Florida Judge Whacks Trump Lawyers With $1 Million In Sanctions For Misuse Of The Courts

Frivolous lawsuits are ok. Courts are there to broaden the legal industry. Stopping frivolous lawsuits will never be a thing.
There is nothing frivolous about the evil cloud that hangs over Hillary Clinton for her disgusting misuse of power, from getting FBI files into the WH that should never have been placed there to her lying "I forget" to the United States Grand Jury investigating her deplorable misuse of stealing from the poor seniors' nest eggs to make herself rich in the Whitewater fiasco. President Trump doesn't do frivolous lawsuit balderdash, and that craven judge should never have sat on the bench belittling people who were wronged by a hellion like Hillary Clinton. Not ever.
It was a civil suit. There is no appeal. And in case you haven’t heard, the orange assclown withdrew his suit against the NY attorney general today to cut his losses.

Do you realize this makes three times now Hillary Clinton has kicked his ass?

Fun fact to know and tell. While the Traitor and his Criminal Cabal can plead the Fifth in a Criminal Proceeding, you cannot do so in a Civil Proceeding. Not only that, taking the Fifth can be used against you in a Civil Proceeding.
Hillary Clinton

Here is your problem and the Traitor's problem. You do not have single shred of credible, verifiable proof of any damn thing and you know it.

You people have made HRC the Great White Whale. And still you have nothing.

The Traitor would have had to present proof, evidence that HRC had set out to do him harm and he and none.

That evidence the Traitor has never had would have had against HRC (it does not exist) would to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt (the legal standard), and he did not have it.

Goddamn Hilary Clinton Has To Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hilary Clinton Goddammit.
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Here is your problem and the Traitor's problem. You do not have single shred of credible, verifiable proof of any damn thing and you know it.

You people have made HRC the Great White Whale. And still you have nothing.

The Traitor would have had to present proof, evidence that HRC had set out to do him harm and he and none.

That evidence the Traitor has never had would have had against HRC (it does not exist) would to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt (the legal standard), and he did not have it.

Goddamn Hilary Clinton Has To Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hilary Clinton Goddammit.
Hillary destroyed the evidence.
There is nothing frivolous about the evil cloud that hangs over Hillary Clinton for her disgusting misuse of power, from getting FBI files into the WH that should never have been placed there to her lying "I forget" to the United States Grand Jury investigating her deplorable misuse of stealing from the poor seniors' nest eggs to make herself rich in the Whitewater fiasco. President Trump doesn't do frivolous lawsuit balderdash, and that craven judge should never have sat on the bench belittling people who were wronged by a hellion like Hillary Clinton. Not ever.
Bill and Hillary are well practiced at fraud. They are also experts and destroying evidence and making witnesses room temperature.
It was a civil suit. There is no appeal. And in case you haven’t heard, the orange assclown withdrew his suit against the NY attorney general today to cut his losses.

Do you realize this makes three times now Hillary Clinton has kicked his ass?
Yet in the only contest that REALLY counted, The Donald kicked Hillary's fat ass! She can get all the liberal judges in the world to rule in favor of her and that STILL won't change the fact that she'll never be President of the United States! :)
Here is your problem and the Traitor's problem. You do not have single shred of credible, verifiable proof of any damn thing and you know it.

You people have made HRC the Great White Whale. And still you have nothing.

The Traitor would have had to present proof, evidence that HRC had set out to do him harm and he and none.

That evidence the Traitor has never had would have had against HRC (it does not exist) would to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt (the legal standard), and he did not have it.

