Florida Man Sentenced To 5 Years After Attacking 6 Officers On Jan. 6

Sentence is far too light. Imagine what you or I wuld get for launching ourselves at a group of cops.
It is not too difficult to know good cops and not so good cops. If you experience it, then you know. Progs seem to not like local cops however they love them some federal ones.
It is not too difficult to know good cops and not so good cops. If you experience it, then you know. Progs seem to not like local cops however they love them some federal ones.
You love cops, as long as, they are carrying out your racist agenda.
It is not too difficult to know good cops and not so good cops. If you experience it, then you know. Progs seem to not like local cops however they love them some federal ones.

Leftists like "cops" along the KGB, Gestapo and Stasi lines.

i.e. not real cops, but political controllers.
It is not too difficult to know good cops and not so good cops. If you experience it, then you know. Progs seem to not like local cops however they love them some federal ones.
Local cops seem to be much less accountable to any kind of scrutiny.
The trials are because they broke the damn law.
The case is Joseph W. Fischer v. United States, which the court agreed to hear in December, and which doesn’t explicitly mention Trump. At issue is whether prosecutors and the Department of Justice have been improperly using a 2002 law originally aimed at curbing financial crimes to prosecute a Jan. 6 defendant named Joseph Fischer. Should the court side with Fischer, it would also call into question the use of the law against other Jan. 6 defendants — including Trump.
When the law is abused, it is not the law.
Only internet warriors like you who didn't have the balls to show up for Trump and therefore aren't facing 5 years in prison can pretend like it's no big deal. :lmao:
The DOJ is abusing the law and its power. Very obvious, except to the very stupid, stupid.
Lie upon lie upon lie upon lie ad infinitum.

It all started with Trump's Big Lie, claiming he won the 2020 election. He then went on to weaponize his weak-minded followers into sacking the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

At first, even the Republican lickspittles in Congress condemned him, but not enough to vote for his permanent removal from office.

Now they are backpedaling and have joined Trump's choir of liars about the events of January 6.

Next thing you know, the MAGA mob started claiming, "They wuz jus' tresspasin'!"

And in true schizophrenic style, the "trespassers" weren't even MAGA! They were FBI and Antifa! :auiqs.jpg:

Then, continuing in their schizoid mentality, the Capitol police let the FBI/Antifa "trespassers" in!

Of course, it doesn't matter that the MAGA terrorists filmed themselves sacking the Capitol, and that over a hundred have been convicted, and not one Antifa in the bunch.

Then, magically, these supposed Antifa people are now being called "political prisoners" by the MAGA parrots.

Antifa. Political prisoners. Just trespassing. Ummmm...yeah.

You can see why I frequently say the reason the MAGA tards' heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance is because that would require actual cognition.

And now the latest lie is from Trump himself, again. He's calling the terrorists "hostages".

Well, here's what one of those "political prisoners/hostages" did that day:

At 6 feet 6 inches and nearly 300 pounds, the force of Kenneth J. Bonawitz launching himself through the air and slamming his forearms into the throats of two police officers standing below him during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot must have been enormous. One officer suffered back injuries such that he was forced to retire in permanent pain.


Bonawitz, 58, wasn’t done. As other officers rushed in, they spotted an eight-inch hunting knife on Bonawitz’s hip and seized it from him. But the police were too overwhelmed to arrest Bonawitz and returned him to the crowd on the Capitol’s West Terrace, where he proceeded to fight with more officers, including putting one officer in a chokehold and lifting her off the ground. He ultimately assaulted six officers before retreating after being hit with chemical spray. Prosecutors called him “one of the most violent Jan. 6 rioters” and said his attacks “were barbaric and left his victims with lasting physical, emotional and psychological injuries.”

This was all caught on video, but you won't see lying Tucker Carlson airing it. He is the king of the lie of omission.

The Big Lie. Antifa. Political prisoners. Hostages.

There is no bottom to the alternate unreality and evil of MAGA's brainless parroting schizos.

Fla. man sentenced to 5 years after attacking 6 officers on Jan. 6


How can the mob be trespassing when they own the capital? Maga!!!!!

Set the hostages free. The dems are nothing more than Hamas!!!!!!!!!!
The case is Joseph W. Fischer v. United States, which the court agreed to hear in December, and which doesn’t explicitly mention Trump. At issue is whether prosecutors and the Department of Justice have been improperly using a 2002 law originally aimed at curbing financial crimes to prosecute a Jan. 6 defendant named Joseph Fischer. Should the court side with Fischer, it would also call into question the use of the law against other Jan. 6 defendants — including Trump.
When the law is abused, it is not the law.
So show where they are in error.
Local cops violate people's rights all the time, but you'll say nothing about it.

You have a political agenda to defend.

Local boards can handle that, at the national level it's far more dangerous and political.
The film doesn't lie, but Trump does.
How about the film of Victoria White being beat unmercifully by Capitol police? Lara Logan showcased the video. Not one of the identified officers have been punished. Does that film lie?
Given the 1,000 sentences, there seems to be plenty of reasons to pursue them. Its got to suck for you.
There is only one reason to pursue them. Intimidation. Fascist techniques are now common place in this administration.

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