Florida Gov. Signs Bill...Booberry Al Sharpton Don’t Be Liken It’s

Florida Governor Ron Desantis (R) signed a bill requiring felons to pay off all $ and other debt to society before they can vote. Naturally the pro-crime left opposes it. Plays race card...again.
Florida Governor Signs Bill Restricting Ex-Felons from Voting
These people deserve no special treatment. Gotta pay for your crime. Good bill.
Florida governor signs law allowing felons to vote but there's a price - Reuters
Guess the Governor has been “eating da pie.”

That's my Governor. One smart guy.

Al Sharpton can blow it out his stupid ass.

How smart is it to ignore 65% of the electorate views... People get kind of pissed off when Politicians don't do what they are told...

In Florida? Who conducted these polls? Oh yes, liberal groups that want common fucking vermin to vote.

What fucking polls...


2018 Florida Amendment 4 - Wikipedia

Almost 8 million people voted...

The only question is how fucking stupid your post looks right now...
If you want to give felons the right to vote, fine. But they need to serve their time and be done with it. This bill makes sense.
My question is, are they giving felons all of their rights back? Or is this just political bullshit?

Shouldn't that be determined on the crime/s?
Sure. Let’s allow child molesters to vote for the liberal candidate of their choice who will pardon them.

Read the fucking amendment moron...
Florida Governor Ron Desantis (R) signed a bill requiring felons to pay off all $ and other debt to society before they can vote. Naturally the pro-crime left opposes it. Plays race card...again.
Florida Governor Signs Bill Restricting Ex-Felons from Voting
These people deserve no special treatment. Gotta pay for your crime. Good bill.
Florida governor signs law allowing felons to vote but there's a price - Reuters
Guess the Governor has been “eating da pie.”

It takes a minute to get back on you feet after you exit prison. It's been almost 20 years since I have lived there. Is Florida one of those states that lays fines and fees all over the place?

Having to pay your fines after you get out is not something I can really disagree with if those fines are related to the crime directly.

The practice of charging felons AFTER they get out for 'services' that they are forced to adhere to is bullshit. That is a practice that needs to end.

I don't have a problem with it if it's related to supervision.
Florida Governor Ron Desantis (R) signed a bill requiring felons to pay off all $ and other debt to society before they can vote. Naturally the pro-crime left opposes it. Plays race card...again.
Florida Governor Signs Bill Restricting Ex-Felons from Voting
These people deserve no special treatment. Gotta pay for your crime. Good bill.
Florida governor signs law allowing felons to vote but there's a price - Reuters
Guess the Governor has been “eating da pie.”

It takes a minute to get back on you feet after you exit prison. It's been almost 20 years since I have lived there. Is Florida one of those states that lays fines and fees all over the place?

Having to pay your fines after you get out is not something I can really disagree with if those fines are related to the crime directly.

The practice of charging felons AFTER they get out for 'services' that they are forced to adhere to is bullshit. That is a practice that needs to end.

I don't have a problem with it if it's related to supervision.

I do.

Whatever costs the government incurs AFTER the time and punishment are served do nothing more than keep people from properly returning to society. It does not help the individual integrate.

Once you have served your time and paid whatever fines the law requires for breaking it that should really be the end. No additional punishments, fines or whatever else the bureaucracy wants to levy on a person. That is not freedom and it certainly does not protect rights. It infringes on them.
Florida Governor Ron Desantis (R) signed a bill requiring felons to pay off all $ and other debt to society before they can vote. Naturally the pro-crime left opposes it. Plays race card...again.
Florida Governor Signs Bill Restricting Ex-Felons from Voting
These people deserve no special treatment. Gotta pay for your crime. Good bill.
Florida governor signs law allowing felons to vote but there's a price - Reuters
Guess the Governor has been “eating da pie.”

Democrat Politicians know their voters are criminals

These are the Trump associates who’ve pleaded guilty in the Mueller probe

Democrat Politicians register criminals to vote for them
View attachment 278263

Democrats would allow foreign nationals to vote in our elections as long as they voted socialist.

So would you if they didn’t vote Dem.
Florida Governor Ron Desantis (R) signed a bill requiring felons to pay off all $ and other debt to society before they can vote. Naturally the pro-crime left opposes it. Plays race card...again.
Florida Governor Signs Bill Restricting Ex-Felons from Voting
These people deserve no special treatment. Gotta pay for your crime. Good bill.
Florida governor signs law allowing felons to vote but there's a price - Reuters
Guess the Governor has been “eating da pie.”

It takes a minute to get back on you feet after you exit prison. It's been almost 20 years since I have lived there. Is Florida one of those states that lays fines and fees all over the place?

Having to pay your fines after you get out is not something I can really disagree with if those fines are related to the crime directly.

The practice of charging felons AFTER they get out for 'services' that they are forced to adhere to is bullshit. That is a practice that needs to end.

I don't have a problem with it if it's related to supervision.

I do.

Whatever costs the government incurs AFTER the time and punishment are served do nothing more than keep people from properly returning to society. It does not help the individual integrate.

Once you have served your time and paid whatever fines the law requires for breaking it that should really be the end. No additional punishments, fines or whatever else the bureaucracy wants to levy on a person. That is not freedom and it certainly does not protect rights. It infringes on them.

They can stay locked up without parole.
If you want to give felons the right to vote, fine. But they need to serve their time and be done with it. This bill makes sense.
My question is, are they giving felons all of their rights back? Or is this just political bullshit?

