Florida Pulse gay club attacked

The DEMs just lost another 100K Independant votes.
Guess Trump was on to something saying everyone applying for refugee status needs to be carefully vetted.
How many of the gay victims have LIB family members? Now how many of those family members are going to wake up to the fact there are thousands of radical Islamofascists planning to murder every gay in the US eventually.
And yet, gun nutters, NRA, Repubs are in favor of arming known and suspected terrorists.

Incorrect. Rational people oppose allowing ISIS terrorists to invade our country in the first place.

And 2nd Amendment Supporters are in favor of Individuals being able to protect themselves as the police usually show up only to tag the bodies.
lets see a terrorist attack on a gay bar in orlando , a hotbed of christer fundamentalist groups
The kenyan/somalian in the White House says he will have 30 seconds of silence on behalf of the victims of the islamic terrorism before he hits the links.
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I have nearly a dozen gay friends and acquaintances. None of them go to this club. They say it's a dive bar.
Dive or not it still must have been popular. Sounds like it was pretty crowded. I have gay family members;this doesn't make me happy thinking this could happen to them.

I could be that my friends who are gay don't go to gay bars I suppose. I've never been in there but I drive by it every day and it looks bad from the outside.

You need to get your story straight. You know nothing about the bar, do you? You made up the story about your friends telling you that it is a dive bar. Why must you be dishonest?

Go fuck yourself with a cactus, liar.

You sure hate it when someone catches you lying.

No cares what you think. Everyone knows that you are a liar.
And to think that Hillary wants to bring in 65,000 more of those male, fighting-age "widows and orphans"....

Makes you wonder if the gays will start looking for a closet to hide in, ASAP...
The JV Team strikes again!
Now Fox is confirming the FBI is saying the shooter made terror threats in the past.

We fucking told you. Keep embracing fucking Islam lefties. WE TOLD YOU they are coming FOR YOU eventually.

Now....20 gay people dead, 42 gay people wounded....and would've been much more if not for a "militarized" SWAT team of racist white cops storming the club to save them.

We fucking told you. But go ahead....vote for more liberal bullshit and watch this shit keep happening more and more often.
coming FOR YOU eventually

what a pants shitter!!
run slackjaw run !!!!
In the Muslim controlled world, you're gay… You're dead. End of story
If Trump announces that James Matthis will be Secretary of Defense, that will clinch the election for him. ISIS has brought the war to the U.S. Obama let it happen. hiLIARy won't defend us.
And yet, gun nutters, NRA, Repubs are in favor of arming known and suspected terrorists.

No, they're in favor of due process. We can't strip people of their rights based on what they might possibly could maybe someday potentially do.

Everybody is entitled to their day in court first.
Just to get a handle on 'terrorism', who thinks Dylann Roof is a 'terrorist'?

Me for one, who else?
But not a 'terrorist' apparently. Interesting.

It's never terrorism to the conservatives if a conservative did it. So says the Cult.

Conservtives believe in the law and legal processes.....who exactly are out there attacking Trump supporters at Trump rallies.....and whose leadership isn't saying shit to stop it?

The left is based in violence....they believe in all the marxist crap about violent revolution as bernie has been saying.......his brown shirts and hilary's hitler youth have been organized into violent mobs...and you guys ignore it.......
Oh really? Is that why you go on about Hillary being a criminal with no indictments?

I am not on her jury....and I have the right to speak my mind...for now.......what I say is true...she is a criminal.....that doesn't mean she will be convicted, but that doesn't make her innocent...
So you really don't believe in our law and legal system.

I do...again as swipe...I am not on her jury.......What part of that don't you fucking get?
In the Muslim controlled world, you're gay… Your dead. End of story

Indeed. The Progs wallow in their typical Cognitive Dissonance. In their world view, refusing to bake a gay wedding cake is DoublePlus Ungood Badthink, and much much worse than ISIS beheading (or burning or pushing off of tall buildings) gays.

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