Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Big surprise...

Given what Islam has in store for gays...

Cruz Campaign Quietly Admits 'It Was A Mistake' To Attend Radical 'Kill-The-Gays' Conference

The enemy of your enemy is by friend. I wonder if some Republicans feel they have been too quick in supporting Trump's ban on Muslims.
At a time like this, what a stupid thing to say...


Most socially conservative folk don't want gays killed...

They just want them shoved back out of the public eye and kept away from the children...

Very few people want to kill these sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals)...

Flushing them back into the sewers with the rest of the filth will do very nicely, thank you.


Meanwhile... according to all reports... the Islamic terror against America continues...

And... like 'em or not... perverts or not... these were American citizens... peaceably assembled...

Phukking LIbTards...
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I find it absolutely disgusting and irresponsible of the media without full facts to attach this shit to muslims. When we all know in our guts, its some fucked up white guy, in his mid 40's, with fuckin redneck names that probably responsible for this shit....which is always the fuckin case. How fuckin convenient that we're all having this debate of transgender using fuckin bathrooms and now this? Call me cinical, but this is just too bizzare of a coincident. Not to mention...AN ELECTION YEAR!!!!

But here's the deal folks, if we're to be a nation wrapped in the 2nd amendment, than expect this day after day after day until we're all dead from assault riffles.

Last but not least....Florida, this SYG state, this everyone should own a gun state....uh, we're was Zimmerman? Bottom line, NEVER EVER DOES JOHN WAYNE SHOW UP WITH HIS GUN AT HAND TO PREVENT SHIT LIKE THIS.......just sayin

The FBI says it may be a muslim.....and you can't carry a gun in a bar........it was a gun free zone....until the killer came in with his gun....since he decided to ignore the gun free zone sign..........

But hey....your gun control laws worked....not one innocent, law abiding, gay person in that club had a gun on them since it was a gun free zone......you guys can put that check in the win column for gun control.....
How exciting for you!
And President Mom Pants spends time sending out edicts regarding Transgender Bathrooms while ISIS conducts an execution campaign against Gays and other Infidels.
Let's hope he wiped as many disease ridden sodomites out as he could!. This is today's feel good story.
Hate begets hate. Very unChristian, not to mention unAmerican, to advocate mass murder.

I see no difference between you and Hamas suicide bombers blowing up a hotel, killing those of all religions in order to kill a few Jews and/or Americans.

I see no difference between you and the 9/11 terrorists.
Just to get a handle on 'terrorism', who thinks Dylann Roof is a 'terrorist'?

Me for one, who else?
Eric Rudolph bombed a gay club in 1997. He is a Christian conservative extremist.
But not a 'terrorist' apparently. Interesting.

It's never terrorism to the conservatives if a conservative did it. So says the Cult.

Conservtives believe in the law and legal processes.....who exactly are out there attacking Trump supporters at Trump rallies.....and whose leadership isn't saying shit to stop it?

The left is based in violence....they believe in all the marxist crap about violent revolution as bernie has been saying.......his brown shirts and hilary's hitler youth have been organized into violent mobs...and you guys ignore it.......
Oh really? Is that why you go on about Hillary being a criminal with no indictments?
And yet, the gun nutters are in favor of arming known and suspected terrorists.

no.....we don't want anti gun nuts putting normal, law abiding people on secret lists that no one knows about and no one can appeal just because you assholes hate gun owners......

And in this country you don't lose rights just because someone puts you on a list....unless you are a Tea Party member that is targeted by the IRS for your political leanings....
"He said the attacker was still inside the nightclub with hostages, and was feared to be wearing a bomb."

Shooter with a bomb vest? Let's see, who does that? Maybe an unemployed camel jockey?

You're one of the idiots in favor of arming known and suspected terrorists.
Let's hope he wiped as many disease ridden sodomites out as he could!. This is today's feel good story.
Hate begets hate. Very unChristian, not to mention unAmerican, to advocate mass murder.

I see no difference between you and Hamas suicide bombers blowing up a hotel, killing those of all religions in order to kill a few Jews and/or Americans.

I see no difference between you and the 9/11 terrorists.

Except he didn't kill anyone....that we know of...that would be a big difference.......
"He said the attacker was still inside the nightclub with hostages, and was feared to be wearing a bomb."

Shooter with a bomb vest? Let's see, who does that? Maybe an unemployed camel jockey?

You're one of the idiots in favor of arming known and suspected terrorists.

And please explain....fully automatic weapons are completely illegal in France...but known and suspected terrorists, many on government watch lists still got them and murdered 140 people and injured hundreds of others.....

