Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Is it true that the guy bragged about ties to islamic terror? Anyone else hear the FBI say this....?

FBI: Suspect Bragged About Ties To ‘Terrorist Organizations’

FBI Special Agent Ron Hopper, who’s in charge of Orlando’s FBI office, says that the individual who attacked an Orlando nightclub Sunday morning bragged about “having ties to terrorist organizations.”

The shooter is reportedly Omar Mateen, a U.S. citizen from Port Saint Lucie, Fla., according to CBS News.
Hopper said, “The history that we know of this individual so far is that he may have made threats that he was tied to” islamic terror. (RELATED: 20 Dead, 42 Injured In Orlando Shooting — FBI Investigating Terror Ties)

In an interview on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends Sunday,” Hopper said, “There’s allegations that the individual has made threats in the past to having ties to terrorist organizations.

Read more: FBI: Suspect Bragged About Ties To ‘Terrorist Organizations’
It doesn't say radical Islamic terrorists. It could be some domestic group, but most likely Omar, if that's his name, is more closely tied to the "Nuts'R'Us" group of "terrorists". IOW, he's a domestic nutjob looking for an excuse to go nuts.
Happy???? Fuck you you piece of shit. We have 50 dead Americans. These animals can and will attack us all over the country and I want it stopped. You people keep enabling them. I consider people of your ideology to be traitors now and in a just world you'd be hung as such.

Liberals dont care that 50 Americans are dead, even if they were all homosexuals.

The final goal is the destruction of America itself, that much is very plain.
Which is why they are pro voter suppression, 90% white and hate minorities. Oh those liberals.



Oh, never mind.

Except you forgot that all racists of all colors now belong to the democrat party....it is no longer just white racists...black and hispanic racists are now in the democrat party...la raza, obama, the nation of islam, NAACP.....they all came together to push big government...and to exploit it for their individual racist purposes...
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

And the far left drones goes right on narrative..

Remember it is you far left drones that only want the criminals to have guns..

If you far left drones had your way car bombs would be the norm in the US..

Far left? How about you righties jumping on "obama and open borders."

Obama and Hillary want to let in thousands of unvetted muslim "refugees". Are you really so naïve that you think they are all good people?
Trump rhetoric encourages attacks and radicals. A Fact!

Yeah...that is why bernie and hilary supporters are the ones throwing the punches and the eggs....at Trump supporters who simply retreat.........
You mean those people were killed with eggs?

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Think Democrats belong to any of them?
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"CBS: Orlando mass shooting is ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK; We told you."

Exploiting a tragedy for some perceived partisan gain and to justify your bigotry and hate – you and those who agree with you are indeed scum.
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

Was he an NRA member? Did he have a CC permit? Did he pass a background check?

He could have used a bomb and killed even more. Trying to blame this on the NRA or guns is just a bullshit PC lie that you libs try to put out after every radical Islamic attack.

It's Timmy... worthless moron Timmy.
I just watched a news report that the father of the guy who killed 50 people at Pulse said his son wasn't part of an extremist group. That he saw two men kissing in public and it really upset him.

Thank God it's not Muslim based. It's just another crazy right winger who hates gays.
It's a Muslim thing… They just kill gays
"CBS: Orlando mass shooting is ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK; We told you."

Exploiting a tragedy for some perceived partisan gain and to justify your bigotry and hate – you and those who agree with you are indeed scum.

bigotry and hate.....if the guy was a devout muslim with ties to terror group or at least sympathy for them...show the bigotry and hate asshole......
"CBS: Orlando mass shooting is ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK; We told you."

Exploiting a tragedy for some perceived partisan gain and to justify your bigotry and hate – you and those who agree with you are indeed scum.

You are a moron.
"CBS: Orlando mass shooting is ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK; We told you."

Exploiting a tragedy for some perceived partisan gain and to justify your bigotry and hate – you and those who agree with you are indeed scum.

You mean like MSNBC's Joy Reid was doing on Meet The Press pushing gun control? That kind of partisan gain?
Bill Maher, to his credit, is the only prominent voice on the left that has any sanity or conviction of belief and not a total hypocrite on Islam. And he is 100% right when he says that this issue will cost crooked Hillary the election.

The gay community is slowing coming around to the fact that the left is not their ally. They have used them and are now on to their next group they can exploit and use. The gay community has a history of being dissidents that used satire and comedy as their most effective weapons in a cultural war that they have won. Here
Targeting gays is something the Islamic's extremists and Christian extremists both agree on.

This is absurdity I am talking about. This is the abject complete stupidity of the left on this issue demonstrated succinctly in one sentence. TEN Islamic countries the punishment for being gay is execution. All the atrocities in the Islamic world, and your fictitious and bullshit sentiment that "Christians are doing it too"--you sir are devoid of critical thinking and undeserving of being heard.

Tell us about Crusades and Salem Witch Trails--regal us all with the modern comparison to what the Islamic world has wrought.
Sounds kind of ridiculous that hypocrite Goggle would move it's operations to an Islamic country where they execute homosexuals, in order to protest a law preventing men from using the ladies room in the U.S. but hypocrisy is what the left is about these days.
If he was a citizen, Donnie will need to set up internment camps, like WW2.
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

And the far left drones goes right on narrative..

Remember it is you far left drones that only want the criminals to have guns..

If you far left drones had your way car bombs would be the norm in the US..

Far left? How about you righties jumping on "obama and open borders."

Obama and Hillary want to let in thousands of unvetted muslim "refugees". Are you really so naïve that you think they are all good people?

Liberals don't give a shit about the lasting effects of their idiocy. Anything that trashes Christianity is good for them.. Then when something like this happens they spew the most moronic horse shit you've ever heard.. It's comical at best and pathetic which is their norm. Liberals own this.. 1000% Importing terrorism.

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