Florida Pulse gay club attacked

I find it absolutely disgusting and irresponsible of the media without full facts to attach this shit to muslims. When we all know in our guts, its some fucked up white guy, in his mid 40's, with fuckin redneck names that probably responsible for this shit....which is always the fuckin case. How fuckin convenient that we're all having this debate of transgender using fuckin bathrooms and now this? Call me cinical, but this is just too bizzare of a coincident. Not to mention...AN ELECTION YEAR!!!!

But here's the deal folks, if we're to be a nation wrapped in the 2nd amendment, than expect this day after day after day until we're all dead from assault riffles.

Last but not least....Florida, this SYG state, this everyone should own a gun state....uh, we're was Zimmerman? Bottom line, NEVER EVER DOES JOHN WAYNE SHOW UP WITH HIS GUN AT HAND TO PREVENT SHIT LIKE THIS.......just sayin

The FBI says it may be a muslim.....and you can't carry a gun in a bar........it was a gun free zone....until the killer came in with his gun....since he decided to ignore the gun free zone sign..........

But hey....your gun control laws worked....not one innocent, law abiding, gay person in that club had a gun on them since it was a gun free zone......you guys can put that check in the win column for gun control.....
Its NRA spin time......LOLOLOLOLOL.
Big surprise...

Given what Islam has in store for gays...

Cruz Campaign Quietly Admits 'It Was A Mistake' To Attend Radical 'Kill-The-Gays' Conference

The enemy of your enemy is by friend. I wonder if some Republicans feel they have been too quick in supporting Trump's ban on Muslims.
Just to get a handle on 'terrorism', who thinks Dylann Roof is a 'terrorist'?

Me for one, who else?
Eric Rudolph bombed a gay club in 1997. He is a Christian conservative extremist.
But not a 'terrorist' apparently. Interesting.

It's never terrorism to the conservatives if a conservative did it. So says the Cult.

Conservtives believe in the law and legal processes.....who exactly are out there attacking Trump supporters at Trump rallies.....and whose leadership isn't saying shit to stop it?

The left is based in violence....they believe in all the marxist crap about violent revolution as bernie has been saying.......his brown shirts and hilary's hitler youth have been organized into violent mobs...and you guys ignore it.......
I find it absolutely disgusting and irresponsible of the media without full facts to attach this shit to muslims. When we all know in our guts, its some fucked up white guy, in his mid 40's, with fuckin redneck names that probably responsible for this shit....which is always the fuckin case. How fuckin convenient that we're all having this debate of transgender using fuckin bathrooms and now this? Call me cinical, but this is just too bizzare of a coincident. Not to mention...AN ELECTION YEAR!!!!

But here's the deal folks, if we're to be a nation wrapped in the 2nd amendment, than expect this day after day after day until we're all dead from assault riffles.

Last but not least....Florida, this SYG state, this everyone should own a gun state....uh, we're was Zimmerman? Bottom line, NEVER EVER DOES JOHN WAYNE SHOW UP WITH HIS GUN AT HAND TO PREVENT SHIT LIKE THIS.......just sayin

The FBI says it may be a muslim.....and you can't carry a gun in a bar........it was a gun free zone....until the killer came in with his gun....since he decided to ignore the gun free zone sign..........

But hey....your gun control laws worked....not one innocent, law abiding, gay person in that club had a gun on them since it was a gun free zone......you guys can put that check in the win column for gun control.....
Its NRA spin time......LOLOLOLOLOL.

Not spin...the truth......you guys have a win here.......your gun control law worked....your gun free zone policy worked...not one innocent, law abiding gay person in that club had a gun.....you guys should be celebrating....
Islamic terrorism tie eyed in Orlando gay bar shooting

CBS is confirming this is another ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK. 20 gay people dead, 42 gay people wounded. Shooter "Omar Mateen" according to CBS has ties to radical Islam.

Before he could kill anymore a SWAT team entered. One officer was shot in the head (Kevlar military helmet saved his live thank God).

I'll post more later. This is so disgusting.
did you read your own link?
So now how long until gays start getting thrown off tall buildings in America by these "peaceful" Muslims the left embraces so much???

Fucking disgusting.
how in the fuck do you know its a muslim? Bet my last dolla, its a fucked up redneck!!