Goddamn Hilary Clinton Has To Goddamn Guilty of Goddamn Something Because She Is Goddamn Hilary Clinton Goddammit.
Dude, Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS to smear Donald Trump with the "Steele Dossiers"! It's one of the sleaziest political dirty tricks in the history of American elections! Claiming no evidence exists that she set out to do him harm is laughable!
Dude, Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS to smear Donald Trump with the "Steele Dossiers"! It's one of the sleaziest political dirty tricks in the history of American elections! Claiming no evidence exists that she set out to do him harm is laughable!
He he he....any chance you've contemplated the currently being released Biden doc investigation?
He's going down.......bigly.
Federal District Court Judge Donald Middlebrooks on Thursday dropped the hammer on former President Donald Trump's attorneys by hitting them with sanctions totaling nearly $1 million for what he described as "misuse of the courts

In a court order flagged by Politico's Kyle Cheney, Middlebrooks raked Trump's lawyers over the coals for their failed lawsuit against Hillary Clinton for purportedly defaming him by accusing him of being Russian President Vladimir Putin's puppet during the 2016 campaign.

"This case should never have been brought," Middlebrooks began his order. "Its inadequacy as a legal claim was evident from the start. No reasonable lawyer would have filed it. Intended for a political purpose, none of the counts of the amended complaint stated a cognizable legal claim."

You’ve now had your way to many days in court loser. From now on it’s going to be costly for you to be anywhere near a courthouse.
It won't hold up in appeal. It is merely a judges opinion...
It won't hold up in appeal. It is merely a judges opinion...
Although it's sad to see negotiations fail between American leaders, Justice has not been done by ignoring the elephant sitting on top of America's Capitol Dome. The Judge ripping a former President is a sorry sight, and when justice is not practiced, the Constitution of fairness that was drawn up by a colony of people who were severely misjudged by the kingpin who sent an Army over the pond to kill all dissenters which was approximately 95% of the colonists who were loyal to each other and chagrined by the English monarch who refused to listen to the colonial's mouthpiece, our beloved sage Benjamin Franklin who was snubbed by the British King. The Democrats have developed a system that will enslave a free people, who will cheerfully see all the lying, cheating, and pork barrelling reduced or ended by the authority of the Supreme Court. I call on Congress to impose stiff penalties on people who threaten members of the SCOTUS.
"This case should never have been brought," Middlebrooks began his order. "Its inadequacy as a legal claim was evident from the start. No reasonable lawyer would have filed it. Intended for a political purpose, none of the counts of the amended complaint stated a cognizable legal claim."
This is what Trump's lawyers have been doing with the "rigged election" scam. Flooding the zone. It's the way he has ALWAYS done things. But somehow the rubes just can't admit it to themselves.

There's not a better example of "the boy crying wolf" than this man-child. Fining and chastising this behavior is probably the best way to deal with it. The fines have to get progressively worse.
Although it's sad to see negotiations fail between American leaders, Justice has not been done by ignoring the elephant sitting on top of America's Capitol Dome. The Judge ripping a former President is a sorry sight, and when justice is not practiced, the Constitution of fairness that was drawn up by a colony of people who were severely misjudged by the kingpin who sent an Army over the pond to kill all dissenters which was approximately 95% of the colonists who were loyal to each other and chagrined by the English monarch who refused to listen to the colonial's mouthpiece, our beloved sage Benjamin Franklin who was snubbed by the British King. The Democrats have developed a system that will enslave a free people, who will cheerfully see all the lying, cheating, and pork barrelling reduced or ended by the authority of the Supreme Court. I call on Congress to impose stiff penalties on people who threaten members of the SCOTUS.
What trump has done repeatedly with frivolous lawsuits suits, is WRONG....unlawful, a breach of his lawyer's oath as well.

He, as any other human being, needs to be held accountable. The LAW that gives Judges this sanction opportunity for outrageously frivolous lawsuits such as this one, is being used properly in this case....

Spare the rod,
Spoil the child....
What trump has done repeatedly with frivolous lawsuits suits, is WRONG....unlawful, a breach of his lawyer's oath as well.

He, as any other human being, needs to be held accountable. The LAW that gives Judges this sanction opportunity for outrageously frivolous lawsuits such as this one, is being used properly in this case....

Spare the rod,
Spoil the child....



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