Florida Pulse gay club attacked

One of my employees who is Puerto Rican just informed me that there are a lot of guys named Omar who are Puerto Rican. I heard that he was from Miami, so my friend could be right. If it's true, he isn't likely Muslim.

Parents are from Afghanistan. Mateen is not a Hispanic name.

It's all over the news.
No, it's not. Likely made up by some right winger.

Yeah it is...moron.

The gunman, who was born to Afghan parents, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he opened fire on the dance floor inside Pulse in the early hours of this morning.

Read more: 'Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 50 at Florida gay club
My two predictions about the shooter.

1) They will find that everyone in his life knew he was nuts.
2) Despite that, he was easily able to purchase an assault weapon.

So you still think the clerks at a gun shop should be able to diagnose a mental illness?

And what will you say if the shooter was seeing a mental health professional, and that professional did not report him to the database?

Same thing I always say. Databases don't kill people, guns do.

No...guns don't....leave them on a table and they shoot no one....muslim extremists kill people...in gun free zones....
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

And the far left drones goes right on narrative..

Remember it is you far left drones that only want the criminals to have guns..

If you far left drones had your way car bombs would be the norm in the US..
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

Was he an NRA member? Did he have a CC permit? Did he pass a background check?

He could have used a bomb and killed even more. Trying to blame this on the NRA or guns is just a bullshit PC lie that you libs try to put out after every radical Islamic attack.
Gay lives don't matter... Muslim lives do matter...

No....100,000 new democrat voters before November matter.....regardless of wether we can vet them for terrorist links or not......hilary needs the votes...
One of my employees who is Puerto Rican just informed me that there are a lot of guys named Omar who are Puerto Rican. I heard that he was from Miami, so my friend could be right. If it's true, he isn't likely Muslim.

Parents are from Afghanistan. Mateen is not a Hispanic name.

It's all over the news.
No, it's not. Likely made up by some right winger.

It is. His father has made a statement.

You should know better than to think I'd type something without verifying the facts. If CNN is wrong....I will retract.

Yes updated....50 DEAD.

3rd worst terror attack on US soil after Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Good job liberals. Let's embrace Islam and open those borders!!!!!

You seem very happy. How odd.

Happy???? Fuck you you piece of shit. We have 50 dead Americans. These animals can and will attack us all over the country and I want it stopped. You people keep enabling them. I consider people of your ideology to be traitors now and in a just world you'd be hung as such.
One of my employees who is Puerto Rican just informed me that there are a lot of guys named Omar who are Puerto Rican. I heard that he was from Miami, so my friend could be right. If it's true, he isn't likely Muslim.

Parents are from Afghanistan. Mateen is not a Hispanic name.

It's all over the news.
No, it's not. Likely made up by some right winger.

Yeah it is...moron.

The gunman, who was born to Afghan parents, was carrying a suspicious device, possibly a suicide vest, when he opened fire on the dance floor inside Pulse in the early hours of this morning.

Read more: 'Islamic extremist' shoots dead at least 50 at Florida gay club
you and your and fellow bi group members should keep a low profile , bi catfish
I just watched a news report that the father of the guy who killed 50 people at Pulse said his son wasn't part of an extremist group. That he saw two men kissing in public and it really upset him.

Thank God it's not Muslim based. It's just another crazy right winger who hates gays.
Is it true that the guy bragged about ties to islamic terror? Anyone else hear the FBI say this....?

FBI: Suspect Bragged About Ties To ‘Terrorist Organizations’

FBI Special Agent Ron Hopper, who’s in charge of Orlando’s FBI office, says that the individual who attacked an Orlando nightclub Sunday morning bragged about “having ties to terrorist organizations.”

The shooter is reportedly Omar Mateen, a U.S. citizen from Port Saint Lucie, Fla., according to CBS News.
Hopper said, “The history that we know of this individual so far is that he may have made threats that he was tied to” islamic terror. (RELATED: 20 Dead, 42 Injured In Orlando Shooting — FBI Investigating Terror Ties)

In an interview on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends Sunday,” Hopper said, “There’s allegations that the individual has made threats in the past to having ties to terrorist organizations.

Read more: FBI: Suspect Bragged About Ties To ‘Terrorist Organizations’

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