Florida Pulse gay club attacked

You mean he went to a gun free zone and committed an illegal act with one gun out of 357,000,000 guns that were not used to commit murder today.........that is what you are upset about......

Was it a "gun free zone"?

And do you really think that if someone had a gun in a noisy, crowded night club erupting into chaos, they'd have really been that much help?

But like I said, whenever there is a mass shooting, you will show up with NRA talking points about how a guy who was apparently on the FBI's terror watch list was able to buy a military grade weapon is totally what the Founders had in mind when they said "Well regulated Militia'.
This is the worst muslim terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11...right....on obama's watch...as he is bringing in thousands of un-vetted muslims from war torn syria.......right?
How many more gay-hating radical islamists will obozo let into this country?

From what I'm hearing, the guy was an American.

Also, all of you who continue to insist on this islamophobic nonsense are no better than liberals crying for gun control laws. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens, and the vast majority of Muslims are law abiding citizens.

Gotta love the PC morons.

Is that your way of saying that you want to ban guns for lawful citizens because of a slim minority of criminals?
Must be a hoax.
They are? Guarantee to you over 90% of them will vote for Hillary and not Trump.
IF they vote at all. Obviously in such a case, they'd be voting for the "lesser of two evils" in terms of who is attacking their rights as American citizens.

Conservatives have been the ones consistently attacking their rights as American citizens. You think gays don't know that?
The guy is a citizen. Let's talk about the NRA and loose gun laws.

And the far left drones goes right on narrative..

Remember it is you far left drones that only want the criminals to have guns..

If you far left drones had your way car bombs would be the norm in the US..

Far left? How about you righties jumping on "obama and open borders."

Obama and Hillary want to let in thousands of unvetted muslim "refugees". Are you really so naïve that you think they are all good people?

Liberals don't give a shit about the lasting effects of their idiocy. Anything that trashes Christianity is good for them.. Then when something like this happens they spew the most moronic horse shit you've ever heard.. It's comical at best and pathetic which is their norm. Liberals own this.. 1000% Importing terrorism.
Yep......missed seeing your posts BTW.

Missed you! :)
They are? Guarantee to you over 90% of them will vote for Hillary and not Trump.
IF they vote at all. Obviously in such a case, they'd be voting for the "lesser of two evils" in terms of who is attacking their rights as American citizens.

Conservatives have been the ones consistently attacking their rights as American citizens. You think gays don't know that?
This isn't a debate about Gay rights.. this is about DEAD Americans.. Stop labeling everyone and worry about our nation being at risk.. Vote for a liberal- no one gives a shit.
They are? Guarantee to you over 90% of them will vote for Hillary and not Trump.
IF they vote at all. Obviously in such a case, they'd be voting for the "lesser of two evils" in terms of who is attacking their rights as American citizens.

Conservatives have been the ones consistently attacking their rights as American citizens. You think gays don't know that?
This isn't a debate about Gay rights.. this is about DEAD Americans.. Stop labeling everyone and worry about our nation being at risk.. Vote for a liberal- no one gives a shit.

We're not at risk.
You mean he went to a gun free zone and committed an illegal act with one gun out of 357,000,000 guns that were not used to commit murder today.........that is what you are upset about......

Was it a "gun free zone"?

And do you really think that if someone had a gun in a noisy, crowded night club erupting into chaos, they'd have really been that much help?

But like I said, whenever there is a mass shooting, you will show up with NRA talking points about how a guy who was apparently on the FBI's terror watch list was able to buy a military grade weapon is totally what the Founders had in mind when they said "Well regulated Militia'.

I don't use NRA talking points...they should be using mine......

Again....France has made actual, fully automatic rifles completely illegal in France, they have no gun stores, you can't buy them and law abiding people cannot own them....and in that country with extreme gun control and no access to fully automatic rifles....terrorists on your magic watch lists easily got fully automatic rifles and grenades and murdered 140 people and injured hundreds of others...

Would you anti gun loons please explain what these magic Watch Lists are and how they actually stop determined terrorists from getting weapons......we would really like to know.............
They are? Guarantee to you over 90% of them will vote for Hillary and not Trump.
IF they vote at all. Obviously in such a case, they'd be voting for the "lesser of two evils" in terms of who is attacking their rights as American citizens.

Conservatives have been the ones consistently attacking their rights as American citizens. You think gays don't know that?
This isn't a debate about Gay rights.. this is about DEAD Americans.. Stop labeling everyone and worry about our nation being at risk.. Vote for a liberal- no one gives a shit.

We're not at risk.
Tell that to 50 dead people.
As no one knows who he was yet, there is a lot of room for posters such as your good self to look like fuck faced idiots if he proves to be one of the far right gun loving gentlemen so many Texans would love to have bum fuck them.
Just an observation.
What happened to your appeal to wait for facts? It seems you hate Texans and anyone else who disagrees with you. I see no difference between your hate and the hate you claim to disavow.
Would you anti gun loons please explain what these magic Watch Lists are and how they actually stop determined terrorists from getting weapons......we would really like to know.............

The FBI has a Terrorist Watch List that keeps these people off Airplanes....

But not from buying guns because the NRA INSISTED that it not be used for that.

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