Florida Pulse gay club attacked

I think we as Americans have some basic problems with our government. I would expect that the FBI would at least be informed when a person who has had two FBI terrorist interviews buys a semi automatic weapon. Seems like an obvious red flag and time well spent by the FBI to follow up.

The TSA routinely fails tests on weapons getting through airport security. It almost seems like the government is deliberately allowing mass shootings as a means to gain gun control. The tools in place are used poorly.
If killing classrooms full of 1st graders doesn't cause us to change our ways, nothing else will. It's a fact that mass shootings are now as American as Apple pie.

Maybe if the government offered a solution that kept guns away from terrorists, while preserving the right of citizens to own guns we could change things. As it is, Hillary's solution is to make it EASIER to kill citizens by denying them the right to buy and carry gun protection.
not surprising the coon lowers the flag. he doesn't lower the flag to half mast for Americans defending their country who died in combat, but he lowers it for people in a
bar who died getting teabagged. Or is the half mast a sign of submission to Islam?
The what lowers the flag?
His lice infestation started acting up at that moment. i think he meant to type in POTUS there.
I think we as Americans have some basic problems with our government. I would expect that the FBI would at least be informed when a person who has had two FBI terrorist interviews buys a semi automatic weapon. Seems like an obvious red flag and time well spent by the FBI to follow up.

The TSA routinely fails tests on weapons getting through airport security. It almost seems like the government is deliberately allowing mass shootings as a means to gain gun control. The tools in place are used poorly.
If killing classrooms full of 1st graders doesn't cause us to change our ways, nothing else will. It's a fact that mass shootings are now as American as Apple pie.

Maybe if the government offered a solution that kept guns away from terrorists, while preserving the right of citizens to own guns we could change things. As it is, Hillary's solution is to make it EASIER to kill citizens by denying them the right to buy and carry gun protection.
What exactly is Hillary's stated solution?
I think we as Americans have some basic problems with our government. I would expect that the FBI would at least be informed when a person who has had two FBI terrorist interviews buys a semi automatic weapon. Seems like an obvious red flag and time well spent by the FBI to follow up.

The TSA routinely fails tests on weapons getting through airport security. It almost seems like the government is deliberately allowing mass shootings as a means to gain gun control. The tools in place are used poorly.
If killing classrooms full of 1st graders doesn't cause us to change our ways, nothing else will. It's a fact that mass shootings are now as American as Apple pie.

Maybe if the government offered a solution that kept guns away from terrorists, while preserving the right of citizens to own guns we could change things. As it is, Hillary's solution is to make it EASIER to kill citizens by denying them the right to buy and carry gun protection.
You sound partially retarded. Its easier for a criminal to get a gun than law abiding citizens.
I think we as Americans have some basic problems with our government. I would expect that the FBI would at least be informed when a person who has had two FBI terrorist interviews buys a semi automatic weapon. Seems like an obvious red flag and time well spent by the FBI to follow up.

The TSA routinely fails tests on weapons getting through airport security. It almost seems like the government is deliberately allowing mass shootings as a means to gain gun control. The tools in place are used poorly.
If killing classrooms full of 1st graders doesn't cause us to change our ways, nothing else will. It's a fact that mass shootings are now as American as Apple pie.

Maybe if the government offered a solution that kept guns away from terrorists, while preserving the right of citizens to own guns we could change things. As it is, Hillary's solution is to make it EASIER to kill citizens by denying them the right to buy and carry gun protection.
You sound partially retarded. Its easier for a criminal to get a gun than law abiding citizens.

Criminals would have a record and as such be ineligible for a gun purchase through legal means. You sound completely retarded.
You do realize he already had a gun. He was an armed security guard.
Look in the mirror WC... If anyone is filled with pure rage and hatred, it's YOU and you've shown it here today all day long..

LOL, "yes but" is the standard denial of people like you.

You're not fooling anyone with your moronic "LOL." The news has been talking about people like you, all day.. Terrorist enablers who try to shame people for even mentioning Muslims and terrorism, something you did from the moment this tragedy took place, screaming BIGOT AND RACIST.. It's because of ignorant haters such as yourself who puts your religion of liberalism above all else, that people die.. Americans are worried about being called a bigot if they report suspicious activities.. YOU OWN THAT, you do that.. Not me.. You have to live with that.

You're a lunatic. My point is simple, that it is too abstract for you is pitiful. The first reaction by the crazy right wing is to blame the religion of a billion + human beings, not the lunatic (and I use the same word which I characterize you purposely) who committed this atrocious act. In fact those who kill masses of human beings as we continue to see happen in our country, have one thing in common: easy access to guns of mass destruction.

