Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Folks.....open the borders. Stop being bigots.

The shooter was an American citizen, dipshit.
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
So, we should do what with the grown offspring of Middle Eastern immigrants, exactly?
It might already be a little late for that, but we definitely need to get a handle on the situation and stop repeating past mistakes...

As opposed to the Jackass Party position of "Bring in 100,000 more, as long as they will vote Democrat!!!"
So...even though this was a crime perpetrated by an American Citizen, it's proof that we should ban all Muslim immigrants - not because those Muslims are terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really?!?!? That is your position?!?!?
As we don't know who is responsible at this point, perhaps we'd better save wild accusations until you know you won't look stupid later if it proves to be some other party.
You asked for a guess.
Gun fire + bomb vest = Sand Ni99er.

:ack-1: I have never heard them be called this before.

Is it any surprise with the constant vitriol against gays by rightwing Christians and their ilk? the blood is on their hands just as much as the shooter, it cannot be washed off and will not be forgotten. Remember, the chickens always come home to roost

He saw 2 guys kissing and was angry
I am sure it was fueled by all of the gay hate all over the news this last year, it brings out the crazies....

"Last weekend Senator Ted Cruz, along with fellow GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, spoke at a conference in Des Moines headed up by a man who advocates the execution of gay people — per his interpretation of the bible — and who made his call for mass gay extermination once again, onstage at the event, the National Religious Liberties Conference"

Why Is the Media Ignoring Ted Cruz's Embrace of 'Kill the Gays' Pastor?

Had we banned Muslim immigration decades ago this terrorist never would've been here because his parents wouldn't have come.
He has a device on him. Hmm.. Who carries a "device" with thenm on killing sprees?
Columbine......they were your fellow mooslims too?
You can virtue signal and concern troll all you want, you're still not getting my guns.
Don't want your guns...I have my own.

Yes, I do. Funny how you want to disarm everyone so that this sort of horrible thing can be easier for the animals that commit these atrocities. You defend Muslim violence at every turn, and then you want to disarm those who would defend themselves from it. You're pretty fucked up.
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country?

From what I'm hearing, the guy was an American.

Also, all of you who continue to insist on this islamophobic nonsense are no better than liberals crying for gun control laws. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens, and the vast majority of Muslims are law abiding citizens.
He is an American citizen born of Afghanie parents. Migrated from New York to Fla. and was a devout Muslim.

And you're American born crotch rot with 27 brain cells, 19 of which serve as redundant back ups. What's your point?
Stfu you moron. Attacking me won't take this terrorists Islamic extremist reality away.
You are damn right the gays know how their rights are being attacked ... That's why they are joining the Pink Pistols.

For the sake of an argument let's say you're right.
Rights attacked =/= murdered in cold blood

This board needs to get a grip

That's not what I meant at all ... I was making a comment towards gay people being upset about their rights being attacked.
So upset in fact ... They have started an organization that supports our 2nd Amendment rights.

In an interview with one of the founders ... It was interesting what he had to say about how the media and politicians tried to handle his organization.
They damn sure couldn't called them Christian fundamentalist, truck driving, redneck hayseed gun clingers ... Or anything derogatory for that matter.

The founder also had some interesting insight on how the LGBT movement could shed light on new avenues for 2nd Amendment protectors.
First off ... He said gun owners needed to stop being defensive all the time ... And that changing the culture with "I'm here and I'm queer" went a long ways towards helping people understand they have rights and there isn't crap you can do about it.

He stated there was no difference in his right to protection under the law because he was gay and his right to own firearms.
I don't have enough information at this point to speculate on all the reasons why some jackass shot up a Florida Nightclub.

How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country?

From what I'm hearing, the guy was an American.

Also, all of you who continue to insist on this islamophobic nonsense are no better than liberals crying for gun control laws. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens, and the vast majority of Muslims are law abiding citizens.
He is an American citizen born of Afghanie parents. Migrated from New York to Fla. and was a devout Muslim.
...and...? This whole "He was a Muslim...his parents were Afghani..." keeps getting repeated, but no one has told me why that matters, or what could have been done, relating to this information, to prevent this.

Easy. Had we banned Muslim immigration years ago....his Afghanistan parents never would've been here and...thus...HE never would've been here. See how that works???

His dad saying his sons rampage was motivated by seeing 2 men kiss. Ah those tolerant peaceful Muslims....

Mass Casualties After 'Terrorism' at Orlando Gay Club
So, again, we should ban Muslim Immigrants, not because they are likely terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really???? You are seriously taking that position with a straight face?!?!?
Born in New York City, and lived in Port St. Lucie. So, can we stop with the "Sand Ni**er", "Camel Jockey" comments? This was an American Citizen who did this.

It's funny how you lefties love to separate people by race or ethnicity until it serves you not to, then you call them Americans no matter what their heritage.
And his heritage matters, because...?
Of course he's a dem... They can't tolerate views other than their own.

