Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis To Sign Bill Banning Social Media ‘Deplatforming’

I want to thank the number of people here who have identified they dont believe in free speech when it does not match the whim of their feelings
That label should stick with you for a Long Time
I want to thank the number of people here who have identified they dont believe in free speech when it does not match the whim of their feelings
That label should stick with you for a Long Time

And I want to thank all the phony-as-fuck "conservatives" who've done a 180 when it comes to big brother government.
I want the public to have the opportunity to decide for themselves.
They do have that opportunity – they can elect to leave, they can be critical of FB on other platforms.
You can have your opinion but just take it somewhere else
Are you Chinese or Russian
‘In Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo (1974), the Supreme Court invalidated a Florida law requiring newspapers who ran articles critical of political candidates to publish a reply from the candidate. Florida argued that newspapers had monopoly power and gave a tiny elite an outsized role in public discourse — and that “fairness” regulation was necessary to protect the public’s ability to participate in the marketplace of ideas.

Exactly the same arguments are being made today about “Big Tech.” But the Supreme Court ruled that none of this justified infringing on First Amendment rights; newspapers simply could not be compelled to publish material they did not wish to. The same constitutional principles protect social media.’

At least conservatives are consistent in their contempt for the First Amendment.
Your tangent about “I want state control” has been defeated and is something you made up
This is a lie.

The Florida measure seeking to do exactly that is proof this is a lie.
I do not advocate state control and never so stated. Like all defeated Libs You assigned your characterization on me and presented it as an admission that I made. Fake.
What I am an advocate for is the freedom of each reader to read the presentations and decide for themselves as to the validity. You advocate and endorse Facebook making that decision in advance and censoring even the mere presentation of the printed or spoken word
Why do you all fear other opinions and experiences So Much that you can’t allow them to even see the light of day? Diversity-remember?
Also, try to justify arbitrary political expression as “lies” is just as worn out as cries of “racism” every time things are not going like you feel they should
I want statist government to quit "lawfully" shitting on our rights by hiding behind the private sector.
Then you should want government as far away from private sector decisions possible.

But that's not what supposed conservatives are talking about doing. Especially with this bill.
banning those whose thoughts beliefs and expression don’t match Facebooks agenda.

Especially if that agenda is to ban misinformation and hate speech
What is or isn’t misinformation is very subjective in politics and should rightly be In the eye of the beholding consumer to decide and not at the censorship whim of Facebook

Facebook owns the site
They decide what is or is not misinformation

Coming from Trump, it is not that difficult a decision
I want to thank the number of people here who have identified they dont believe in free speech when it does not match the whim of their feelings
That label should stick with you for a Long Time

It doesn’t appear that you know what Free Speech is.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

Some think DeSantis wants to run for the nomination in 2024, so I'll wait and see what he does before patting him on the back.

But we understand why you deviants and commies have to crush free political speech as well as exterminate white Xians, and how this uppity white guy terrifies you and makes you wet yourselves.
Some think DeSantis wants to run for nomination in 2024. We understand why you deviants and commies have to crush free political speech s well as exterminate white Xians.
DeSantis is welcome to host his own speech on his own website at his own cost.

Demanding Facebook (or any other social media company) do as the government bids to support the politicians of the state is exactly the kind of intervention conservatives used to abhor.
Some think DeSantis wants to run for nomination in 2024. We understand why you deviants and commies have to crush free political speech s well as exterminate white Xians.
DeSantis is welcome to host his own speech on his own website at his own cost.

Demanding Facebook (or any other social media company) do as the government bids to support the politicians of the state is exactly the kind of intervention conservatives used to abhor.

Yes, you desperately need censorship; we already acknowledged that. No need to cry and whimper over it, gimp.
Some think DeSantis wants to run for nomination in 2024. We understand why you deviants and commies have to crush free political speech s well as exterminate white Xians.
DeSantis is welcome to host his own speech on his own website at his own cost.

Demanding Facebook (or any other social media company) do as the government bids to support the politicians of the state is exactly the kind of intervention conservatives used to abhor.

Yes, you desperately need censorship; we already acknowledged that. No need to cry and whimper over it, gimp.
Lots of conservatives have no problem staying on social media. It’s just some of them that feel they don’t need to behave like adults when they’re using someone else’s platform.
I want statist government to quit "lawfully" shitting on our rights by hiding behind the private sector.
Then you should want government as far away from private sector decisions possible.

But that's not what supposed conservatives are talking about doing. Especially with this bill.
then take away their 230 protections and all will be fine,,

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