Florida Pulse gay club attacked

This isn't a debate about Gay rights.. this is about DEAD Americans.. Stop labeling everyone and worry about our nation being at risk.. Vote for a liberal- no one gives a shit.

If this had happened at a church, you'd be saying that it's about Christian rights.
Conservative Islamic jihadist with guns and a bomb vest.

This is about LGBT rights. It is about terrorism.

Police: 50 feared dead after Florida nightclub terror attack
CNN‎ - 13 mins ago
Pulse nightclub: Gunfire erupted at a club in Orlando, Florida, with multiple injuries reported. ... just hours after a shooter opened fire in what appears to be the deadliest mass ...
What We Know About Omar Mateen, Suspected Orlando Night Club Shooter
ABC News‎ - 6 mins ago
Orlando Nightclub Shooting: 'We consider this an act of terrorism,' 20 dead inside Pulse Nightclub, officials say
WFTV Orlando‎ - 24 mins ago
More news for orlando nightclub shooter
This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
Born in New York City, and lived in Port St. Lucie. So, can we stop with the "Sand Ni**er", "Camel Jockey" comments? This was an American Citizen who did this.

He's a Muslim.
And you’re a hateful rightwing bigot.
Well, he is just stating the facts, as he understands them. The police have confirmed that he was "radicalized" by some group. stating that fact doesn't make Soggy a bigot. However, I would like Soggy to tell us what makes that important, ideologically, or politically.

Trump's wall wouldn't have prevented this. Trump's ban of Muslim immigrants would not have prevented this. So, what does Soggy think could have been done, related to this American Citizen being a Muslim, to have prevented this?
Would you anti gun loons please explain what these magic Watch Lists are and how they actually stop determined terrorists from getting weapons......we would really like to know.............

The FBI has a Terrorist Watch List that keeps these people off Airplanes....

But not from buying guns because the NRA INSISTED that it not be used for that.
More proof you hate the Constitution and seek to deprive American citizens of their rights without due process.
How can Comservative politics prevent such tragedies? Why did the OP and other Conservatives jump so quickly to blame Liberals?

We have seen terror attacks with Republicans in charge, and yet no Comservative cited domestic politics to blame then.

Yeah...before 3,000 Americans were murdered by muslim terrorists you might have had a point...now...not so much.....considering democrats want to import more democrat voters from muslim countries without taking that oh so important step of vetting them......the votes count...American gay lives don't....
.01%. That's the percentage of Muslims involved in terrorist organizations. .01%

Saying all Muslims are terrorists because all Muslims believe Westerners should die is like saying all Christians feel that it's fitting and proper to protest at military funerals, like the Westboro Baptists do because all Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin.
Is it any surprise with the constant vitriol against gays by rightwing Christians and their ilk? the blood is on their hands just as much as the shooter, it cannot be washed off and will not be forgotten. Remember, the chickens always come home to roost
Of course he's a dem... They can't tolerate views other than their own.
Made obvious on Barrys watch, most all of these mass shootings are people emboldened "their" guy is in the White House...
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Folks.....open the borders. Stop being bigots.

The shooter was an American citizen, dipshit.
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
To the BOLD: Do you have any actual, evidence of that claim? Because, not one news source has reported that. "Radicalized" does not necessarily indicate that he had renounced his American citizenship.

If it's on the Internet it must be true

You're getting annoying, really annoying.

Because I prefer honesty instead of bullshit propaganda? Where is your source for this Internet meme? How do we even know that's really a picture of the shooter? Where is the evidence of his voter registration?

Pony up or shut up. Anyone can put anything on the Internet
How can Comservative politics prevent such tragedies? Why did the OP and other Conservatives jump so quickly to blame Liberals?

We have seen terror attacks with Republicans in charge, and yet no Comservative cited domestic politics to blame then.

Yeah...before 3,000 Americans were murdered by muslim terrorists you might have had a point...now...not so much.....considering democrats want to import more democrat voters from muslim countries without taking that oh so important step of vetting them......the votes count...American gay lives don't....
.01%. That's the percentage of Muslims involved in terrorist organizations. .01%

Saying all Muslims are terrorists because all Muslims believe Westerners should die is like saying all Christians feel that it's fitting and proper to protest at military funerals, like the Westboro Baptists do because all Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin.
Christians don't define Christianity...
Muhamed does defines Islam...

If it's on the Internet it must be true

You're getting annoying, really annoying.

Because I prefer honesty instead of bullshit propaganda? Where is your source for this Internet meme? How do we even know that's really a picture of the shooter? Where is the evidence of his voter registration?

Pony up or shut up. Anyone can put anything on the Internet

You're in position to give me direction, troll. How's that? Now you can go ahead and prove it's "propaganda" or YOU can shut up
They are? Guarantee to you over 90% of them will vote for Hillary and not Trump.
IF they vote at all. Obviously in such a case, they'd be voting for the "lesser of two evils" in terms of who is attacking their rights as American citizens.

Conservatives have been the ones consistently attacking their rights as American citizens. You think gays don't know that?
This isn't a debate about Gay rights.. this is about DEAD Americans.. Stop labeling everyone and worry about our nation being at risk.. Vote for a liberal- no one gives a shit.

We're not at risk.
Agreed, not at risk as a nation. As individuals, a very limited risk compared to dying of heart disease or car accidents.
Would you anti gun loons please explain what these magic Watch Lists are and how they actually stop determined terrorists from getting weapons......we would really like to know.............

The FBI has a Terrorist Watch List that keeps these people off Airplanes....

But not from buying guns because the NRA INSISTED that it not be used for that.

A lot of people end up on the watch list who are completely innocent.
Folks.....open the borders. Stop being bigots.

The shooter was an American citizen, dipshit.
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?

If it's on the Internet it must be true

You're getting annoying, really annoying.

Because I prefer honesty instead of bullshit propaganda? Where is your source for this Internet meme? How do we even know that's really a picture of the shooter? Where is the evidence of his voter registration?

Pony up or shut up. Anyone can put anything on the Internet

You're in position to give me direction, troll. How's that? Now you can go ahead and prove it's "propaganda" or YOU can shut up

You posted it, not me. The onus is on you to cite your source and prove it's true. Should be easy to do, right? It's not up to me to prove a negative.

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