God damn Democrats, always hatin' on the gays....
He was a registered Democrat, he did some hate'n on them gays at that nightclub... Lol
You aren't really taking your cues from some unconfirmed internet meme, are you? No one in law enforcement has given any such information. No news source is providing such details. But, if an anonymous internet meme said it, it must be so, right?
Progressives always side with Islam...
The God of Islam

Muslims are sanctified by the blood of murdered kafirs. If the prophet of Islam, Mohammed, was alive today he would be sitting on death row somewhere waiting for his execution.

What is important to understand is that none of these depraved and criminal acts are seen as crimes to Muslims, except if they are committed by someone else. They are all holy, divine acts that their own prophet indulged in and therefore they have been given the stamp of validation as the moral code to be emulated by all Muslim men. They are all Sunna [The traditional portion of Muslim law based on Muhammad’s words or acts, accepted (together with the Koran) as authoritative by Muslims].

  • Molested his wife – six-year-old Baby Aisha. One of Baby Aisha’s wifely duties was to clean semen stains from the prophet’s clothes. The prophet would take a bath with Baby Aisha and ‘thigh’ with Baby Aisha, meaning she was too small to be penetrated so he would take his penis and rub it up and down her thighs and against her vagina. Being a man of ‘mercy’ he did not penetrate Baby Aisha until she was nine.
  • Raped Baby Aisha when she was nine (texts have altered her age when Muslims could not explain why their prophet married and consummated the marriage with a small child. Koranic texts makes it clear that Mohammed married her when she was six years old. For a marriage to be legally deemed valid it had to be sexually consummated. The Hadith clearly proves that Mohammed was a notorious pedophile). Advocated sex with baby girls.
  • Raped a retarded woman. Murdered a woman. Had sex with his dead aunt.
  • Captured women and raped them. Kept women as sex slaves. Muhammad had sex with 61 women: many he raped. There is no consensual sex between a child girl and a man. There is no consensual sex between a master and his sex slave. There is no consensual sex between a woman conquered in war and her husband conqueror. All such sexual acts are rape. RAPE IS RAPE.
  • Had eleven wives at one time. Sexually abused his wives. Raped his wives. Forced sex during their menstruation including Baby Aisha. Mentally abused his wives. Can you imagine taking a child (or any aged woman) and molesting with your hand/fist her menstruating vagina?
  • Beheaded his enemies. 600/900 Jewish men at one massacre. Had Jewish boys as young as 13 years old beheaded after pulling down their pants and inspecting groin for pubic hair.
  • Ordered the murder, torture, terrorization of Christians and Jews if they did not convert to Islam. Forced Christians and Jews from Saudi Arabia (the mass exile).
  • Assassinated people for insulting him or Islam. Established totalitarian rule. Had followers and their families burnt alive in their homes for missing prayer.
  • Ordered the extermination, torture and terrorization of kafirs. Instigated 60 massacres and personally participated in 27 of them.
  • Owned and sold slaves. Enslaved women and children.
  • Called his black slaves pug noses and compared them to Satan.
  • Treated his black slaves as beasts of burden.
  • Lied and cheated. Mohammed encouraged his men to lie to deceive someone in order to get what he wanted.
  • Caused division and hatred. Ordered no befriending with Christians and Jews.
  • Subjugated and oppressed Muslim women. Required them to cover their faces.
  • Married his daughter–in–law.
  • Approved prostitution.
  • Encouraged the rape of women in front of their husbands.
  • Recommended wife beating. Hit his wife – Baby Aisha.
  • Murdered prisoners of war. Committed acts of terror.
  • Advocated suicide attacks.
  • Executed apostates and homosexuals.
  • Beat children who didn’t pray. Abolished adoption.
  • Honor killings of Muslim women and children.
  • Beat alcoholics. Lied.
  • Stoned adulators to death. Stoned a woman to death after she had given birth.
  • Ordered thief’s hands/feet chopped off.
  • Tortured a man out of greed.
  • Looted and plundered.
  • Preached hate for people of other religions.
  • Extorted money from other religions
  • Forced conversions to Islam
  • Allowed his companions to execute, behead, rape and enslave.
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country?

From what I'm hearing, the guy was an American.

Also, all of you who continue to insist on this islamophobic nonsense are no better than liberals crying for gun control laws. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens, and the vast majority of Muslims are law abiding citizens.
He is an American citizen born of Afghanie parents. Migrated from New York to Fla. and was a devout Muslim.
...and...? This whole "He was a Muslim...his parents were Afghani..." keeps getting repeated, but no one has told me why that matters, or what could have been done, relating to this information, to prevent this.

Easy. Had we banned Muslim immigration years ago....his Afghanistan parents never would've been here and...thus...HE never would've been here. See how that works???