Please...tell me about these magic lists that keep determined terrorists from getting illegal guns in a country that doesn't allow any guns for their law abiding civilians....
Looks like the "Religion of Peace" has struck again with a loving calling card.

The statement read, "Orlando Regional Medical Center was placed on lockdown around 2:00 a.m. after receiving several gunshot victims. Only essential workers are being allowed access into the building. Out of an abundance of caution, Arnold Palmer Hospital and Winnie Palmer Hospital have also been placed on lockdown."

The hospital, as well as two other area hospitals remained in lockdown, as of 8 a.m. Sunday. "Orlando Regional Medical Center remains on lockdown after receiving several gunshot victims," the hospital said in a statement issued at 8 a.m. "Out of an abundance of caution, Arnold Palmer Hospital and Winnie Palmer Hospital also remain on lockdown. As the region’s only level one trauma center, ORMC is prepared to receive patients as needed."

FL Club Shooting a 'Domestic Terror Incident,' Approx 20 Dead

The shooter is dead, but a number of hospitals are still on lock down 6 hours after the fact.
Just to get a handle on 'terrorism', who thinks Dylann Roof is a 'terrorist'?

Me for one, who else?
Eric Rudolph bombed a gay club in 1997. He is a Christian conservative extremist.
But not a 'terrorist' apparently. Interesting.

It's never terrorism to the conservatives if a conservative did it. So says the Cult.

Conservtives believe in the law and legal processes.....who exactly are out there attacking Trump supporters at Trump rallies.....and whose leadership isn't saying shit to stop it?

The left is based in violence....they believe in all the marxist crap about violent revolution as bernie has been saying.......his brown shirts and hilary's hitler youth have been organized into violent mobs...and you guys ignore it.......
Oh really? Is that why you go on about Hillary being a criminal with no indictments?

I am not on her jury....and I have the right to speak my mind...for now.......what I say is true...she is a criminal.....that doesn't mean she will be convicted, but that doesn't make her innocent...
Looks like the "Religion of Peace" has struck again with a loving calling card.

The statement read, "Orlando Regional Medical Center was placed on lockdown around 2:00 a.m. after receiving several gunshot victims. Only essential workers are being allowed access into the building. Out of an abundance of caution, Arnold Palmer Hospital and Winnie Palmer Hospital have also been placed on lockdown."

The hospital, as well as two other area hospitals remained in lockdown, as of 8 a.m. Sunday. "Orlando Regional Medical Center remains on lockdown after receiving several gunshot victims," the hospital said in a statement issued at 8 a.m. "Out of an abundance of caution, Arnold Palmer Hospital and Winnie Palmer Hospital also remain on lockdown. As the region’s only level one trauma center, ORMC is prepared to receive patients as needed."

FL Club Shooting a 'Domestic Terror Incident,' Approx 20 Dead

The shooter is dead, but a number of hospitals are still on lock down 6 hours after the fact.

Hospitals usually keep possible murder victims locked up in case the attacker tries to finish the job......and if this is a muslim terror attack they tend to go after the first responders when they arrive on a scene...they are being cautious....
The hospital I work at is a block from Pulse. The police detoured me trying to get to work this morning. I hadn't listened to the news yet so I figured another train derailed as the tracks are also right there. Found out when I got to work.

One local news channel quoted someone as saying the shooter had "Islamic leanings", whatever the fuck that means.

It means the media is pissed off as hell they have to somehow report islamists are now exterminating gays in america. You can bet the media would be positively gleeful if a white guy was responsible.

If it is a muslim targeting gay Americans....this story will be over before Noon...........nothing to see here....
Just to get a handle on 'terrorism', who thinks Dylann Roof is a 'terrorist'?

Me for one, who else?
Eric Rudolph bombed a gay club in 1997. He is a Christian conservative extremist.
But not a 'terrorist' apparently. Interesting.

It's never terrorism to the conservatives if a conservative did it. So says the Cult.

Conservtives believe in the law and legal processes.....who exactly are out there attacking Trump supporters at Trump rallies.....and whose leadership isn't saying shit to stop it?

The left is based in violence....they believe in all the marxist crap about violent revolution as bernie has been saying.......his brown shirts and hilary's hitler youth have been organized into violent mobs...and you guys ignore it.......
Oh really? Is that why you go on about Hillary being a criminal with no indictments?

I am not on her jury....and I have the right to speak my mind...for now.......what I say is true...she is a criminal.....that doesn't mean she will be convicted, but that doesn't make her innocent...
So you really don't believe in our law and legal system.

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