Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis To Sign Bill Banning Social Media ‘Deplatforming’

republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

jmo but I'm for taking away social media company's immunity from suit for allowing the dissemination of libelous material. Such as Dominion machines being "fixed" against trump, or of some conspiracy to hide the fact that Trump was wronged in vote counting. Or false stories started by the Russians do help Trump in 16. Not just about trump. It's possible the D's may find a demagogue someday. Huey Long.

I realize that legal liability would case social media to just be chats between neighbors rather than "exchanges of information" but that would be just fine imo
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
I realize DeSantis is just a Trump wannabe grabbing headlines while misleading people, but your post sort of buoyed my question of whether Fla can do this. Facebook has the same constitutional rights you or I have ... according to the GOP supreme court. So how can Fla control what facebook allows to be "published" on it's "space"?
I realize DeSantis is just a Trump wannabe grabbing headlines while misleading people, but your post sort of buoyed my question of whether Fla can do this. Facebook has the same constitutional rights you or I have ... according to the GOP supreme court. So how can Fla control what facebook allows to be "published" on it's "space"?

In a free country, with a properly limited government, they can't.
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republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,
Social media is essentially a public utility of information and opinion exchange. Facebook is saying “if we don’t agree with your opinions or experiences then we won’t allow it to appear here”
There's no characteristics of social media which would qualify it as a public utility in any way shape or form.

Are we really so lame as a society that we see Facebook access on the same par as electricity? FFS. Some people need to get a life.
Some people need to get an understanding of balanced freedom of expression
USMB does not deleted posts and posters who say they support Trump
That”discretion” is being illegally applied by Facebook

Neither does Facebook and Twitter
Absolutely incorrect and in fact the core of discussions like this
Who and what they deleted was almost always pro Trump or anti Biden. Everything in the world but even handed application
OK then

Show where anyone has been banned from Facebook or Twitter for saying they support Trump
Trump himself was banned for supporting himself
You loons try to justify that he was”lying” but Facebook does not exist to play mommy and decide and censor what comments and information we are to receive. We are big boys, we can ferret all that out.
Trump was banned for causing an insurrection
There is no right to bear false witness to the People.
The public decides what information to accept or reject. Not Nanny Facebook who has its own agenda of what thoughts, experiences and concepts they will permit to be shared. “ Permit to be shared “ is insidious and is rejected by thinking Americans
Social media is essentially a public utility of information and opinion exchange. Facebook is saying “if we don’t agree with your opinions or experiences then we won’t allow it to appear here”
There's no characteristics of social media which would qualify it as a public utility in any way shape or form.

Are we really so lame as a society that we see Facebook access on the same par as electricity? FFS. Some people need to get a life.
Some people need to get an understanding of balanced freedom of expression
Absofuckinglutely. They need to understand that freedom of expression doesn't mean you get to force your views on others, it doesn't mean you have a "right" to troll social media.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
I realize DeSantis is just a Trump wannabe grabbing headlines while misleading people, but your post sort of buoyed my question of whether Fla can do this. Facebook has the same constitutional rights you or I have ... according to the GOP supreme court. So how can Fla control what facebook allows to be "published" on it's "space"?
Lawsuits to answer you question------

but other than this you make a goofy claim of desantis misleading people---what has he done that is misleading other than what is in your hateful imagination of him.
I agree to a degree. But Facebook has never faced a court in a complaint for libel over what some user posted. It's like a license libel. Fox and OAN still have libel actions by Dominon pending. Newsmax settled, retracts its claims about the machines being manipulated and publicly apologized.
Social media is essentially a public utility of information and opinion exchange. Facebook is saying “if we don’t agree with your opinions or experiences then we won’t allow it to appear here”
There's no characteristics of social media which would qualify it as a public utility in any way shape or form.

Are we really so lame as a society that we see Facebook access on the same par as electricity? FFS. Some people need to get a life.
Some people need to get an understanding of balanced freedom of expression
Absofuckinglutely. They need to understand that freedom of expression doesn't mean you get to force your views on others, it doesn't mean you have a "right" to troll social media.
See your subjectivism of force and troll is the problem. The public is fully capable of accepting or rejecting any presented information. Agenda driven Facebook should not be allowed to do that “for” the public under the guise of “force...misinformation...your viewpoint” Freedom of expression means that there is no such thing as”forcing” your views. Present your statements and the public rightfully gets to accept or reject and not Nanny Agenda Facebook
Now BLM hissy fitting for Trump to be banned from all social media forever. Fits right into what we are discussing here. If the viewpoints cause an affront to your emotions then make sure such viewpoints are censored and unavailable to be viewed or heard by everyone.
Very bad road to be already going down
Social media is essentially a public utility of information and opinion exchange. Facebook is saying “if we don’t agree with your opinions or experiences then we won’t allow it to appear here”
There's no characteristics of social media which would qualify it as a public utility in any way shape or form.

Are we really so lame as a society that we see Facebook access on the same par as electricity? FFS. Some people need to get a life.
Some people need to get an understanding of balanced freedom of expression
Absofuckinglutely. They need to understand that freedom of expression doesn't mean you get to force your views on others, it doesn't mean you have a "right" to troll social media.
See your subjectivism of force and troll is the problem. The public is fully capable of accepting or rejecting any presented information. Agenda driven Facebook should not be allowed to do that “for” the public under the guise of “force...misinformation...your viewpoint” Freedom of expression means that there is no such thing as”forcing” your views. Present your statements and the public rightfully gets to accept or reject and not Nanny Agenda Facebook

Yep. The same old song and dance from statists who want government to control over damned thing. I'll pass.
There is no right to bear false witness to the People.
The public decides what information to accept or reject. Not Nanny Facebook who has its own agenda of what thoughts, experiences and concepts they will permit to be shared. “ Permit to be shared “ is insidious and is rejected by thinking Americans
Facebook makes the rules on their platform.
If you don’t like it go elsewhere

Why doesn‘t he just go on TRUMPbook?
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
Of course we have free speech rights regarding companies. If I say Trump is great and Facebook sucks for removing him then Facebook shows itself to be a very frightened, censoring agenda driven company
Of course we have free speech rights regarding companies. If I say Trump is great and Facebook sucks for removing him then Facebook shows itself to be a very frightened, censoring agenda driven company
Which is entirely their legal right. As it should be.

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