Florida gun shop owner to make business "muslim free zone."

I'd LOVE to see stores all over the country with nice big cured hams and strings of all-pork wieners hanging from the ceiling.
Then watch what the rag-heads will do.
"Welcome to Herb's Auto Parts. Is there something I can sell you? Just watch your head".HAAAA HAAAAAA
So, it looks like this brings up another question.....

Will Obama's DOJ openly show their support for an organization that funds terrorism by taking on the case like CAIR requested???
No reason they shouldn't. It's an open and closed civil rights case. Religion discrimination is against the law here, remember?

You don't have a right to buy a gun from someone that has the right to refuse to sell you a gun. Rights are not one-sided.
They don't have the right to refuse, in nearly all cases. They are open to the public and religious discrimination is illegal here. He can no more refuse Muslims than he can Jews or *******...

Sure they have the right to refuse on whatever grounds they want. It is a free country. Your muslim friends are free to go to another gun store.
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
It doesn't matter, for once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) PaintMyHouse actually got something right and I have to agree with him. Ya can't discriminate based on religion, it's covered under this little known document call the Constitution.......

The Constitution protects us from the government. It says the government cannot make laws establishing a religion or prohibit the free exercise of. It does not say that every American must cater to every one else's religion.
Iverness gun store owner Shop is Muslim-free zone after... www.wftv.com

the muslims are all lathered up over this; well, if their's is a religion of peace why would they care about guns anyhow

they also want the doj to investigate.
ya know really cares about justice in this country
just ask the 21 attacks on military personnel in this country.

CAIR to Seek DOJ Probe of Muslim Free Zone Businesses in Florida New Hampshire Reuters
If christianity is a religion of peace why would they care about guns anyhow.

I hope the NRA gets on this...a clear case of trying to take away 2nd amendment rights based on religion (a little of 1st amendment too).
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
So...we hold all Muslims responsible....can we do that with christians too? Hold them all responsible when one goes off?
So, it looks like this brings up another question.....

Will Obama's DOJ openly show their support for an organization that funds terrorism by taking on the case like CAIR requested???
No reason they shouldn't. It's an open and closed civil rights case. Religion discrimination is against the law here, remember?

You don't have a right to buy a gun from someone that has the right to refuse to sell you a gun. Rights are not one-sided.
They don't have the right to refuse, in nearly all cases. They are open to the public and religious discrimination is illegal here. He can no more refuse Muslims than he can Jews or *******...

Sure they have the right to refuse on whatever grounds they want. It is a free country. Your muslim friends are free to go to another gun store.

Let's try this:

"Sure they have the right to refuse on whatever grounds they want. It is a free country. Your christian friends are free to go to another gun store."
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
It doesn't matter, for once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) PaintMyHouse actually got something right and I have to agree with him. Ya can't discriminate based on religion, it's covered under this little known document call the Constitution.......

The Constitution protects us from the government. It says the government cannot make laws establishing a religion or prohibit the free exercise of. It does not say that every American must cater to every one else's religion.
The laws (determined constitutional by SOTUS) barring discrimination based on race and religion also (as upheld by SCOTUS) applies to businesses customers. Why do you think the gay community has been working so hard to add "sexual orientation" to the list, look at all the law suits.
The owner cannot discriminate based on race or religion without legal consequence.
So, it looks like this brings up another question.....

Will Obama's DOJ openly show their support for an organization that funds terrorism by taking on the case like CAIR requested???
No reason they shouldn't. It's an open and closed civil rights case. Religion discrimination is against the law here, remember?

You don't have a right to buy a gun from someone that has the right to refuse to sell you a gun. Rights are not one-sided.
They don't have the right to refuse, in nearly all cases. They are open to the public and religious discrimination is illegal here. He can no more refuse Muslims than he can Jews or *******...

Sure they have the right to refuse on whatever grounds they want. It is a free country. Your muslim friends are free to go to another gun store.

Let's try this:

"Sure they have the right to refuse on whatever grounds they want. It is a free country. Your christian friends are free to go to another gun store."

Sounds reasonable.
If the store owner made it a Confederate flag free zone the radical left would be celebrating. It's all political posturing and it ain't hard to get lefties lathered up with hatred.
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
It doesn't matter, for once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) PaintMyHouse actually got something right and I have to agree with him. Ya can't discriminate based on religion, it's covered under this little known document call the Constitution.......

