the Republican party. Aided by a large faction of descendants of pre-Castro Cubans in South Florida. Florida isn't as bad as say LA, AL, MS, NC, TN and SC. These states are almost beyond hope. And three big ones are missing from this list. Mississippi being the most glaring example.

Meh...Florida has less to do with gerrymandering than a constant influx of white people (70%+) and a slow turn of Hispanics (20%+) to the Republican party. Aided by a large faction of descendants of pre-Castro Cubans in South Florida. Florida isn't as bad as say LA, AL, MS, NC, TN and SC. These states are almost beyond hope. And three big ones are missing from this list. Mississippi being the most glaring example.

DeSantis wiped out half the Black districts in Florida.....

His own legislature thought it went way too far, considering Florida law in 2010 passed a law curbing gerrymandering.... He likely broke their own law on it!

Not that I am disagreeing with the demographic changes....

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was incensed. Late last year, the state’s Republican legislature had drawn congressional maps that largely kept districts intact, leaving the GOP with only a modest electoral advantage.

DeSantis threw out the legislature’s work and redrew Florida’s congressional districts, making them far more favorable to Republicans. The plan was so aggressive that the Republican-controlled legislature balked and fought DeSantis for months. The governor overruled lawmakers and pushed his map through.

DeSantis' office has publicly stressed that partisan considerations played no role and that partisan operatives were not involved in the new map.

A ProPublica examination of how that map was drawn — and who helped decide its new boundaries — reveals a much different origin story. The new details show that the governor’s office appears to have misled the public and the state legislature and may also have violated Florida law.

DeSantis aides worked behind the scenes with an attorney who serves as the national GOP’s top redistricting lawyer and other consultants tied to the national party apparatus, according to records and interviews.

Florida’s constitution was amended in 2010 to prohibit partisan-driven redistricting, a landmark effort in the growing movement to end gerrymandering as an inescapable feature of American politics.

Barbara Pariente, a former chief justice of the state Supreme Court who retired in 2019, told ProPublica that DeSantis’ collaboration with people connected to the national GOP would constitute “significant evidence of a violation of the constitutional amendment.”

“If that evidence was offered in a trial, the fact that DeSantis was getting input from someone working with the Republican Party and who’s also working in other states — that would be very powerful,” said Pariente, who was appointed to the Supreme Court by Democrat Lawton Chiles.

A meeting invite obtained by ProPublica shows that on Jan. 5, top DeSantis aides had a “Florida Redistricting Kick-off Call” with out-of-state operatives. Those outsiders had also been working with states across the country to help the Republican Party create a favorable election map. In the days after the call, the key GOP law firm working for DeSantis logged dozens of hours on the effort, invoices show. The firm has since billed the state more than $450,000 for its work on redistricting.

A week and a half after the call, DeSantis unveiled his new map. No Florida governor had ever pushed their own district lines before. His plan wiped away half of the state’s Black-dominated congressional districts, dramatically curtailing Black voting power in America’s largest swing state.

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