Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Right wingers have said AIDS is God's cure for being gay. Guess one got tired of waiting.
A gay hating religious right winger. They are all pretty much the same. They just wear different labels.
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen

Born November 16, 1986

Currently residing in Fort Pierce, Florida

He registered to vote July 19, 2006

He is registered in the Florida Democratic Party

You mean he went to a gun free zone and committed an illegal act with one gun out of 357,000,000 guns that were not used to commit murder today.........that is what you are upset about......

Was it a "gun free zone"?

And do you really think that if someone had a gun in a noisy, crowded night club erupting into chaos, they'd have really been that much help?

But like I said, whenever there is a mass shooting, you will show up with NRA talking points about how a guy who was apparently on the FBI's terror watch list was able to buy a military grade weapon is totally what the Founders had in mind when they said "Well regulated Militia'.
Look again dumbass, an ar 15 is just a sporting rifle... Lol
If it is a muslim targeting gay Americans....this story will be over before Noon...........nothing to see here
Are there any wagering going on how Obama will present this incident to the public in his press conference?

  1. Islamic Terrorist attack
  2. Gay mafia
  3. Workplace violence
  4. RightwingFundamentalism
  5. Result of 2nd Amendment
There is a blonde bimbo on MSNBC who referred to the Boston Marathon shooting! The Boston Marathon was a bombing a pressure cooker bomb and of course tom broke with did not correct her but launched into the pitch for gun control. Gawd. Liberal media sucks.
If it is a muslim targeting gay Americans....this story will be over before Noon...........nothing to see here
Are there any wagering going on how Obama will present this incident to the public in his speech?

  1. Islamic Terrorist attack
  2. Gay mafia
  3. Workplace violence
  4. RightwingFundamentalism
  5. Guns

6. A tragedy that you weren't there.
Fellow patriots....join me in standing with our fellow American victims of this TERROR ATTACK....many of whom appear to be gay.

We stand with you and pray for all victims. DO NOT LET THIS EVIL TERROR THREAT DEFEAT OUR COUNTRY. They target all of us....and today....they targeted our gay citizens.

Oh and she said since the shooters daddy said this has nothing to do with religion then that's that.
How can Comservative politics prevent such tragedies? Why did the OP and other Conservatives jump so quickly to blame Liberals?

We have seen terror attacks with Republicans in charge, and yet no Comservative cited domestic politics to blame then.

Yeah...before 3,000 Americans were murdered by muslim terrorists you might have had a point...now...not so much.....considering democrats want to import more democrat voters from muslim countries without taking that oh so important step of vetting them......the votes count...American gay lives don't....
.01%. That's the percentage of Muslims involved in terrorist organizations. .01%

Saying all Muslims are terrorists because all Muslims believe Westerners should die is like saying all Christians feel that it's fitting and proper to protest at military funerals, like the Westboro Baptists do because all Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin.
Christians don't define Christianity...
Muhamed does defines Islam...
If Muslims are as devout as Christians, why are only .01% of Muslims radical?

You don't know enough about theology to attempt conclusions.
BBC just reported there was a controlled explosion and the gunman is dead.
The MO of an Islamic terrorist. For the gays and liberals in this thread, just replace "Islamic" with Christian or conservative.
Exactly...sounds like one of your fellow mooslims.
Fellow muslim like Obama? He is letting them cross the border without resistance and you support it. You are the queers worst enemy, even though you are one.
Oh and she said since the shooters daddy said this has nothing to do with religion then that's that.

Well, his father would be far more qualified to speculate on the man's state of mind than you. The father said that he seemed to become irate when seeing two men kissing a few weeks back. That suggests this could have been just plain old homophobia.
Conservatives have been the ones consistently attacking their rights as American citizens. You think gays don't know that?

You are damn right the gays know how their rights are being attacked ... That's why they are joining the Pink Pistols.

For the sake of an argument let's say you're right.
Rights attacked =/= murdered in cold blood

This board needs to get a grip

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