The Constitution protects us from the government. It says the government cannot make laws establishing a religion or prohibit the free exercise of. It does not say that every American must cater to every one else's religion.
The laws (determined constitutional by SOTUS) barring discrimination based on race and religion also (as upheld by SCOTUS) applies to businesses customers. Why do you think the gay community has been working so hard to add "sexual orientation" to the list, look at all the law suits.
The owner cannot discriminate based on race or religion without legal consequence.

I think a business owner can conduct whatever kind of business and cater to whoever the hell he chooses and then let the market decide if his business does well or not. The gay have been working hard to validate an abominable lifestyle and with the help of you stupid ass liberals they are making progress.

I discriminate all the time based on a wide variety of criteria. Most of the time it's just on a gut feeling about the individual. I will not sell a gun to anyone that I am not comfortable with selling to. You may have the right to buy a gun, but I am not obligated to sell you one.
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
Then by that "logic" Christians should be banned as well, they do more shooting than either.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
It doesn't matter, for once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) PaintMyHouse actually got something right and I have to agree with him. Ya can't discriminate based on religion, it's covered under this little known document call the Constitution.......

The Constitution protects us from the government. It says the government cannot make laws establishing a religion or prohibit the free exercise of. It does not say that every American must cater to every one else's religion.
The laws (determined constitutional by SOTUS) barring discrimination based on race and religion also (as upheld by SCOTUS) applies to businesses customers. Why do you think the gay community has been working so hard to add "sexual orientation" to the list, look at all the law suits.
The owner cannot discriminate based on race or religion without legal consequence.

I think a business owner can conduct whatever kind of business and cater to whoever the hell he chooses and then let the market decide if his business does well or not. The gay have been working hard to validate an abominable lifestyle and with the help of you stupid ass liberals they are making progress.

I discriminate all the time based on a wide variety of criteria. Most of the time it's just on a gut feeling about the individual. I will not sell a gun to anyone that I am not comfortable with selling to. You may have the right to buy a gun, but I am not obligated to sell you one.
You liberals...... Is that your normal propaganda tactic? Why am I asking, of course it is, you and rdean have a lot in common....... :lmao:
I'm simply stating what the law says, does that mean I agree with it or not? Of course not. Try using your brain, if you can, not you blind preconceptions. :thup:
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
It doesn't matter, for once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) PaintMyHouse actually got something right and I have to agree with him. Ya can't discriminate based on religion, it's covered under this little known document call the Constitution.......
It is my understanding that his store's name is "Muslim Free Zone" not the denial of service to muslims. I could be wrong but that's my understanding.
CAIR supports terrorists...

FBI Reaffirms CAIR s Terrorist Ties RedState

CAIR Listed as a Terrorist Group Alongside Al Qaeda and the Islamic State TheBlaze.com

The Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Muslim American Society are each registering their outrage over reportedly being designated terrorist organizations by the United Arab Emirates.

The two American groups were listed alongside the Islamic State group, Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood branches, as well as European Muslim groups in Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Finland, Britain’s Cordoba Foundation and the Muslim Association of Britain. The full list, numbering 83 groups, was approved by the UAE cabinet Saturday and wasposted by the official news agency WAM.

Federal Judge Agrees CAIR Tied to Hamas The Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been connected to the terrorist organization Hamas, a federal judge said in a July 2009 ruling unsealed last week.

"The government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, with NAIT, the Islamic Association for Palestine, and with Hamas," U.S. District Court Judge Jorge Solis said in the July 1, 2009, ruling.

CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) had protested to Solis that they were incorrectly named as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2008 trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. Among the allegations, HLF was accused of having provided more than $12 million to Hamas. After a 2007 mistrial, five former HLF officials convicted on 108 counts, ranging from money laundering to conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Wouldn't matter a damn if they did support terror in this case, the other two morons are breaking the law and should be closed down. Replace the word Muslims with Jews and you'll see the problem. That's what the courts will see anyway.

The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
It doesn't matter, for once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) PaintMyHouse actually got something right and I have to agree with him. Ya can't discriminate based on religion, it's covered under this little known document call the Constitution.......
It is my understanding that his store's name is "Muslim Free Zone" not the denial of service to muslims. I could be wrong but that's my understanding.
If that's the case it's a whole different story. :thup:
The Jews in the US aren't going around shooting US Marines. Muslims are.
It doesn't matter, for once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) PaintMyHouse actually got something right and I have to agree with him. Ya can't discriminate based on religion, it's covered under this little known document call the Constitution.......

