Florida Pulse gay club attacked

How can Comservative politics prevent such tragedies? Why did the OP and other Conservatives jump so quickly to blame Liberals?

We have seen terror attacks with Republicans in charge, and yet no Comservative cited domestic politics to blame then.
The DEMs just lost another 100K Independant votes.
Guess Trump was on to something saying everyone applying for refugee status needs to be carefully vetted.
How many of the gay victims have LIB family members? Now how many of those family members are going to wake up to the fact there are thousands of radical Islamofascists planning to murder every gay in the US eventually.
Danny, Trump was on to dog-whistling. You believe that crap about opening the floodgates. However the basis of your complaint that there is just an open gate with no vetting is wrong, which makes your argument without foundation. I know anything I say will not convince you, but just feel the need to clarify my opposition to your comments. Nobody will defend this loser-murderer's actions, it's just that you need a smaller paint brush.

There is no EFFECTIVE VETTING when the people vetted are from a war torn country with jack shit for back ground checks and historical verifications, dude.
Islamic terrorism tie eyed in Orlando gay bar shooting

CBS is confirming this is another ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK. 20 gay people dead, 42 gay people wounded. Shooter "Omar Mateen" according to CBS has ties to radical Islam.

Before he could kill anymore a SWAT team entered. One officer was shot in the head (Kevlar military helmet saved his live thank God).

I'll post more later. This is so disgusting.

Nope. Not yet. You are too anxious.
Let's hope he wiped as many disease ridden sodomites out as he could!. This is today's feel good story.
This disgusting post is what many people see as the "conservative view" on the attack.
That's the beauty of freedom of expression.

I want to know what people like that are thinking -- and probably more importantly, who agrees with them.
How can Comservative politics prevent such tragedies? Why did the OP and other Conservatives jump so quickly to blame Liberals?

We have seen terror attacks with Republicans in charge, and yet no Comservative cited domestic politics to blame then.
Get used to this type of thing, there is no tolerance in the Muslim community…
Buy more guns and ammo…
Except he didn't kill anyone....that we know of...that would be a big difference.......
True, "that we know of". OTOH, what is the difference between him and Anwar al-Awlaki or John Burt?

John Burt (anti-abortion activist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John Allen Burt (March 26, 1938 - April 19, 2013) was an American anti-abortion activist...who called himself the "spiritual adviser" to murderers Michael Griffin and Paul Hill and other anti-abortion criminals.
How can Comservative politics prevent such tragedies? Why did the OP and other Conservatives jump so quickly to blame Liberals?

We have seen terror attacks with Republicans in charge, and yet no Comservative cited domestic politics to blame then.
Get used to this type of thing, there is no tolerance in the Muslim community…
Buy more guns and ammo…

Islam is only the Religion of Peace when 100% of humanity is Muslim.
My two predictions about the shooter.

1) They will find that everyone in his life knew he was nuts.
2) Despite that, he was easily able to purchase an assault weapon.

So you still think the clerks at a gun shop should be able to diagnose a mental illness?

And what will you say if the shooter was seeing a mental health professional, and that professional did not report him to the database?

Same thing I always say. Databases don't kill people, guns do.
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.
Link? Turn on the fucking news.

Yeah....embrace Islam folks. "CONVERT OR DIE".

Crooked Hillary will bring us TENS OF THOUSANDS more of these fine Muslims!!!! OPEN THE BORDER!!!

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