The only reason the FBI was brought in you fool was because they suspect the gunman had explosive on him...which in the end will turn out to be a white man's catheter attached to his nuts.
So Roof murders with a political motive and no one will call it terrorism. Interesting.

Not political......he wanted to shoot up a university...but good guys with guns at the university, armed security, made him change to attacking a gun free zone.
I find it absolutely disgusting and irresponsible of the media without full facts to attach this shit to muslims. When we all know in our guts, its some fucked up white guy, in his mid 40's, with fuckin redneck names that probably responsible for this shit....which is always the fuckin case. How fuckin convenient that we're all having this debate of transgender using fuckin bathrooms and now this? Call me cinical, but this is just too bizzare of a coincident. Not to mention...AN ELECTION YEAR!!!!

But here's the deal folks, if we're to be a nation wrapped in the 2nd amendment, than expect this day after day after day until we're all dead from assault riffles.

Last but not least....Florida, this SYG state, this everyone should own a gun state....uh, we're was Zimmerman? Bottom line, NEVER EVER DOES JOHN WAYNE SHOW UP WITH HIS GUN AT HAND TO PREVENT SHIT LIKE THIS.......just sayin

The FBI says it may be a muslim.....and you can't carry a gun in a bar........it was a gun free zone....until the killer came in with his gun....since he decided to ignore the gun free zone sign..........

But hey....your gun control laws worked....not one innocent, law abiding, gay person in that club had a gun on them since it was a gun free zone......you guys can put that check in the win column for gun control.....
Its NRA spin time......LOLOLOLOLOL.

Not spin...the truth......you guys have a win here.......your gun control law worked....your gun free zone policy worked...not one innocent, law abiding gay person in that club had a gun.....you guys should be celebrating....

Dude, face it....you white cowards always find easy targets, like blacks in a church, kids in a school, babies in elementary classes, or people in the movies, or senators giving a speech, presidents in a car and now this....you white fucks are nuts
BREAKING! The suspect's name is Omar Matem whose parent s come from the ultra right wing country of Afghanistan. Obviously Christians. :rolleyes:

Kiss my ass liberal deniers.
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We have had terrorist attacks in this nation both from Muslim terrorists, and from homegrown right wing terrorists. And from people that are just plain out of their heads. Best to wait until we see some definative proof of the perps beliefs before we go making accusations.
name two RW terrorists. Most are left wing. Like the killer in Aurora CO movie theatre and the kid who killed his mom and took her run to a local elementary school.

The two 'sovereign citizen' rightwingers who killed two policemen in Nevada back around the time of the Clive Bundy standoff.

You are just shy of the over 3,000 you need to tie muslim terrorists.............keep going though....
If you don't know why, I can't help you.
So you are afraid to say it plainly...RWRS can be such cowards.
You really can't be this dumb...but then....

Trump knows there is a problem with Islam. Mrs. Cankles does not.

Get it now or do you require further educating?

hilary knows all about muslim immigrants....she anticipates their votes going to democrats in november....
So now how long until gays start getting thrown off tall buildings in America by these "peaceful" Muslims the left embraces so much???

Fucking disgusting.
with the support and cheers of RWrs.

no.....we believe in the rights of all human beings...and we don't protect muslim extremism the way the left does....
I find it absolutely disgusting and irresponsible of the media without full facts to attach this shit to muslims. When we all know in our guts, its some fucked up white guy, in his mid 40's, with fuckin redneck names that probably responsible for this shit....which is always the fuckin case. How fuckin convenient that we're all having this debate of transgender using fuckin bathrooms and now this? Call me cinical, but this is just too bizzare of a coincident. Not to mention...AN ELECTION YEAR!!!!

But here's the deal folks, if we're to be a nation wrapped in the 2nd amendment, than expect this day after day after day until we're all dead from assault riffles.

Last but not least....Florida, this SYG state, this everyone should own a gun state....uh, we're was Zimmerman? Bottom line, NEVER EVER DOES JOHN WAYNE SHOW UP WITH HIS GUN AT HAND TO PREVENT SHIT LIKE THIS.......just sayin

He does that's why you never hear much of the ones prevented with a gun.


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