Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proclaims today Ronald Reagan Day in Florida. February 6 happens to be President Reagan's birthday

it's also Axl Rose and Bob Marley's birthday...they don't get a prize too?
Who will play the part of Ollie North selling cocaine in the parade? Who will act the part of the locked away for life Panama dictator who helped to sell the cocaine to fund the Contra War?
And finally who will play the hideous bitch that was his wife? For the production of his life story produced by the overly proactive state of Florida... Where ee've given over one million shots of Covid vaccine that we don't have...
There is a damn good reason I don't go to Florida and it is the same damn reason I don't go to Texass....You people embarrass me as a southerner.
Who will play the part of Ollie North selling cocaine in the parade? Who will act the part of the locked away for life Panama dictator who helped to sell the cocaine to fund the Contra War?
"the whole so-called Iran scandal..i find it hard to say 'scandal'...I still think North is a hero, and he will be found innocent, because i don't believe they were guilty or committed any crime" - President Reagan

North was caught in a between dispute between Reagan and Congress over the control of foreign policy...he never EVER committed a crime, PERIOD! A criminal court is not the proper place to resolve a foreign policy mere "DISPUTE", anyway

North is a WOUNDED, decorated Vietnam Vet and dedicated public servant...North deserves America's gratitude, not its condemnation, my friends...this whole matter exposed North to unfair ridicule and forever tarnished his reputation...WELL I'M GONNA FIX THAT!

because Ollie is the patriot i just described, he took responsibility for the messy matter and assisted in the cleanup...for the good of America...BECAUSE HE LOVES AMERICA!

folks, a man name William Zucker admitted he met Betsy North in Philly, she give him the name and age of her four children, and out of Hakim's share of the Swiss funds, established a 200 thousand dollar account for their benefit

but they could not prove that Ollie knew about it, though it was him who sent his wife to meet Zucker there in Philly

also, MacFarlane twice answered inquiries by denying North's ALLEGED activities in support of the Contras

it's not a crime when only the Iranians are the victim of a crime, my friends!

notice how the special prosecutor obtained a plea bargain from MacFarlane, and notice the inconsistency of granting leniency to Ollie's former supervisor while continuing the case against North...McFarlane had a fragile mental state, anyway...the prosecutor unwisely agreed to McFarlane's insistence that he be sentenced before he testified, so that it can not be claimed at trial he was motivated by fear of prison...it was Reagan who put McFarlane into an impossible position. his crimes had been the inevitable result of his having undertaken to carry out a willful presidential policy.
DeSantis is a future president, my friends!

Let us all celebrate by giving Iran illegal arms shipments and fighter plane spare parts...Or we could fund the Contra war in Central America.

Reagan was not perfect. And Reagan was not a pure conservative. However he made a mistake in taking George bush and some of his type into the administration. By the second term Reagan was a bit weaker and he was taken advantaged of. Truth is, he should have been the Repub standard bearer in 1976. But the Repub elite idiots gave it to the moron Ford.
now more than ever!

now more than ever!

Why would they want communism when their lives have been so wonderful under rightwing dictators?
A dumb shirt being held by a dumbass.
Fidel Castro is not a dictator? Maduro is not a dictator? Chavez is not a dictator?

there's only one dumbass here, and it's not me or Reagan
Fidel gave them food, medicine and schools. Those are 3 things they didn`t have before. Is Maduro any worse than Samoza or any one of the other murderers we`ve installed in that part of the world? Chavez has been dead for 8 years smart guy. You can stop being afraid of him.

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