Blaming liberalism is akin to blaming any noun, foolish. Declaring war on drugs, terrorism or poverty is ridiculous on its face. A noun does not describe the problems which feed the lunatics and misses the point: Seeking solutions by rational discussion and debate.

Lunatics do not (cannot) discuss issues rationally; their problem is a pathological hate, intolerance and a closed mind.
Try reading your own signature lines.

Unlike some on this message board, I always read what I write - usually several times before I post. Do you read and comprehend before you respond - or like many on this board respond by rote, usually a six or seven word sentence that begins with "you are a" and is followed by noun.
. All I have to say is: The NEW LEFT represents a GREATER threat to our nation's traditions, values and republican institutions.

Really, how clever and how false.

Which side of the aisle denied to gays and lesbians the right to a contract of marriage? Which side opposed the equal rights amendment? Which opposed the CHIPs Program, which side opposed increasing minimum wage and continuing unemployment insurance harming working men and women and their families?

Which side seeks to suppress the rights of minorities to vote, denying that this is a policy of the Republican Party is foolish since the practice of R Governors and legislators is obvious to all but fools.

Which sides activist judges voted to overturn a law of Congress by making a claim that money in politics is good, since it is protected by the First Amendment. that is, freedom of speech (of course it is, it is propaganda which is by its nature is an effort to mislead the masses to benefit the power elite). And which side rejected the fairness doctrine, allowing equal time for a rebuttal of misleading (mendacious) claims in 30-second commercials?

Telling someone they must bake a cake for a gay couple is authoritarianism lite, in comparison; it fits within the meaning in the vision statement detailed in the Preamble to COTUS, to wit: domestic tranquility.

Oh look, the terrorist enabler who targets and shames Americans if they dare call a terrorist a Muslim is melting down. You leftists days are just about over now.. but keep screeching.. it's good for the lungs! ;-)

Typical ^^^ accuse others of the sins you commit. You enable easy access to guns to everyone, and that included the asshole POS killer.
I think we as Americans have some basic problems with our government. I would expect that the FBI would at least be informed when a person who has had two FBI terrorist interviews buys a semi automatic weapon. Seems like an obvious red flag and time well spent by the FBI to follow up.

The TSA routinely fails tests on weapons getting through airport security. It almost seems like the government is deliberately allowing mass shootings as a means to gain gun control. The tools in place are used poorly.
If killing classrooms full of 1st graders doesn't cause us to change our ways, nothing else will. It's a fact that mass shootings are now as American as Apple pie.

Maybe if the government offered a solution that kept guns away from terrorists, while preserving the right of citizens to own guns we could change things. As it is, Hillary's solution is to make it EASIER to kill citizens by denying them the right to buy and carry gun protection.
You sound partially retarded. Its easier for a criminal to get a gun than law abiding citizens.

Criminals would have a record and as such be ineligible for a gun purchase through legal means. You sound completely retarded.
Criminals dont purchace guns through legal means. Thats why they are criminals. You must be a moron.
Seems to me the vetting of the parents probably was faulty. Look at this guys father. He was allowed to immigrate yet he claims alliance with the taliban. That is rather radical thinking right there.

There are no records kept or even able to be accessed by us on their citizens of middle eastern companies, countries and thusly the vetting amounts to questioning only. Do you think a radical wanting to infiltrate our country will be honest? I would also imagine much of the questioning is done by an interpreter as well.
It is true. We have a past history of allowing Muslim immigrants into the country whose children were raised to be radicals. Europe has the same problem. This means we deal with the radicals born here. It does not mean that we must bring in more to keep them company.
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Then courtesy would dictate that you night light by he board you take issue with, whiner.
The whine is all yours. I responded to a point you made and you wanted it to be something else. I can't even understand this whine. You seriously need to sack up.
You reply to a post, then spend the next 4 posts whining that I didn't respond to your post the way you wanted. Get over yourself, whiner.
You're a stupid little creep. You bitched about my response then have continued. You have nothing. You ARE nothing.
Awww...Did I hurt your wittle feelings? Maybe you should think twice before calling people names. I posted a direct response to morons insisting that, somehow, banning Muslims would stop the children of immigrants, who are American Citizens, from becoming radicalized, as american citizens, and you chose to respond with some stupid, irrelevant comment about him being question by the FBI, while being condescending, and obnoxious. Then you bitched when I demanded what that had to do with the very thing i was posting about, and spent the next 4 posts whining.

