Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Can I post here?

Yeah, pretty much any time we have a mass shooting, we can expect you to show up and blame ANYTHING but the fact the guy was able to get an assault weapon and kill a lot of people.

so please have at it.

You mean he went to a gun free zone and committed an illegal act with one gun out of 357,000,000 guns that were not used to commit murder today.........that is what you are upset about......

Targeting gays is something the Islamic's extremists and Christian extremists both agree on.

BS, when have Christians murdered gays?
Throughout history.

Throughout history. You have to literally go back two hundred years or more to find a comparison with what is occurring in the MODERN Islamic world. You haven't a point to make, or a thought within your vacuous head. Why do you justify and excuse the bigotry and intolerance, holding tight to this laughable and downright stupid belief that Christianity and Islam are just as intolerant and bigoted. Christians allowed nude art in the Middle Ages--and in MODERN times they are having to cover up art as to not offend and be murdered by Islamist.

"Artists", who are actually coward know-nothing leftists, smear shit on depictions of the Virgin Mary in New York--among many, many examples of disrespecting Christianity. No death threats. Bill Maher frequently reminds his viewers, he isn't afraid of Christians he is afraid of Muslims. Now think, try and demonstrate a sliver of critical thinking, what do you think the response would be if these same "artists", who were praised for their courage, did the same to Islam. Think hard.
I'm surprised Republicans would be upset over 50 dead gays.
one thing is for sure...

obama is pissed...this is a perfect place to call for gun control...but the muslim guy messed that up by being a muslim...now obama has to ignore the muslim part and the press has to ignore it...and it just makes it harder for his teleprompter to cover for him....
I'm surprised Republicans would be upset over 50 dead gays.

Repulicans don't hate gays...you guys hate republicans...as we see at every rally where you beat them up and throw eggs at them.....
Can I post here?

Yeah, pretty much any time we have a mass shooting, we can expect you to show up and blame ANYTHING but the fact the guy was able to get an assault weapon and kill a lot of people.

so please have at it.
And yet you think more gun control laws would have prevented this? You should know by now Muslims don't obey any laws but their own from their God Mohammed.
BTW - ar15s are just sporting rifles, get your facts right. Dumbass
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country? This shooting is a direct result of the left wing policy of letting everyone into this country with no vetting.

The blood of these dead americans is on the hands of Obama and everyone who supports his treasonous open border policies.

The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

And the far left drones goes right on narrative..

Remember it is you far left drones that only want the criminals to have guns..

If you far left drones had your way car bombs would be the norm in the US..

Far left? How about you righties jumping on "obama and open borders."

Obama and Hillary want to let in thousands of unvetted muslim "refugees". Are you really so naïve that you think they are all good people?

Liberals don't give a shit about the lasting effects of their idiocy. Anything that trashes Christianity is good for them.. Then when something like this happens they spew the most moronic horse shit you've ever heard.. It's comical at best and pathetic which is their norm. Liberals own this.. 1000% Importing terrorism.
Yep......missed seeing your posts BTW.
I don't think you are really being fair to rdean, here, Kondor. I have read lots and lots of his posts and have yet to notice one that ISN'T stupid. He's just being consistent, here.
Yes... you are entirely correct... I was wrong... my apologies to him-her-it, and to all... my bad... I am soooooo ashamed... won't happen again...

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