His dad saying his sons rampage was motivated by seeing 2 men kiss. Ah those tolerant peaceful Muslims....

Mass Casualties After 'Terrorism' at Orlando Gay Club
So, again, we should ban Muslim Immigrants, not because they are likely terrorists, but because their kids might grow up to become such?!?! Really???? You are seriously taking that position with a straight face?!?!?
Of course he's a dem... They can't tolerate views other than their own.

God damn Democrats, always hatin' on the gays....
He was a registered Democrat, he did some hate'n on them gays at that nightclub... Lol
You aren't really taking your cues from some unconfirmed internet meme, are you? No one in law enforcement has given any such information. No news source is providing such details. But, if an anonymous internet meme said it, it must be so, right?
Progressives always side with Islam...
The God of Islam

Muslims are sanctified by the blood of murdered kafirs. If the prophet of Islam, Mohammed, was alive today he would be sitting on death row somewhere waiting for his execution.

What is important to understand is that none of these depraved and criminal acts are seen as crimes to Muslims, except if they are committed by someone else. They are all holy, divine acts that their own prophet indulged in and therefore they have been given the stamp of validation as the moral code to be emulated by all Muslim men. They are all Sunna [The traditional portion of Muslim law based on Muhammad’s words or acts, accepted (together with the Koran) as authoritative by Muslims].

  • Molested his wife – six-year-old Baby Aisha. One of Baby Aisha’s wifely duties was to clean semen stains from the prophet’s clothes. The prophet would take a bath with Baby Aisha and ‘thigh’ with Baby Aisha, meaning she was too small to be penetrated so he would take his penis and rub it up and down her thighs and against her vagina. Being a man of ‘mercy’ he did not penetrate Baby Aisha until she was nine.
  • Raped Baby Aisha when she was nine (texts have altered her age when Muslims could not explain why their prophet married and consummated the marriage with a small child. Koranic texts makes it clear that Mohammed married her when she was six years old. For a marriage to be legally deemed valid it had to be sexually consummated. The Hadith clearly proves that Mohammed was a notorious pedophile). Advocated sex with baby girls.
  • Raped a retarded woman. Murdered a woman. Had sex with his dead aunt.
  • Captured women and raped them. Kept women as sex slaves. Muhammad had sex with 61 women: many he raped. There is no consensual sex between a child girl and a man. There is no consensual sex between a master and his sex slave. There is no consensual sex between a woman conquered in war and her husband conqueror. All such sexual acts are rape. RAPE IS RAPE.
  • Had eleven wives at one time. Sexually abused his wives. Raped his wives. Forced sex during their menstruation including Baby Aisha. Mentally abused his wives. Can you imagine taking a child (or any aged woman) and molesting with your hand/fist her menstruating vagina?
  • Beheaded his enemies. 600/900 Jewish men at one massacre. Had Jewish boys as young as 13 years old beheaded after pulling down their pants and inspecting groin for pubic hair.
  • Ordered the murder, torture, terrorization of Christians and Jews if they did not convert to Islam. Forced Christians and Jews from Saudi Arabia (the mass exile).
  • Assassinated people for insulting him or Islam. Established totalitarian rule. Had followers and their families burnt alive in their homes for missing prayer.
  • Ordered the extermination, torture and terrorization of kafirs. Instigated 60 massacres and personally participated in 27 of them.
  • Owned and sold slaves. Enslaved women and children.
  • Called his black slaves pug noses and compared them to Satan.
  • Treated his black slaves as beasts of burden.
  • Lied and cheated. Mohammed encouraged his men to lie to deceive someone in order to get what he wanted.
  • Caused division and hatred. Ordered no befriending with Christians and Jews.
  • Subjugated and oppressed Muslim women. Required them to cover their faces.
  • Married his daughter–in–law.
  • Approved prostitution.
  • Encouraged the rape of women in front of their husbands.
  • Recommended wife beating. Hit his wife – Baby Aisha.
  • Murdered prisoners of war. Committed acts of terror.
  • Advocated suicide attacks.
  • Executed apostates and homosexuals.
  • Beat children who didn’t pray. Abolished adoption.
  • Honor killings of Muslim women and children.
  • Beat alcoholics. Lied.
  • Stoned adulators to death. Stoned a woman to death after she had given birth.
  • Ordered thief’s hands/feet chopped off.
  • Tortured a man out of greed.
  • Looted and plundered.
  • Preached hate for people of other religions.
  • Extorted money from other religions
  • Forced conversions to Islam
  • Allowed his companions to execute, behead, rape and enslave.
Where did you find that picture of Johnny Cash showing us your IQ?
And to think that Hillary wants to bring in 65,000 more of those male, fighting-age "widows and orphans"....

Makes you wonder if the gays will start looking for a closet to hide in, ASAP...
. Donald Trump and the political Right will protect gays. They need to support us in the election this year.

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