You want some respect, cupcake? Start showing some. Or, don't. I really don't care. You can go fuck your whiny, bitchy self, for all I care. Your opinion of me matters not a whit.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Like I said, you're a weird little creep. I'll let the readers decide who's ass is puckered up.
Works for me. Thank you for playing. So feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The whine is all yours. I responded to a point you made and you wanted it to be something else. I can't even understand this whine. You seriously need to sack up.
You reply to a post, then spend the next 4 posts whining that I didn't respond to your post the way you wanted. Get over yourself, whiner.
You're a stupid little creep. You bitched about my response then have continued. You have nothing. You ARE nothing.
Awww...Did I hurt your wittle feelings? Maybe you should think twice before calling people names. I posted a direct response to morons insisting that, somehow, banning Muslims would stop the children of immigrants, who are American Citizens, from becoming radicalized, as american citizens, and you chose to respond with some stupid, irrelevant comment about him being question by the FBI, while being condescending, and obnoxious. Then you bitched when I demanded what that had to do with the very thing i was posting about, and spent the next 4 posts whining.

You want some respect, cupcake? Start showing some. Or, don't. I really don't care. You can go fuck your whiny, bitchy self, for all I care. Your opinion of me matters not a whit.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Like I said, you're a weird little creep. I'll let the readers decide who's ass is puckered up.
Works for me. Thank you for playing. So feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
I'm still here and you are the gift that keeps on giving. Shrimp.
You reply to a post, then spend the next 4 posts whining that I didn't respond to your post the way you wanted. Get over yourself, whiner.
You're a stupid little creep. You bitched about my response then have continued. You have nothing. You ARE nothing.
Awww...Did I hurt your wittle feelings? Maybe you should think twice before calling people names. I posted a direct response to morons insisting that, somehow, banning Muslims would stop the children of immigrants, who are American Citizens, from becoming radicalized, as american citizens, and you chose to respond with some stupid, irrelevant comment about him being question by the FBI, while being condescending, and obnoxious. Then you bitched when I demanded what that had to do with the very thing i was posting about, and spent the next 4 posts whining.

You want some respect, cupcake? Start showing some. Or, don't. I really don't care. You can go fuck your whiny, bitchy self, for all I care. Your opinion of me matters not a whit.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Like I said, you're a weird little creep. I'll let the readers decide who's ass is puckered up.
Works for me. Thank you for playing. So feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
I'm still here and you are the gift that keeps on giving. Shrimp.
Oo. So now we've reached the part of the game where all we do is call each other names. Okay. Whiner.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You're a stupid little creep. You bitched about my response then have continued. You have nothing. You ARE nothing.
Awww...Did I hurt your wittle feelings? Maybe you should think twice before calling people names. I posted a direct response to morons insisting that, somehow, banning Muslims would stop the children of immigrants, who are American Citizens, from becoming radicalized, as american citizens, and you chose to respond with some stupid, irrelevant comment about him being question by the FBI, while being condescending, and obnoxious. Then you bitched when I demanded what that had to do with the very thing i was posting about, and spent the next 4 posts whining.

You want some respect, cupcake? Start showing some. Or, don't. I really don't care. You can go fuck your whiny, bitchy self, for all I care. Your opinion of me matters not a whit.

Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Like I said, you're a weird little creep. I'll let the readers decide who's ass is puckered up.
Works for me. Thank you for playing. So feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
I'm still here and you are the gift that keeps on giving. Shrimp.
Oo. So now we've reached the part of the game where all we do is call each other names. Okay. Whiner.
The game is to let everyone see what an idiot you are.
It almost seems like many on the left want this to happen, so they can control law abiding citizens with guns.

Oh, they totally did it. Radical Islamists and Progressives are ideological bedfellows.
The killer carried an assault rifle and a pistol, making it as easy as shooting fish in a barrel and accumulate huge numbers of murdered victims.

Maybe one should ask - WHY does a person need an assault rifle? WHY should he have been able to get it? Same thing with the San Diego shooters - they had an arsonal and bullet proof armor. We need to look at extremist ideology yes, but we also need to look at the factors that help to create such a huge death toll.

You wouldn't know an assault rifle if you tripped over one.

Which of these rifle's is an assault rifle?


this one or both?

It's the other one that she shoved up your asshole.

So which one is the assault rifle or are both of them assault rifle's?

I could care less which one is - it's not up to me to make that determination. The killer had one. And he was able to rapidly kill a lot of people.

You seem to think all humans are as stupid as you are.

If a guy wants to kill people, he is going to kill them whether or not he has access to legal fire power. That's because people can make guns, they can make bombs, they can smuggle arms, they can build them in their basements.

You fucking imbecile. They exist. And you think the only people who should ever touch them are criminals and psychopaths. Die, or get out of the way. You're chaff.

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