Florida Pulse gay club attacked

The father of the shooter said his son was angry at having seen two men kissing in MIami. He said it was nothing to do with religion.
Well.....another success for gun control......not one law abiding gay person in that club had a gun in that designated gun free zone.....

Now if only we could get the killers to obey those freaking signs...........

A bar is one of the places you aren't allowed to carry a weapon into. At least here in Florida. Bars don't need signs. But yeah, it was a gun free zone.
Trump will capitalize on this. Not sure if it will be enough...

no...obama and hilary will.....they will just skip the muslim part...and go right for people who didn't use their guns to shoot people....
In the Muslim controlled world, you're gay… Your dead. End of story

Indeed. The Progs wallow in their typical Cognitive Dissonance. In their world view, refusing to bake a gay wedding cake is DoublePlus Ungood Badthink, and much much worse than ISIS beheading (or burning or pushing off of tall buildings) gays.
Hell in a Muslim world all you need is to be suspected that you may not believe EVERY THING that is written in their fake book according to their false religion and you are dead.

Shiiit, draw a little cartoon of their pedophile prophet that they claim is not God and yet they consider that blasphemy, and you are dead.

This is what we are dealing with and this skinny smoking muslim snake in the white house will not call it terrorism.

Make no mistake. Every time the lying skinny smoking snake in the white house calls isis "ISIL" he is deliberately insulting israel and telling the pathetic murdering muslim world that he is on THEIR SIDE.

These pieces of smelly shit called ISIS grew under this pile of shit in the white house. That is a fact. Now he is bringing them here.

And the left applauds.

We told you so!!!!! The American socialist. The dumbest people on earth and it is not close.
We can't strip people of their rights based on what they might possibly could maybe someday potentially do.

Everybody is entitled to their day in court first.

Enemy terrorist combatants do not have civil rights as they are military prisoners, not accused civilians.

They should be summarily shot in the brain after any useful intelligence is gleaned from them unless more interrogations are needed.
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How about people in gay nightclubs start arming themselves? LOL
How many more innocent American gays will have to be slaughtered, before the LGBT community will get behind Trump's call to stop Islamic migration until we can figure this out? Young Syrian men of military age leaving their home and family to come here? That's a warning that shouldn't be overlooked.

Gays are fucking mad to support Hillary who vows to continue Obama's policy of Muslim migration to this country.
Wasn't the terrorist American born??? Or was he a naturalized citizen? One article I read mentioned he was an American Citizen....?
Three days after ISIS's Twitter feed announced planned attacks in Florida (ISIS Announced Florida Threat THREE Days Ago: "We Will Attack Florida"), a man wearing a suicide vest walked into an Orlando gay bar and opened fire. At the time I write this it is being reported that 40 were shot, 20 are dead ('Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 20 at Florida gay club).

Interesting caveat, and I have noticed this for quite some time, when sharing this story on Facebook, or any similar story that has certain buzz words, the story's headline is changed when appearing in Facebook's feed. It goes from "Suspected Islamic extremist shoots dead at least 20 at Florida gay club after bursting in 'wearing a suicide vest' and taking hostages - injuring a further 42 - before he is killed in shootout" to "Multiple casualties' confirmed at US gay club after gunman is killed".

The left has attempted to frame Islam as an oppressed minority, defending them at every turn. Crooked Hillary won't even say the words Islamic terror. It is depressing, but the question has to be asked: will Obama come out and label this as an act of terror. The Fort Hood shootings weren't admitted to be a terrorist action until SIX years after--depriving the families of the victims the benefits they deserve.

There are ten Islamic countries were state-sanctioned execution of homosexuals is permitted. In Sudan, Islamic invaders have literally committed genocide on the native Africans, and the slave trade is alive and well there. Islam is the antithesis of everything leftists and so-called progressives believe, but their hatred for America is something they do share. Bill Maher is the most sane voice on the left.
The DEMs just lost another 100K Independant votes.
Guess Trump was on to something saying everyone applying for refugee status needs to be carefully vetted.
How many of the gay victims have LIB family members? Now how many of those family members are going to wake up to the fact there are thousands of radical Islamofascists planning to murder every gay in the US eventually.
Danny, Trump was on to dog-whistling. You believe that crap about opening the floodgates. However the basis of your complaint that there is just an open gate with no vetting is wrong, which makes your argument without foundation. I know anything I say will not convince you, but just feel the need to clarify my opposition to your comments. Nobody will defend this loser-murderer's actions, it's just that you need a smaller paint brush.
How many more innocent American gays will have to be slaughtered, before the LGBT community will get behind Trump's call to stop Islamic migration until we can figure this out? Young Syrian men of military age leaving their home and family to come here? That's a warning that shouldn't be overlooked.

Gays are fucking mad to support Hillary who vows to continue Obama's policy of Muslim migration to this country.

The delusinional thinking of gay democrats...they will look past the islamic part...and sign on for more gun control.....

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