Florida Gov. DeSantis Has Just Signed A Bill Into Law That Would Allow Everyday Floridians To Sue Big Tech Platforms For Monetary Damages

So you admit the government can compel speech, it's just that you support it when it does.
In some limited circumstances, specifically to protect consumers and the economy.

But that has nothing to do with this.
Only of politicians running for office.
Doesn’t matter. It’s compelling speech.
To some extent. However, I don't have a problem with it since Facebook is nothing more than a propaganda organ now, and it's a monopoly.
Ah, so you’re okay with violating the constitution as long as it supports your politicians?

Kinda sounds a little fascist.
It's a government protected monopoly. It should have been split up long ago.
Only of politicians running for office.
Doesn’t matter. It’s compelling speech.
To some extent. However, I don't have a problem with it since Facebook is nothing more than a propaganda organ now, and it's a monopoly.
Ah, so you’re okay with violating the constitution as long as it supports your politicians?

Kinda sounds a little fascist.
It's a government protected monopoly. It should have been split up long ago.

No it's not, moron
So you admit the government can compel speech, it's just that you support it when it does.
In some limited circumstances, specifically to protect consumers and the economy.

But that has nothing to do with this.
In this case it's to protect our democracy. You claim to believe in that, don't you?

You rubes believe the lies of your Orange God that the election was stolen.

You don't give a flying fuck about democracy.

Because cult

I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

The big tech companies are not basecd in Florida. They cannot enforce it across state lines. It is meaningless.

Another conservative who's a constitutional illiterate.

Another fascist Democrat who ignores the Constitution until it serves you.

I actually agree that the Constitutionality of the law is dubious. But wow, your hypocrisy compared to the left silencing free speech just REEKS

All Constitutional rights have limits Everyone should know that. But conservatives seem to have this opinion that they can say anything they want, anytime they want, and anywhere they want. They're wrong.

Now when it comes to platforms like Facebook, the rules are clearly stated, and to join, a person has to agree to the terms and conditions. Most people don't have a problem coloring within the lines. But just like on this forum, conservatives like to needlessly hurl rhetorical bombs, and make ad hominem insults, and levy personal attacks based on race or gender or some other perceived status of a poster.

Then they get booted and then they start complaining that they've been discriminated against and that their freedom of speech has somehow been unduly infringed upon.

The next thing you know, conservatives want to pass laws that violate the very constitution which they claim to revere.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat!

You're just so full of shit. How do you stand the smell?

Thanks for proving my point for me.

Of course, everything proves your point to a leftist. We can't not prove your point. You believe whatever Democrats tell you to believe. It's not possible to show you how totally you're programmed

Yeah, I mention ad hominem attacks in passing, and what do you do in your very next post. Level a personal insult, of course.

You guys are SO predictable.

BTW, I'm not a Democrat. I've never been a Democrat.

You're not a Democrat, OMG that's funny. Lie, lie, lie, that's all you do, just like every other Democrat

If it waddles like a duck, and swims like a duck, it can quack at me that it's a goose until its beak falls off. It's still a duck.

LOL, yep.

Maybe Mustang means he voted for the Communist Party candidate. Which was Joe Biden ... LOL
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

The big tech companies are not basecd in Florida. They cannot enforce it across state lines. It is meaningless.

They do business in Florida. Leftists just constantly make shit up

The tech companies are not based in Florida. They are not subject to Florida laws.

LOL, making up your shit again.

DOING BUSINESS in a state subjects you to it's laws, not just being based there.

You are yet again just completely full of shit

My company is based in California. We do business in most of the states in America. As the person responsible for Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico, it's certainly news to me that we're not subject to the laws of the states we're not based in. Guess I've been wasting a lot of work time, learning the specific laws for each state. Silly me.

Yep. My business didn't do business in every State before I sold it, but we did in many. That was a decision we had to make before adding customers in any State, if we wanted to do business in that State or not. The answer was dependent on the laws of the State and the potential for growth there.

Busybody is full of shit, she doesn't know what she's talking about

Every time we expand into a new state, our lawyers have to figure out and issue whole reams of instructions to management, the database programmers, department heads, Human Resources, the whole shebang. And that's before they write up new training for whichever rank-and-file people are going to handle the new state.

Then there's collecting and filing sales taxes. And every State has different rules over what's taxable. We just charged sales tax for everything. The laws are that if we should have charged tax and didn't, they come after us for it. Easier to just always charge it.

Government sucks
So you admit the government can compel speech, it's just that you support it when it does.
In some limited circumstances, specifically to protect consumers and the economy.

But that has nothing to do with this.
In this case it's to protect our democracy. You claim to believe in that, don't you?

You rubes believe the lies of your Orange God that the election was stolen.

You don't give a flying fuck about democracy.

Because cult

Now you're weaseling about your claimed love of democracy.
Only of politicians running for office.
Doesn’t matter. It’s compelling speech.
To some extent. However, I don't have a problem with it since Facebook is nothing more than a propaganda organ now, and it's a monopoly.
Ah, so you’re okay with violating the constitution as long as it supports your politicians?

Kinda sounds a little fascist.
It's a government protected monopoly. It should have been split up long ago.

No it's not, moron
Sure it is. Rule 230 is government protection.
Only of politicians running for office.
Doesn’t matter. It’s compelling speech.
To some extent. However, I don't have a problem with it since Facebook is nothing more than a propaganda organ now, and it's a monopoly.
Ah, so you’re okay with violating the constitution as long as it supports your politicians?

Kinda sounds a little fascist.
It's a government protected monopoly. It should have been split up long ago.
It’s not a government protected monopoly.

But you do have a justification for acting a little like a fascist.
Only of politicians running for office.
Doesn’t matter. It’s compelling speech.
To some extent. However, I don't have a problem with it since Facebook is nothing more than a propaganda organ now, and it's a monopoly.
Ah, so you’re okay with violating the constitution as long as it supports your politicians?

Kinda sounds a little fascist.
It's a government protected monopoly. It should have been split up long ago.
It’s not a government protected monopoly.

But you do have a justification for acting a little like a fascist.
Of course it's a government protected monopoly. That's irrefutable. Rule 230 is a federal regulation that protects it, and it's clearly a monopoly. It's far more of a monopoly than Standard Oil ever was.
Only of politicians running for office.
Doesn’t matter. It’s compelling speech.
To some extent. However, I don't have a problem with it since Facebook is nothing more than a propaganda organ now, and it's a monopoly.
Ah, so you’re okay with violating the constitution as long as it supports your politicians?

Kinda sounds a little fascist.
It's a government protected monopoly. It should have been split up long ago.
It’s not a government protected monopoly.

But you do have a justification for acting a little like a fascist.
Of course it's a government protected monopoly. That's irrefutable. Rule 230 is a federal regulation that protects it, and it's clearly a monopoly. It's far more of a monopoly than Standard Oil ever was.
Section 230 applies to every other website too. Hard to say government protects a monopoly when it extends that protection to literally every one of their competitors.

Speaking of section 230, this law attempts to break it, however the supremacy clause would prevent that.

Man, Floridians really don’t understand how government works.

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