Florida Pulse gay club attacked

How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.
I just heard on the news that the death toll is up to 50 now.

Yes updated....50 DEAD.

3rd worst terror attack on US soil after Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Good job liberals. Let's embrace Islam and open those borders!!!!!
Liberals will be angrier at a Christian baker than they are at Muslim killing 50 gays.
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.
I just heard on the news that the death toll is up to 50 now.

Yes, I heard that too. But don't expect obozo or the hildebeast to utter the words "radical Islamic terrorist".

Those two traitors will find a way to blame this on the USA, Bush, or Trump-----------watch.
One of my employees who is Puerto Rican just informed me that there are a lot of guys named Omar who are Puerto Rican. I heard that he was from Miami, so my friend could be right. If it's true, he isn't likely Muslim.

Parents are from Afghanistan. Mateen is not a Hispanic name.

It's all over the news.
No, it's not. Likely made up by some right winger.
The father of the shooter said his son was angry at having seen two men kissing in MIami. He said it was nothing to do with religion.
One of my employees who is Puerto Rican just informed me that there are a lot of guys named Omar who are Puerto Rican. I heard that he was from Miami, so my friend could be right. If it's true, he isn't likely Muslim.
omar is also a cuban name
How can Comservative politics prevent such tragedies? Why did the OP and other Conservatives jump so quickly to blame Liberals?

We have seen terror attacks with Republicans in charge, and yet no Comservative cited domestic politics to blame then.

Yeah...before 3,000 Americans were murdered by muslim terrorists you might have had a point...now...not so much.....considering democrats want to import more democrat voters from muslim countries without taking that oh so important step of vetting them......the votes count...American gay lives don't....
My two predictions about the shooter.

1) They will find that everyone in his life knew he was nuts.
2) Despite that, he was easily able to purchase an assault weapon.

So you still think the clerks at a gun shop should be able to diagnose a mental illness?

And what will you say if the shooter was seeing a mental health professional, and that professional did not report him to the database?

Same thing I always say. Databases don't kill people, guns do.

Databases help keep known lunatics from buying guns at gun shops. Waiting until after the crazy fuckers kill someone to speak up about someone being crazy makes you an accessory to the crime.
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

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