Shouldn't that be determined on the crime/s?
Shouldn't we apply it across the board?
Florida Governor Ron Desantis (R) signed a bill requiring felons to pay off all $ and other debt to society before they can vote. Naturally the pro-crime left opposes it. Plays race card...again.
Florida Governor Signs Bill Restricting Ex-Felons from Voting
These people deserve no special treatment. Gotta pay for your crime. Good bill.
Florida governor signs law allowing felons to vote but there's a price - Reuters
Guess the Governor has been “eating da pie.”

It takes a minute to get back on you feet after you exit prison. It's been almost 20 years since I have lived there. Is Florida one of those states that lays fines and fees all over the place?

Having to pay your fines after you get out is not something I can really disagree with if those fines are related to the crime directly.

The practice of charging felons AFTER they get out for 'services' that they are forced to adhere to is bullshit. That is a practice that needs to end.

I don't have a problem with it if it's related to supervision.

I do.

Whatever costs the government incurs AFTER the time and punishment are served do nothing more than keep people from properly returning to society. It does not help the individual integrate.

Once you have served your time and paid whatever fines the law requires for breaking it that should really be the end. No additional punishments, fines or whatever else the bureaucracy wants to levy on a person. That is not freedom and it certainly does not protect rights. It infringes on them.

They can stay locked up without parole.

If that is deemed necessary.
If you want to give felons the right to vote, fine. But they need to serve their time and be done with it. This bill makes sense.
My question is, are they giving felons all of their rights back? Or is this just political bullshit?

Shouldn't that be determined on the crime/s?
Shouldn't we apply it across the board?

You want them all registered for life? Check in once a month at the Sheriff's office?
If you want to give felons the right to vote, fine. But they need to serve their time and be done with it. This bill makes sense.
My question is, are they giving felons all of their rights back? Or is this just political bullshit?

Shouldn't that be determined on the crime/s?
Shouldn't we apply it across the board?

You want them all registered for life? Check in once a month at the Sheriff's office?
I am saying if we are going to give them rights back, they should get all rights back.
Every one of them.
If you want to give felons the right to vote, fine. But they need to serve their time and be done with it. This bill makes sense.
My question is, are they giving felons all of their rights back? Or is this just political bullshit?

Shouldn't that be determined on the crime/s?
Shouldn't we apply it across the board?

You want them all registered for life? Check in once a month at the Sheriff's office?
I am saying if we are going to give them rights back, they should get all rights back.
Every one of them.

What do you mean every one of them? The ability to buy a gun? The ability to be within so many feet of a school?
Indeed, the scale of the issue is unknown even to some clerks of court. When the Sun Sentinel asked the office of Broward County Clerk of Courts Brenda Forman how much money felons owed in fines in Broward County, the clerk’s office replied that it would take hours of clerical and computer work to find the number. The newspaper was charged $150 for the time and effort. The Palm Beach clerk’s office was able to provide the data quickly and at no cost.

Fines imposed for felonies can be substantial. Under Florida law, felonies are broken down into four categories: Third, second and first degree and life felonies, in order of seriousness. Third-degree felonies can carry a $5,000 fine, second- and first-degree a $10,000 fine and life felonies a $15,000 fine. And none of these numbers include fees and other court costs, or restitution to victims that courts may impose on felons.

And some individual crimes can carry much higher fines. For example, marijuana trafficking in Florida involves 25 pounds or more of the plant. Those convicted of trafficking who are caught with 25 to 2,000 pounds or more than 300 plants face a $25,000 fine. If it’s 2,000 to 10,000 pounds or more than 2,000 plants, the sentence comes with a $50,000
South Florida felons owe a billion dollars in fines — and that will affect their ability to vote

they can also suspend drivers license. Man oh man. They sure want to keep people in a bind.

Perhaps they can make all the wealthy people who owe taxes pay up before they vote.

Voting rights are rights, and no amount of money should take that away.

It's not about money, it's about not having completed their sentence. They had their due process, deal with it.

no it isn't and YOU know it...
it's a bull sh t law, meant to disenfranchise citizens and their vote, a poll tax....

and it just says F YOU to the Florida voters who voted per referendum, to reinstate voter rights after their time served, NOT after the bills and fees are slapped on them.... and paid

typical republican politicians... always doing what it takes, cheating included, to keep themselves in office....
The voters of Florida have spoken and THEY have said that former felons have the right to vote.

THIS is a poll tax meant to disenfranchise voters.

It's what Republicans do.

It's the only way they can win
If you want to give felons the right to vote, fine. But they need to serve their time and be done with it. This bill makes sense.
My question is, are they giving felons all of their rights back? Or is this just political bullshit?

Shouldn't that be determined on the crime/s?
Shouldn't we apply it across the board?

You want them all registered for life? Check in once a month at the Sheriff's office?
I am saying if we are going to give them rights back, they should get all rights back.
Every one of them.

What do you mean every one of them? The ability to buy a gun? The ability to be within so many feet of a school?
it's a bull sh t law, meant to disenfranchise citizens and their vote, a poll tax....

and it just says F YOU to the Florida voters who voted per referendum, to reinstate voter rights after their time served, NOT after the bills and fees are slapped on them.... and paid

typical republican politicians... always doing what it takes, cheating included, to keep themselves in office....
Fines and the like are part of sentencing.
Your hyperbole is noted.
Florida has an out. The amount of money owed can be converted into community service.
When people incorrectly use terminology that does not belong, it dissolves the history and oppression that came with it
That's what people are doing here.

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