The Constitution protects us from the government. It says the government cannot make laws establishing a religion or prohibit the free exercise of. It does not say that every American must cater to every one else's religion.
The laws (determined constitutional by SOTUS) barring discrimination based on race and religion also (as upheld by SCOTUS) applies to businesses customers. Why do you think the gay community has been working so hard to add "sexual orientation" to the list, look at all the law suits.
The owner cannot discriminate based on race or religion without legal consequence.

I think a business owner can conduct whatever kind of business and cater to whoever the hell he chooses and then let the market decide if his business does well or not. The gay have been working hard to validate an abominable lifestyle and with the help of you stupid ass liberals they are making progress.

I discriminate all the time based on a wide variety of criteria. Most of the time it's just on a gut feeling about the individual. I will not sell a gun to anyone that I am not comfortable with selling to. You may have the right to buy a gun, but I am not obligated to sell you one.
You liberals...... Is that your normal propaganda tactic? Why am I asking, of course it is, you and rdean have a lot in common....... :lmao:
I'm simply stating what the law says, does that mean I agree with it or not? Of course not. Try using your brain, if you can, not you blind preconceptions. :thup:

No propaganda, just cold hard facts.

I don't give a rat's ass what the law says, the laws are wrong and unconstitutional. In a free country a person should be free to conduct business to whoever he chooses.
More than one way to skin a cat.

I'd probably just post a sign in the window touting a special deal on ammo dipped in pig's blood and another one stating X% of the business's profits will be donated to some well known anti-Muslim group. Then just hang a few targets around the place featuring a picture of Muhamhead on them and, if it has a shooting range as many do, use such targets exclusively.
It doesn't matter, for once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) PaintMyHouse actually got something right and I have to agree with him. Ya can't discriminate based on religion, it's covered under this little known document call the Constitution.......

The Constitution protects us from the government. It says the government cannot make laws establishing a religion or prohibit the free exercise of. It does not say that every American must cater to every one else's religion.
The laws (determined constitutional by SOTUS) barring discrimination based on race and religion also (as upheld by SCOTUS) applies to businesses customers. Why do you think the gay community has been working so hard to add "sexual orientation" to the list, look at all the law suits.
The owner cannot discriminate based on race or religion without legal consequence.

I think a business owner can conduct whatever kind of business and cater to whoever the hell he chooses and then let the market decide if his business does well or not. The gay have been working hard to validate an abominable lifestyle and with the help of you stupid ass liberals they are making progress.

I discriminate all the time based on a wide variety of criteria. Most of the time it's just on a gut feeling about the individual. I will not sell a gun to anyone that I am not comfortable with selling to. You may have the right to buy a gun, but I am not obligated to sell you one.
You liberals...... Is that your normal propaganda tactic? Why am I asking, of course it is, you and rdean have a lot in common....... :lmao:
I'm simply stating what the law says, does that mean I agree with it or not? Of course not. Try using your brain, if you can, not you blind preconceptions. :thup:

No propaganda, just cold hard facts.

I don't give a rat's ass what the law says, the laws are wrong and unconstitutional. In a free country a person should be free to conduct business to whoever he chooses.
Cold hard facts eh? Explain why the moonbats put me in the same category as you fringe wingnuts....... :lmao:
Don't like the laws, change em, it's the American thing to do....... :eusa_whistle:
US Constitution - 5th and 14th Amendments findUSlaw

The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution limit the power of the federal and state governments to discriminate. The private sector is not directly constrained by the Constitution.

The Fifth Amendment has an explicit requirement that the Federal Government not deprive individuals of "life, liberty, or property," without due process of the law and an implicit guarantee that each person receive equal protection of the laws.

The Fourteenth Amendment explicitly prohibits states from violating an individual's rights of due process and equal protection. Equal protection limits the State and Federal governments' power to discriminate in their employment practices by treating employees, former employees, or job applicants unequally because of membership in a group, like a race, religion or sex. Due process protection requires that employees have a fair procedural process before they are terminated if the termination is related to a "liberty," like the right to free speech, or a property interest.
No reason they shouldn't. It's an open and closed civil rights case. Religion discrimination is against the law here, remember?

You don't have a right to buy a gun from someone that has the right to refuse to sell you a gun. Rights are not one-sided.
They don't have the right to refuse, in nearly all cases. They are open to the public and religious discrimination is illegal here. He can no more refuse Muslims than he can Jews or *******...

Sure they have the right to refuse on whatever grounds they want. It is a free country. Your muslim friends are free to go to another gun store.

Let's try this:

"Sure they have the right to refuse on whatever grounds they want. It is a free country. Your christian friends are free to go to another gun store."

Sounds reasonable.
I'm sure it does.

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