Florida no longer celebrating sodomy on its bridges

Lesbians should be free to behave sexually with other consenting adult women as they want.

Gay men should be able to behave sexually with other consenting gay adults as they want.

The government shouldn’t be in the business of opposing those rights NOR SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT engage in “celebrating” it.
The American government recognizes all sorts of groups of Americans. Unlike other nations that have a culture created in a melting pot. We're distinctly different than other nations, though it looks like the rest of the world is having episodic seizures over becoming America-like.


Celebrating what has made America such a great nations -- it's diversity make-up, it's welcoming to others (thought often a struggle to rise up to casualness).

The USA changed shortly after it's founding. The USA was founded as British (English) subjects asserting their rights and liberties. Something no other nation at the time was equal with. Ben Franklin's infamous warnings about huge immigration of "swarthy Germans" was endangering the prized "British ways"
The American government recognizes all sorts of groups of Americans. Unlike other nations that have a culture created in a melting pot. We're distinctly different than other nations, though it looks like the rest of the world is having episodic seizures over becoming America-like.


Celebrating what has made America such a great nations -- it's diversity make-up, it's welcoming to others (thought often a struggle to rise up to casualness).

The USA changed shortly after it's founding. The USA was founded as British (English) subjects asserting their rights and liberties. Something no other nation at the time was equal with. Ben Franklin's infamous warnings about huge immigration of "swarthy Germans" was endangering the prized "British ways"
Thanks for sharing your view — albeit unrelated to my post to which you were nominally replying.
Really now...

btw, we do have control over how people initially see us.

only in a limited way.

We are a blank slate.

but the people viewing us are not and they have their preconceived notions. Take this forum for example, I say something bad about Harris and I am assumed to be a Trumper, I say something bad about Trump and I am assumed to be Harris groupie.

It's how con men like Trump work. I grew up many of them. Very accomplished sociopaths.

Indeed it is.

Not saying you're one of those.

Well that is something I guess, at least you do not think I am a sociopath
I believe you're just full of yourself. Your posts going back to your old scream name of "golfing gator" are amusing on some level.

Full of myself? sure, I am a confident person that has lived a life worthy of being such.

I am glad my old post have entertained you, that is the whole point of this forum after all
only in a limited way.

but the people viewing us are not and they have their preconceived notions. Take this forum for example, I say something bad about Harris and I am assumed to be a Trumper, I say something bad about Trump and I am assumed to be Harris groupie.

Indeed it is.

Well that is something I guess, at least you do not think I am a sociopath

Full of myself? sure, I am a confident person that has lived a life worthy of being such.

I am glad my old post have entertained you, that is the whole point of this forum after all
It isn't exactly what you say. It's the way and in context.

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